Chapter 239 Arrive

Chu Xingyun’s ability is completely different from other sword-type abilities, and the two are not the same thing at all.

Sword-type abilities use swords as a medium to emit a variety of sword qi. The ability user who masters sword-type abilities is not necessarily good at swordsmanship. It is a very simple and rude ability. As long as the mental strength is strong enough, the sword energy emitted will be stronger.

But Chu Xingyun is not a sword-type superpower, he is a body-enhancing superpower, and his swordsmanship was taught to him by his grandfather.

His grandfather lived from before the catastrophe to more than two hundred years ago. Before the end of the world, he was a master of Xiazhou swordsmanship. He was obsessed with studying various swordsmanship throughout his life. The sword is invincible, and nothing is unstoppable.

Inheriting the swordsmanship of his grandfather and the iron sword tempered by the blood of thousands of enemies, Chu Xingyun chopped the waves all the way, and soon became one of the best kendo masters in the Power User Alliance.

It should have been able to break through the SSS level hundreds of years ago and reach a higher realm.

However, because he was besieged by five ghost kings from the Hundred Ghost Academy, four were beheaded and one was seriously injured, and he himself was seriously injured.

In the end, he finally recovered under the treatment of the Alliance Headquarters at all costs, but his realm was no longer able to progress. Hundreds of years have passed, and Chu Xingyun 29 is still at the SSS level.

“The undead power is really exciting! This iron sword of mountains and rivers, which I haven’t drank blood for in a hundred years, will be re-opened today!”


The iron sword made a rhythmic humming sound as if it had spirituality.

In Chu Xingyun’s own opinion, it is not that he cannot break through, but after reaching the SSS level, there are only a handful of melee ability users at the same level who can have a hearty battle with him.

He still loves swordsmanship more, and he can also use the powerful sword radiance sword qi, but he rarely uses it.

In the past few hundred years, Chu Xingyun has searched almost all continents, hoping to find an opponent that is comparable to his hand-to-hand combat, who can understand swordsmanship in battle and break through in battle.

Until some time ago, there was news from the headquarters that the first generation of physical martial arts was in the Mizhou continent. After receiving the news, Chu Xingyun immediately put down all the things in his hand and rushed to Mizhou. He just arrived in Miston City less than two days ago.

Unexpectedly, he encountered his favorite undead lifeform when he tried the sword when he first came, which made Chu Xingyun excited and couldn’t help but want to cut two more knives.

The three ghost kings wanted to say something, but they were directly pierced by a sword.

But they don’t take it seriously at all. For them, as long as they don’t hurt the root, no matter how they get hurt, they’ll be fine. Just cut them off. period of death.

Chu Xingyun wants to advance through their four major ghost kings, and the three of them also want to continue to evolve through Chu Xingyun’s super high attack power.

Both sides have their own goals that they want to achieve.

Just when Chu Xingyun and the four ghost kings started a bloody and tragic fight, Tang Tian and his party finally arrived at Miston City.

The group did not enter the city, but went straight to the place where Chu Xingyun fought.

The sword qi that escaped when Chu Xingyun fought with the Blood Ghost King just now was recognized by Qi Ziyun.

At that time, Qi Ziyun directly concluded that the strongest guardian of Miston City was the master of this sword qi, Chu Xingyun.

This move is known to everyone in the central imperial capital. It is Chu Xingyun’s favorite move. It can be long or short, far or near, and it is extremely powerful. Those who are not defensive enough will be hit by this move. Blend directly into a fine powder.

Three minutes later, Tang Tian, ​​who rushed to the diplomatic battlefield of Miston City, saw an extremely strange scene.

Under Chu Xingyun’s reckless swaying, flowing water, and consummate swordsmanship, the three ghost kings who were the main recipients kept turning into minced meat, then quickly recovered, and then turned into minced meat again.

The recovery speed is getting faster and faster, and the two sides have entered a strange balance, one is evolving, the other is brewing a breakthrough.

After watching for a while, Zhao Jingwei said: “Tang Tian, ​​do you want to intervene in this situation? You don’t have to worry about the three ghost kings, they just leave it to me, that Chu Xingyun is a little troublesome! 35

Qi Ziyun and Su Mei both nodded. For their native Blue Stars, Chu Xingyun’s name is really resonant, and he is a legendary figure.

Tang Tian doesn’t care about Chu Xingyun, if Chu Xingyun doesn’t shoot himself, he doesn’t bother to pay attention to such a tricky character, but if he is hostile to himself, then be ready to accept the siege of a dozen contract mutants justice.

Suddenly there were more than a dozen SSS-level powerhouses with super oppressive force within the perception range, which made the ghost king and Chu Xingyun who were immersed in the evolution and breakthrough mood quickly wake up, staring at Tang Tian and his group with shock on their faces. color.

“More than a dozen SSS-level mutants, two SSS-level humans, what kind of combination is this?” Chu Xingyun put his sword into the sheath, his eyes were vigilant, and he was ready to fight.

Although he wanted to advance, he valued his duty more, no matter what the purpose of his coming to Miston City, his primary duty was to protect the people of Miston City from being invaded by mutants.

If the dozens of SSS-level mutants in front of them shot at the same time, plus the four ghost kings who were eyeing them, the city of Miston would be destroyed in an instant.

When Chu Xingyun observed, he was also thinking to himself: “Four or five of the more than ten mutants are not my opponents, but I can’t see through the rest, especially the monkey with a height of more than two meters. It gave me the feeling of trembling, as if I had encountered a natural enemy! 35

“Huh? The little girl of the Qi family? Why are you here?” After seeing Qi Ziyun, Chu Xingyun finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this should be a young talent from the central imperial capital.

“No, what happened to your breath? You were infected by a mutant?”

Chu Xingyun carefully felt it, and found that although Qi Ziyun was still human, his breath had completely changed, and he asked sharply.

“Master Chu, you don’t know, I am the only one left in our Qi family. What happened to my brother decades ago has now become a nightmare for our Qi family!

Hearing this, Chu Xingyun’s face changed and his voice softened.

“Gu Family! Alas, it’s a pity that I helped them when I was young, but I never thought that humanity would be wiped out from generation to generation.”

“You became a mutant to seek revenge from the Gu family, right? 35 Chu Xingyun said with guilt.

In fact, Qi Ziyun didn’t know that Chu Xingyun owed the Qi family a favor a long time ago, and it was a life-saving grace.

Originally, he thought that he would return to the central imperial capital after he broke through the realm, and guard the Qi family for five hundred years in return for the life-saving grace of Grandpa Qi Ziyun.

When the Qi family was most in danger, it was not that the ancestors of the Qi family had not contacted Chu Xingyun, but Chu Xingyun had been traveling abroad in order to break through the realm and could not be contacted at all.

“Yes! No matter what I become, I will never forget the hatred of the Qi family! I know that you are one of the best martial arts factions in the alliance. If you want to kill me, just do it! Qi Ziyun roared loudly, like a cuckoo weeping blood.

Qi Ziyun, who was crying blood, made Chu Xingyun feel extremely guilty. He wanted to raise his hand to touch the back of Qi Ziyun’s head as before, stretched it into the air and put it down.

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