Chapter 252 Black Hole Bomb

Maybe this is the technology system, the guns and guns of the normal era were fired in unison one moment ago, and the next moment was the black hole bomb that almost violated Tang Tian’s cognition.

But after Tang Tian experimented out the power of this kind of thing, the feeling of trembling disappeared.

Maybe it was the situation that just assumed that caused his own alertness? Tang Tian thought to himself.

He really has no means to resist the space collapse effect caused by the simultaneous explosion of tens of thousands of black hole bombs.

In fact, it is an artificial black hole, but it is only roughly created. After swallowing all the matter within the explosion range, it will gradually disappear in the effect of space healing.

Francis was a little surprised to see that the fastest rushing SSS-level self-destructing mechanical variant suddenly turned into a pile of scrap iron and minced meat.

Last time, he was struck by the Purple Lightning Crazy Thunder and killed eleven, making him think that Tang Tian was someone who had mastered and proficiently used the Purple Lightning Crazy Lightning ability.

But this time he saw through satellite monitoring, and it was determined that Tang Tian shot, not the attack of the contract variant under Tang Tian’s hands.

“What kind of ability does this guy have? A dual-type ability user? Thunder and lightning plus psychic power?” Francis was a little puzzled.

Those who want to rush to Tang Tian’s side at the speed of breaking the sound barrier, and the SSS-level variants that are ready to self-detonate with the black hole bomb are all crushed into pieces by Tang Tian’s mobilization power.

And collect the black hole bombs, which he intends to grab and use for himself.

After all, even if it devoured Francis’ system, it would not necessarily be able to recreate it.

However, apart from the one that exploded in the experiment, there were only dozens of others that were collected.

“It seems that this thing is not so easy to obtain even if it is a technological system. Otherwise, Francis, who is rich and powerful, would have given one of these things to die for.” Tang Tian said while playing with the black hole bomb that he grabbed.

“Huh? No!”

Tang Tian, ​​who was about to bring these things into the system space, suddenly felt a warning sign.

Immediately disperse the collected black hole bombs and use the power control ability to throw them several kilometers away.

Sure enough, just thrown it out, it hasn’t reached the farthest position yet.

Those black hole bombs exploded one after another, forming black hole fields with a diameter of 100 meters with terrifying gravity.

Dozens of gravitational forces in different directions tore at each other, pulling the continuous mountain range several kilometers away into pieces and sucking it into the space turbulence and crushing it.

Even the explosion that was thrown out at the end affected Tang Tian’s group.

The force of gravitational pull is enormous.

Wu Kuang roared, instantly transformed to a kilometer high state, stepped on the ground hard, stepped on the ground a few hundred meters deep, and both feet took root on the ground, blocking Tang Tian and several people, resisting the terrifying gravitational force.

“Shout, it’s still seen! Fuck!

Francis frowned and spat out swear words when he saw that his conspiracy was seen through.

After scolding, he took out the remote control he carried with him and pressed it.

The high-tech military base that he had spent a lot of energy on seeing the built high-tech military base activated instantly.

First, the particle laser cannons on the periphery of the base fired at Wu Fen, who had just broken free from the pull of gravity.

Countless colorful rays of light dragged long traces in the air, like a meteor flying by, slamming into Wu’s tall body with incomparably sharp penetrating power.

Just after breaking free from the gravitational restraint, Wu, who had not yet stood firm, was directly hit by thousands of particle light cannons.

The body up to a thousand meters was taken and flew a few hundred meters away.


Although there was no bloodshed, the angry Wu still directly turned into a maddening state, stood up with a loud roar, bent his knees and jumped a few times, directly crossing a distance of dozens of kilometers.

He stepped heavily on the periphery of that military base.

A terrifying impact comparable to that of a meteor hitting the ground directly lifted the military base into the air.

But what surprised Tang Tian was that this military base was actually a complete whole, with all kinds of laser weapons and kinetic energy weapons arranged on a five-kilometer spaceship according to certain rules.

It can’t be called a spaceship either, because this thing can’t go to space.

It should be called an air carrier. It is a battle aggregate that has abandoned many functions and focused on defense and attack capabilities.

After being trampled over by Wu’s huge body, he didn’t shake at all, just turned over like a tumbler.

And it flew to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters at an extremely fast speed, all the weapons on the battleship were activated, and they attacked Wu frantically.

…… ask for flowers,

But this time it didn’t work so well.

Because Tang Tian has already reacted, unlike just now, he has to be distracted to resist the pull of gravity.

Directly open the unparalleled domain, the light rays, cannonballs, and other various strange things shot out by all the weapons on the air carrier are all blocked by Tang Tian, ​​and then control this slippery battleship.

Originally, Tang Tian wanted to directly try to directly mobilize his own strength to crush this air carrier, but it is a pity that Tang Tian’s supernatural ability is of no use to the protective cover around the air carrier.

This is different from the previous ion shield, this is obviously a higher-level energy shield, which absorbs kinetic energy like a sponge absorbs water.

As long as all attacks that do not exceed the shield’s tolerance limit, the shield will resist and absorb kinetic energy, and then store the kinetic energy for use in subsequent attacks.


This protective cover cost almost all of Francis’ savings to buy, and it is also one of the many effective means to deal with Tang Tian this time.

This kind of shield is the nemesis of almost all power users. It can even be said that if the attack power is not enough, even the strong above the SSS level cannot break through this shield, and can only watch the weapons on the battleship without any Method.

At least that’s what Francis thinks.

Tang Tian also discovered the strangeness of this protective cover, and stopped attacking at will, trying to use the energy control ability to analyze, to see if he could get some useful information.

However, Wu Ke in the state of madness, no matter how much, although he did not lose his senses, the fighting spirit in his body has soared to the extreme.

“Go on, fight as much as you like! Don’t worry about getting hurt!” Tang Tian propped up a defensive shield around Wu that could isolate those weapon attacks on the air carrier.

As long as those attacks pass through the unparalleled domain range that Tang Tian sets around Wu, they will be isolated from energy, the shells will become scrap iron, and the lasers will become flashing lights.

This defensive mode is very effective against this helicarrier.

But Tang Tian did not analyze the most critical point of that protective shield, that is, it can be released at a certain time after it has absorbed it.

That is to say, the harder the enemy hits, the stronger the shield’s counterattack will be, which is very shameless.

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