Chapter 231 What does the Hundred Ghost Academy want to do?

In the cave that was punched out by fists in the depths of the Mangwai Mountains, Tang Tian and his party set up a fire and roasted the fragrant meat on the barbecue.

The meat of these animals was collected along the way by Tang Tian after he completely left the Black Fire Fourth District City.

After all, he is human, and he is the Chinese who can eat and love the most, even if he has not eaten or drank all year now.

But Tang Tian felt that he didn’t need to grieve his stomach at all, and he couldn’t even satisfy his appetite, so he was still a zombie emperor.

“Come on, I still have several thousand cases of beer and liquor. I am very happy to meet my fellow villagers today. Let’s have a good drink!” Tang Tian took out all the wine stored in the system space and put it on the side, holding the beer in his hand. I had a cup of tea with Zhao Jingwei.

Tang Tian and Zhao Jingwei were not happy eating and drinking, Bai Yiyi and Su Mei were also sitting at the barbecue stall and eating barbecued meat elegantly, Bai Yiyi’s little face turned red with a bottle of beer, very cute.

Those contract mutants looked at each other in dismay, not knowing how they should deal with such a scene. They have lived in the end times for so long, and they can’t remember how long they haven’t eaten.

“Come on, Xiao Gu, try this lamb roasted by me, this is rare, I found it in the warehouses of those main cities!

The bone girl complexion was slightly red, got up and walked to Tang Tian’s side and sat down next to each other.


Feeding the mutton skewer into the bone girl’s mouth, Tang Tian looked at the bone girl who was chewing the mutton skewer expectantly.

This is the ultimate delicacy in another world. If the bone girl is not used to eating it, then he will be sad…

“Well, good… delicious! Tang… Tang Tian, ​​you can eat it too!”

The bone girl also learned the action of Tang Tian just now to pick up the mutton skewer and deliver it to Tang Tian’s mouth.

Zhao Jingwei next to him really can’t stand it anymore. It’s popular these days to trick the dog in and kill him?

“I said you two are enough, I’m still a single dog! Please don’t irritate me!” Although Zhao Jingwei said it easily, the longing and sadness in his eyes made Tang Tian very concerned.

Tang Tian greeted him and asked the other mutants to come and eat, just to cultivate intimacy, and at the same time listen to Zhao Jingwei’s story.

Then he picked up a few bottles of liquor and handed it to Zhao Jingwei, “Aren’t you? How can you say that you are also the world’s top powerhouse who can fight against the first-generation body, you will never “”?”

“What are you talking about, listen to me and tell you my story!” Zhao Jingwei opened a bottle of white wine and blew half of it directly on the bottle, suppressing the energy in his body and letting the alcohol numb his body. He wanted to get drunk. .

With the strength of the wine, Zhao Jingwei opened his mouth slowly.

“The time I traveled over was more than a hundred years ago, and the time in China at that time was November 11, 2020, and I remember it very clearly!

This first sentence shocked Tang Tian unceasingly.

“More than 100 years ago? I also came here in November 2020, but it seems to be the end of the month, I can’t remember exactly. But it’s only been less than a year for me to be in this world! Why is it so long?”

As everyone knows, Tang Tian’s words shocked Zhao Jingwei even more.

Zhao Jingwei saw that Tang Tian was an SSS-level ability user, and he was followed by a large group of mutants who were also SSS-level. He thought that Tang Tian had to be similar to himself. I didn’t think it was only half a year.

“Then you are a genius among geniuses! You can be so strong in such a short time! Incredible!

Seeing Zhao Jingwei’s surprised appearance, Tang Tian understands and sympathizes a little.

With this kind of performance, it is very likely that Zhao Jianwei doesn’t have a Gold Finger like himself at all, and he has risen to the SSS level in just a hundred years by working alone.

“This is the real genius, right? It’s a fart compared to me!” Tang Tian secretly said.

After sighing, Tang Tian continued to speak: “The question of time difference cannot be answered, let’s explore it slowly later, you continue.

Following Zhao Jingwei’s remarks, his more than 100 years of experience unfolded slowly in front of Tang Tian’s eyes like a picture scroll.

Almost 120 years ago, Zhao Jingwei, who was discharged from the army due to physical reasons, stepped forward to save the little boy who was about to be hit by a dump truck on the road. When he woke up, he was already in this world. .

When he arrived in this world, he happened to be within the sphere of influence of the Hundred Ghosts Academy. People like Zhao Jingwei, who were born and had no token, were naturally caught and severely interrogated by the people of the Hundred Ghosts Academy.

But Zhao Jingwei really didn’t know anything at the time. He was caught and hung up and beaten before he could figure out the situation. Even if he wanted to answer, he didn’t know what to answer.

No one would believe me if I said that I had passed through, and maybe I would have to be beaten a few more times, so I might as well not say it.

In the end, it may be that Zhao Jingwei’s toughness made the head of the Hundred Ghost Academy’s branch admire and no longer imprison him, but Zhao Jingwei could not move freely, and could only move within the scope of the Hundred Ghost Academy.

It was not until Zhao Jingwei began to cultivate the abilities of this world that his amazing talent finally began to show.

At that time, even the chief person in charge of the Baiguiyuan was alarmed. For the sake of safety, he immediately decided to extract the personality loyal to the Baiguiyuan from the dead soldiers of the Baiguiyuan, and forcibly stuffed it into Zhao Jingwei, who was still very weak at the time. body.

The personality of this dead man was very powerful, and he easily suppressed Zhao Jingwei’s main consciousness.

The main consciousness can only watch but can’t do anything to interfere with the outside world, and can’t even make a sound, just like a bystander.

After integrating the personality of the dead man, Zhao Jingwei was cultivated by Baiguiyuan with all his strength, and the speed of improvement was very fast!

It only took less than five years to advance from an ordinary person to S rank.

However, an accident happened when he was promoted to S-rank. Zhao Jingwei’s main consciousness wanted to regain control of his body at the critical moment of breakthrough.

The counterattack of the main consciousness directly led to the death of the original character of the dead man.

The leader of the Hundred Ghost Academy was very angry at this, and took part in his (Nuo Qian’s) personality to suppress Zhao Jingwei’s main consciousness and return it to its previous state.

After reaching the S-level, Zhao Jingwei’s main consciousness was partially split by the leader of the Hundred Ghost Academy, and it was integrated into the bone dragon body that was still in the cultivation stage at that time.

The fusion device lasted for a whole hundred years. During this one hundred years, Zhao Jingwei’s main consciousness could feel a steady stream of power flowing into his body at every moment, and he became stronger and stronger, but No matter how powerful, the main consciousness cannot regain control of the body.

The leader of the Hundred Ghost Academy is a spiritual power specializing in personality, and the level has already surpassed the SSS level in Zhao Jingwei’s view.

I don’t know where the Bone Dragon came from. The ultimate goal of cultivating Zhao Jingwei is to raise the Bone Dragon, and then kill Zhao Jingwei. dragon.

It’s just that Zhao Jingwei doesn’t know the ultimate goal.

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