Chapter 202 Crazy Plan

In the main city of Mizhou people, apart from killing blood jade, Tang Tian is not interested in anything else.


In the end, the main city was left to Long Qianqian and the others, while Tang Tian left the grassland with his large troops.

Of course, the large army was also put into the desolate space by Tang Tian, ​​otherwise, the speed of 300,000 army would be very slow.

According to this progress, if Tang Tian wants to go to Zhongzhou, he is afraid that he will have to wait until he does not know how many years later.

It was at the foot of a mountain hundreds of miles away from the former main city of the Mizhou people.

Tang Tian they found the second main city.

The scale looks larger than the previous main city.

at this time.

In the meeting room in the city.

Some Michigan people are gathering together and discussing something solemnly.

Of course, the words they discussed were still in Michigan.

“It’s been a day since Ball City issued the warning, what about the follow-up news?”

“We’ve been trying to get in touch, but it seems that Ball City has encountered a technical glitch that hasn’t been contacted yet.

Such a world again.

The base station of the communication equipment is no longer available, and they are still using an ancient communicator with a fixed frequency band.

But the effect is poor.

Often lose contact from time to time.

On the other hand, they don’t need to communicate with each other on weekdays, so it doesn’t matter.

But this time, Ball City issued a 957 warning and called for help, saying that it was attacked by a zombie group, and then cut off contact.

This made some people feel a little uneasy.

“It happens that there is a communication failure at this time, is there really such a coincidence?

“Otherwise, is it possible that you think Boer City has been captured by a group of zombies? Haha… What are you kidding, this may be the biggest joke I’ve heard today.”

“I hope so, the aggressiveness of the zombie group is indeed much worse, as long as it is not a mutant.”

For them who can transform into werewolves, the advantage of hunting ordinary zombies is indeed great.

And even against the mutants, their melee fighting energy is also very good.

Right now.

Suddenly, the door of the conference room was slammed open from the outside, and a soldier stumbled in.

“Damn, didn’t you know to knock on the door today? Who gave you the guts to interrupt our meeting?’

The soldier’s face was pale, looking at the group of people, he said tremblingly: “Outside the city, the existence of mutants was discovered outside the city!

“Isn’t it a mutant? What’s there to be afraid of, just find a few people to go out and clean it up.


Of course, the person he was talking about was naturally a werewolf who could transform into a werewolf.

Only werewolves can deal with mutants.

“No, it’s not, that mutant, too… terrifying, several of us have been killed by it.



What kind of mutant is so scary?

There are indeed a few relatively powerful mutants on the mountain next to them, but everyone is equally divided on weekdays, and the well water does not violate the river water, so how could it suddenly appear?

“Come on, let’s go and see.


Above the city wall, all the commanders who were still in the conference room just now came out.

Standing on top of the city wall and looking out, the scene in front of them made the faces of these commanders, who were usually high above, turn pale.


The sky not far away.

A snow-white, huge nine-tailed demon fox, like a magical beast that existed in the heavens and the earth forever.

The visual impact of such a direct face makes them tearful!

Only when it reaches the S level, the mutant can change the size of its own ability at will, and it is only some specific mutants.

Orchid on weekdays, Yue and others cannot be changed.

The mutants of the animal system have a great advantage in this regard, but that’s nothing. To some extent, when the mutant’s strength level reaches the S level, the body shape can no longer be determined.

But for these werewolves who have not reached the S-rank right now, this is very scary.

“This…is this the attack that Boer City encountered? But…what about the zombies? Why didn’t I see the zombies?

This is just a question. With this S-level variant, what kind of zombie group do you want?

But it seems to be to confirm his thoughts, the lower part of the nine-tailed demon fox.

I don’t know where, I started to pretend to be countless zombies, and the speed is very fast!

In this, there are also countless mutants, as well as the white dragon clan.

The scene was much more chaotic than before, but the momentum was even greater.

Tang Tian and the others stood on Chi’s back.

Looking up at the raccoon.

Tang Tian didn’t know whether to laugh or cry for a while, this was the raccoon’s own idea, she didn’t take any action, she just came out to stretch her muscles and bones.

After all, the nine-tailed demon fox is her body.

And the army of 300,000 is the main force, no, it is already more than 340,000.

When they were sieging the city, they were also expanding their numbers, constantly increasing the number of infected people, and then integrating into the zombie army.

This is also the reason why Tang Tian is so troublesome.

Otherwise, if you want to be fast, Tang Tian will swept across by himself.

But what he wants to do is not only to plunder the murderous blood jade of these cities, but also to maximize the expansion of his zombie army.

In this way, his reputation as a corpse emperor will not be weakened.

Soon, 300,000 troops came out.

On the opposite city wall, those commanders turned green when they saw the scene in front of them.

The 300,000-strong army was densely packed, rushing over like a tsunami.

In addition to ordinary zombies that they don’t care about at all, there are almost the same number, no, there are more mutants!

“Everyone listens to the order, let’s go to war!”

They chose to go to war without hesitation.

Above the city wall, one after another werewolves transformed in unison, jumped off the city wall, and planned to come face-to-face.

If nothing else, Tang Tian still appreciates this indomitable character.

But unfortunately, this will not let Tang Tian let them go.

Just looking at the hundreds of werewolves, especially after the first few commanders turned into white werewolves.

In Tang Tian’s mind, a strange idea suddenly appeared.

These werewolves are similar to those with abilities in their bones, so his end-of-the-world King Yan system is useless.

But Tang Tian remembered that when he was in Xiazhou, he was able to use the virus to force the ability users to become mutants, so as to use the Yan Wang system to control them.

So, what about these werewolves?

What if they became mutants?

In other words, they have become mutants, can Tang Tian also bring them in?

Thinking of this, Tang Tian’s eyes suddenly lit up.

He began to have a plan in his mind.

And if this plan is successful, his zombie army will soon add a werewolf army!

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