Lan was the first to react, turned around, and her eyes began to redden slightly.

“Lan, don’t be impulsive, I’ll just come.” Tang Tian hurriedly shouted.

It’s not because there are many people here, and I’m worried that Lan’s identity will be exposed, and it’s a big deal to kill them all.

In the sea of purple mist, there are no rules.

Moreover, after Tang Tian came down, the surrounding gang was also more or less beating their attention.

Although it has not yet risen to the level of hands-on.

But it was enough for Tang Tian to kill them.

Since the blackening of the small bones, Tang Tian’s style of acting has been very different from before.

The world of the jungle.

Lao Tzu is the rule!

His only concern was the mutant below, and if Lan made a move, it would be easy to expose his breath.

If noticed by that mutant, it will be a big trouble.

So far.

The red glow in Lan’s eyes gradually disappeared.

Tang Tian casually lifted his hand.

In the unparalleled realm, those seven people flew out directly upside down, fell violently to the ground, and did not move.

Although there were no scars on the outside, the moment they flew out, Tang Tian had already shattered their internal organs.

The young man in Chinese clothes was stunned, the old man was stunned, and the middle-aged man was also stunned.

The surrounding group of onlookers were also stunned.

What happened?

How did they not see anything?

“Spatial powers? What a powerful force! The old man frowned and muttered.

Apparently misunderstood.

Because he didn’t see any substantial attacks, he didn’t feel any energy fluctuations, which was very similar to spatial energy.

Tang Tian didn’t bother to explain, but his eyes were cold, and he looked at the young man in Chinese clothes with a hint of teasing.

“This little friend, don’t be impulsive, we…”

“Old immortal, who the is your little friend?”

The old man’s face froze suddenly, but he didn’t dare to attack, just said: “It was just a misunderstanding just now, you must not be impulsive, it will not be good for you to move my young master.” ”

“Oh? Isn’t this the Purple Mist Sea? But I’ve heard that the Purple Mist Sea has no rules. Tang Tian said lazily.

“It’s true that there are no rules, but you know, we…”

Before the old man finished speaking, the young man in Chinese clothes scolded impatiently: “What are you doing with so much talk about this fee?” To tell you the truth, Ben Shao is Bai Ziliang of the Bai family in the third district of Tongtian, you dare to touch me to try? ”

Babel Castle White House?

The surrounding crowd instantly became a little solemn, and looked at the young man with deep awe.

Tang Tian’s face was full of confusion: “Tongtian City Bai family? What the hell, is it awesome? ”

“The third district city of Tongtian is a subsidiary main city of the second-level main city of Tongtian City, similar to the fourth district of black fire, and the Bai family is one of the three major families of the third district of Tongtian.” Qin Wuyao explained.

She knew that obviously this Bai family was quite famous.

“Oh, then I see.” Tang Tian was abrupt.

“Now that you know, don’t you obediently let the girl out? If it makes Ben Shao unhappy, believe it or not, Ben Shao has a word…”

The words were not finished.

Tang Tian raised a hand.

A terrifying suction force erupted from the palm.

Before the old and middle-aged people around him could react, Bai Ziliang was directly sucked over.


was pinched by Tang Tian’s neck.

The faces of the old and middle-aged people changed drastically.

“Friend, don’t be impulsive!”

Tang Tian glanced at them with a sneer, and then looked at Bai Ziliang in front of him.

And Bai Ziliang, a flower that grew up in a greenhouse, where could he stand this treatment, he scolded angrily when he boarded: “Dare to do this to Ben Shao, believe it or not…”

“Don’t believe it.”


Tang Tian directly slapped him out.

The force of this slap was not small, and Bai Ziliang’s teeth were almost shattered.

“You… How dare you…”


“How dare I?”

Tang Tian’s eyes narrowed slightly, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and asked lightly.

Bai Ziliang’s teeth were half knocked out.

Both faces instantly swollen into pigs’ heads.

I couldn’t say anything from my mouth.

“Friend, please release my young master, otherwise…”

“How else?”

Tang Tian looked at each other for a moment and asked lazily.

The old man’s face was a little ugly, and the middle-aged man beside him was even more eager to rush up, but because Bai Ziliang was pinched by Tang Tian’s neck, he didn’t dare to act rashly.

Right now.

The old man suddenly shouted loudly: “Friends who are watching around, don’t watch the play, my Bai family spoke today, if any accident happens to our young master today, I ask you to help kill this group of people, Bai family, thank you!” ”

The word thank you made everyone’s eyes light up.

Those who can make a living in the Purple Mist Sea are outlaws, and they are willing to do anything for money!

The Bai family of the three districts of Tongtian said thank you, that must be a lot!

The atmosphere in the hall immediately became a little dignified and depressed.

When the old man saw this situation, he sneered and said: “Friend, you can see it, if you dare…”


Before the old man finished speaking, Tang Tian directly twisted Bai Ziliang’s neck.

The old man’s words stopped abruptly, and he looked incredulously at the corpse of his own young master who had softened and could no longer die being casually thrown aside by Tang Tian.

“I’m sorry, what were you going to say?” Tang Tian raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

“Find death!”

The old man was furious: “Everyone together, kill him!” ”

Because the old man sensed that Tang Tian’s combat power might not be weak, he made this strategy, let everyone make a move, and at the same time threatened Tang Tian with these onlookers.

But I didn’t expect that this guy said to do it!

At this time, the person is dead, and the old man’s heart is like ashes, if he goes back, he will have to take off a layer of skin!

In a word, ordered.

All the onlookers around, several teams, a total of twenty or thirty people, rushed over.

But among them, at most, they are only C-grade.

And Tang Tian, it is C-grade!

More than 10,000 spiritual power, even allowing Tang Tian to face Class B fearlessly!

So, what are these little miscellaneous hairs?

Tang Tian directly unfolded the unparalleled realm.

In the midst of laughter, the spiritual power was cut in the field like a sharp blade, and no one survived wherever it passed!

In less than ten seconds.

Everyone around rushed over, and before they could make a move, they all died.

Tang Tian’s group stood in place without even taking half a step.

So far.

The whole hall.

In addition to Tang Tian and them, only old people and middle-aged men remained.

Fear spread in the heart of the old man.

So many people, killed in an instant!

How strong is the opponent’s strength?

His face was extremely gloomy, this trip, Bai Ziliang, the second ancestor, the big fool, actually stared at such a bad god!

This is looking for death!

“What do you want?” The old man asked.


Tang Tian smiled, the first building.


The middle-aged man beside the old man fell silently to the ground and died!

Without any energy fluctuations, I couldn’t see the other party make a move, and I died like this!

The old man’s heart was mentioned in the throat eye.

“I can give you a treasure, please, don’t kill me.” The old man suddenly plopped down on the ground and shouted for mercy.

What dignity, what style, what face, all are gone.

In the world of the jungle, living is capital! It’s everything!

Tang Tian sneered and said, “What treasure can be worth your life?” ”

The old man trembled and took out a black wooden square box from his arms, and said: “This is what our family master specially bought in the black market of the Purple Mist Sea, and bought it from the largest black market business in the black market for a billion alliance coins, as long as you are willing to let me have a way to live, I will give you this thing!” ”

Tang Tian’s eyes lit up.

Billion ah!

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