The big octopus instantly quieted down.

After a short silence, he spoke again: “Your strength is too weak, although your ability is very special, but based on this, you dare to say that you want to release me, it is really shameful!” ”

“Isn’t it a big talk, we’ll find out soon, how’s that?” Think about it? ”

“I’ve been stuck here for a long time, but I’m bored, but do you really think I can easily believe your words?”

The words of the big octopus, Tang Tian was not surprised.

He paced back and forth a few times, and suddenly asked, “You can create mutants, right?” ”

As soon as these words came out, several people behind him were stunned.

Creating mutants?

Really fake?

Can mutants still be manufactured in batches?

“Yes.” The big octopus was a little surprised, but he still answered and admitted it.

“Those iron chains, in fact, can’t trap you, at most they only play an auxiliary role, what really traps you is these seals on your tentacles, right?”

“Yes.” The big octopus continued to answer.

“The seal has loosened, so you can already use a small part of the power, this part of the power is so weak that it is of little use to you, so you began to create F-level mutants, trying to consume the power of the seal through them, although the speed is slow, but it is really the only way, right?”

“You… How do you know this? The big octopus finally couldn’t help it.

So far, what Tang Tian said turned out to be all right!

“Guess, you just need to answer my question.” Tang Tian said with a smile.

He really guessed, and now seeing the reaction of the big octopus, he can basically be completely sure.

The big octopus was silent for a few seconds and said, “Go on.” ”

“There are many seals applied on your body, these purple runes are seals, and the part of the seal that is consumed will turn into purple mist and dissipate outside, which is the origin of the purple mist sea.”

“Purple Mist Sea?”

The big octopus was stunned, but immediately reacted: “I have never seen the outside world, but the purple mist is indeed sealed by the power consumed, you are right.” ”

Qin Wuyao beside him suddenly said when he heard this: “No wonder there have been no mutants near the Purple Mist Sea for so many years, it turns out that it is because of the purple mist. ”

But there was another point that made Qin Wuyao wonder why there was no purple mist one day a month.

“Because it needs to dedicate one day a month to creating mutants, these mutants will be consumed in the process of consuming the seal, and when the number is insufficient, it needs to stop and re-craft.”

“So far, you’re right.” The big octopus spoke.

After a pause.

He continued, “But do you know what I really am, so you don’t worry about me killing you?” ”


Tang Tian laughed directly.

“Don’t be funny, you have been sealed into this comparison, the weak can only make F-level mutants, I’m still afraid that you are a ball, can you bite me?”


The big octopus was glared at by the blowing of his beard in anger.

The body shook violently.

But the purple runes on his body immediately felt its movement and began to flash with purple blazing light.

The large octopus was immediately suppressed.

This process also seemed to be very painful, and the body of the big octopus trembled slightly, but did not dare to continue moving.

“How’s that, enough of the hard life, right? Why bother? I let you go, and you can go out and be dashing. ”

The allure of this sentence is really great.

The big octopus was silent for a long time before he spoke, “I believe you have the ability to release me, but what do you want?” ”

It absolutely did not believe that Tang Tian would flood with kindness for no reason.

“It’s simple, become my contract mutant.” Tang Tian said lightly.

“What do you mean?” The big octopus was puzzled.

“It’s hard to explain, in a word, you have to establish a special relationship with me, and to a certain extent, I will help you, otherwise, you can have fun under here, maybe after thousands of years, you will be able to come out.”

Thousands of years!

The big octopus trembled even more when he heard this.

“How do you establish that relationship?”

Listening to his urgent tone, Tang Tian knew that his plan was unfolding step by step.

The corners of Tang Tian’s mouth rose slightly, and his heart was also a little excited.

Because if this trip is successful, this big guy in front of him will be the most terrifying guy he has accepted.

Even Lan can’t compare.


This behemoth in front of you.

This big octopus sealed here.

It was Tang Tian who encountered, heard, and saw, the first SSS-level mutant!

That’s right, SSS class!

On his body, there is a huge data box.

Primary Body: Waste

Grade: SSS level

What appeared on the data was also a term that Tang Tian had never seen before: the first generation!

And not the variant with which he is familiar.

Moreover, it is possible to create mutants, which is simply perverted!

Can get this guy, the world is so big, who can stop him Tang Tian?

The opportunity to dominate the world is now!

And the only chance is to get this big guy and make him his own contract mutant.

Otherwise, Tang Tian let it go, and it slapped Tang Tian to death with a backhand, and Tang Tian really had no place to cry.

And to become a July mutant, what you need is the strategy degree.

Tang Tian has just seen it, and the strategy is 0%

In other words, Tang Tian’s appearance is useless in front of this thing.

So you have to think of something else.

“How exactly do you establish that relationship? Tell me! Ara asked anxiously.

“I want you to promise me that you can’t kill me after I release you.” Tang Tiandao.

“Okay, I promise you.”

Strategy: 1%

Tang Tian’s brows frowned slightly, which proved that the idea of not killing Tang Tian accounted for only one percent, which was just a flash from his mind.

“It seems that you are still not honest.” Tang Tian shook his head and said, “In this way, I will also prove myself.” ”

Finish speaking.

With a wave of Tang Tian’s one hand, the seal attached to the tentacles of Ara actually began to slowly peel off and disappear.

Purple mist rises.

This thing is the power of the abandoned seal, there is no harm, and Tang Tian does not care.

And the waste, already excited to jump up.

If it hadn’t seen it with its own eyes, it wouldn’t have believed that a small human being could really unlock its seal!

Moreover, the process is so easy and simple!

But that little bit of seal is simply not enough!

Tang Tian stopped.

It’s a hurry.

“Go on, what are you stopping for?”

“There is no hurry, our negotiations have not yet been reached, and it is never too late to continue after they are reached.”

“So what do you want me to do to be considered a successful negotiation?”


Tang Tian glanced at the strategy that had risen to 24%, and said, “Everything depends on your performance.” ”

Give a little sweetness, and it really has an effect!

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