Chapter 200 The reinforcements you are waiting for, this is it?

“Okay, you wait.” The werewolf said through gritted teeth.

Tang Tian was willing to give him this opportunity, but he avoided pretending.

And in his opinion, this opportunity given by Tang Tian will definitely make him pay a painful price in the end!

Then, there was a ten-minute wait.

Just when Tang Tian waited impatiently, several werewolves in front of them all started to get anxious.


A team of seven or eight people came from the sky!

From a distance, I could see the energy lingering on them, shuttled endlessly, and their aura looked pretty good.

“Bold thief, who dares to lead people to invade the main city of our alliance, who gave you the courage!

With a roar, the seven or eight people came to the front.

Tang Tian glanced at them, and the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched slightly.

These people are all A-level ability users, and the only one who is still useful is an S-level.

But this guy is estimated to be a fool. If it is S-level, he should be able to intuitively feel the huge pressure from Tang Tian and the others.

But this guy didn’t seem to see it.

Even this kind of stuff can be regarded as reinforcements?

What makes Tang Tian puzzled is that since there are people from the alliance in the main city 29, and they are also high-level ability users.

Why can’t I get the No. 127 Dragon City?

Weird, really weird.

“You guys have always been here?” Tang Tian asked.

“Nonsense, this is the alliance spire of the main city, and it is our duty!”

“The Dragon City on the opposite side, why don’t you participate in the battle? You are so powerful, if you make a move, the Dragon City on the opposite side is probably gone long ago? 35 Tang Tian asked suspiciously.

I heard Tang Tian say they are amazing.

A burst of smugness appeared on the faces of this group of people.

“Of course, do you think we don’t want to? There are regulations on the alliance that do not allow us to participate in the disputes between Mizhou and Longcheng. The regulations cannot be broken.”

And this kind of thing!

Tang Tian was surprised for a while.

But what surprised him the most was.

The group of people in front of them clearly seemed to be from Xiazhou and also from the Alliance, but when the Minaret was planted in Mizhou, they were placed in the main city of the Mizhou people.


Don’t let them take part in the battle?

What is the Central State Alliance thinking?

Tang Tian frowned slightly, nodded, and said: “Then I will ask you again, this killing blood jade is also placed here by you? 35

Tang Tian said.

Reach out to the top of the spire.

Familiar places, familiar energy fluctuations.

Although it was wrapped by the forbidden magic stone, the energy of the blood-killing jade could not be completely covered. Tang Tian could feel that the blood-killing jade was on it!

“Bullshit, it’s not us, is it you? Hmph, it turns out that it’s the murderous blood jade that covets us. It’s really impatient to live.”


The werewolves below also began to join in the fun.

“Sir, please kill these people quickly. If you don’t need other girls, you can give them to us, we…”

Even if the werewolf looked like a beast, he could still see the wretchedness in his eyes.

Also because of these words, the killing intent in Tang Tian’s heart couldn’t be suppressed in an instant.


Except for the werewolf who took the lead, several other werewolves also had the same expressions and reactions.

Tang Tian snorted coldly, looked up at the alliance power user in front of him, and said: “The last question, what is the use of putting these killing blood jade in some main cities? What is the purpose?”

But who knows, the question that Tang Tian is most concerned about, the other party does not want to answer.

“Want to know? Then go to hell and I’ll tell you.” The power user laughed, and the energy around him began to agitate rapidly.

Other power users also began to prepare to attack.

The werewolves below were excited for a while, they didn’t even care about their clansmen, the most important problem now is that as long as the Tang Tian group died, these women around Tang Tian would belong to them.

And in this hope.

Tang Tian sighed helplessly.

“Forget it, I will know later anyway. When I reach Zhongzhou, I believe that the headquarters there will give me a satisfactory answer.” Tang Tian said casually.


Tang Tian also confirmed once again that this S-level ability user in front of him is really a fool.

Let me go to hell you tell me again?

Doesn’t that mean you’re going to hell too?

What a fool.

Tang Tian shook his head helplessly.

Do not look at them.

Just wave.


In an instant, the smoke disappeared.

nothing left.

The few people who were still bluffing in the air just now were all photographed into pieces of minced meat in the sky with a wave of Tang Tian’s hands and disappeared.

The expressions on the faces of the following werewolves instantly froze.

what’s going on?

That lord of the alliance was S-rank, was he killed just like that?

It was as if a boulder was thrown into the water. It looked like a big scene, but it didn’t even splash out.

The few ability users who had just been showing off their power just now all disappeared.

These werewolves seemed to be unable to react, and they were all dumbfounded.

“Your reinforcements, aren’t these idiots? Is there anything else? Tang Tian asked.

What is this called, it is called respecting the opponent!

The corners of the white werewolf twitched slightly and swallowed.

The S-level power users were all slapped by this guy, how can they fight?

This is not a level contest at all.

He felt bitter in his heart for a while, and he never imagined how such a great man would go to such a remote place to beat him in a small main city.

“No, no more.” The werewolf said tremblingly.

“Oh, that’s it? That’s it? Isn’t it? You’re still playing tricks with Laozi here, why are you delaying the time, have you become a werewolf, and your brain has become wattless?” Tang Tian said with tears in his eyes.

953 The werewolf’s face twitched wildly.

“Forget it, Fei, don’t you like to fight? I saw you trembling with excitement at the scene just now. Well, although these werewolves are a little weaker, you can save it and play, how about it? ‘

Fei nodded excitedly.

After the last injured body was repaired by Tang Tian, ​​she became more and more obedient to Tang Tian.

The big battle scene just now made her, who was naturally belligerent, trembling and excited.

But Tang Tian did not let him shoot.

Let her take a shot, how do the other mutants under her move their hands and feet, and such a big scene was created, but it turned out to be soy sauce in the end.

Isn’t that too hard?

And now, the opportunity has come.

Although they are a few weak guys, but looking at their tall bodies, swollen muscles, and majestic.

Might as well play it.

“I see, leave it to me.” Fei walked out excitedly, clenching her fists.

The crazy fighting intent in his eyes began to soar rapidly.

Those werewolves trembled fiercely, their end is coming!

As for Tang Tian and the others, they had no intention to pay attention to the battle situation, looked up at the top of the spire, and Tang Tian flew up directly.

Killing the blood jade is the key.

Especially last time, Tang Tian became more and more obsessed with this kind of thing after Tang Tian absorbed the old man’s blood-killing jade in the lighthouse, his strength was guaranteed.

This time, can we continue to absorb it?

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