“There are mutants in there, very powerful mutants!”


Tang Tian’s eyes almost popped out.

In the sea of purple mist, there are mutants?

Moreover, Lan, who was usually eccentric, was completely serious at this time.

Can be called a very powerful mutant by Lan, what level should it be?

Tang Tian swallowed his spit, then at least it has to be S-class, right?

Oh, my God.

Underneath this Purple Mist Sea, there will be a mutant of at least S rank!

What is that concept?

If that mutant ran out, no one would be able to fight it in the entire Purple Mist Sea!

Except, of course, Lan, who has just arrived here.

Glancing at the small bones beside him, Qin Wuyao and the others.

Xiao Bones also seemed to sense something, looking in the direction of the mound with a guarded expression.

“I also feel a little bit, but it’s not clear.” Qin Wuyao said in a deep voice.

Unless she incarnates a succubus, in human form, the sensitivity will be much worse.

“Forget it, don’t worry about it, find your friend first.” Tang Tian took a deep breath and said.

If it had been before, he might have rushed straight in.

But now.

After he met Lan, he learned that his appearance influence was also capped.

With his current C-level ability, his influence on S-level will be much weaker.

Lan is only about 45% now.

A few minutes later.

Several people showed up in front of a dilapidated grocery store.

Push the door in.

The light in the grocery store is very gray.

Tang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, looked around, and adapted to the dim environment inside.

“Oh, isn’t this Wu Yao’s big girl? Long time no see. A voice came from the counter.

Then, a short man with a waving hand and a cigarette in his mouth appeared.

He had messy curls, goggles on his forehead, a cigarette under his big nose, and looked at several people with clouds and mist.

“Yes, long time no see, Yu Yang.” Qin Wuyao greeted with a smile.

“You are now the commander of the temple spire, how did you come to a place like the Purple Mist Sea?” Yu Yang squinted his eyes and asked.

“The Purple Mist Sea is the most chaotic place and the most well-informed place, I don’t believe you don’t know the news of the fourth district.” Qin Wuyao said with a look that had already seen through him.

Yu Yang scratched his nose in embarrassment and said, “I know a little, hehe… A little, by the way, what did you come to me for? ”

“Bring a few friends over and ask you for a favor, there are not many people in the purple mist sea who can do this kind of thing, and there are quite a few, I trust you more.” Qin Wuyao pointed to Tang Tian beside him and said.

Tang Tian stepped forward: “Hello, my name is Tang Tian.” ”

Shaking hands with Yu Yang, Tang Tiancai suddenly found that this Yu Yang was also wrapped in a bandage on his right hand, the same as Qin Wuyao.

“People from the Desert Army?”

“Yes, Arashi, what do you want to help?”

Yu Yang asked casually, not shying away from his identity.

It’s really the same as Qin Wuyao said, in a place like the Purple Mist Sea, who cares what identity you are.

“This thing, help me see, where the coordinates set in it are, I need to be fast.” Tang Tian directly took out the teleportation device that the woman had used.

“Hey, this kind of teleportation device, I haven’t seen it for a long time.” Yu Yang’s eyes immediately lit up.

He’s a tech maniac and he’s most interested in this kind of stuff.

Although Xiao Bone and the others around Tang Tian did not introduce themselves, Yu Yang did not seem to be interested at all.

After coming to the counter with the teleportation device, he prepared his tools and began to knock.

“This thing, not common, but there are, but it can be used very little, very little, less terrible, do you really see someone use it with your own eyes?”

“Of course, why else come to you.”

Yu Yang looked at Tang Tian with a strange expression, did not reply, but continued to disassemble, and the stubborn device Yu Yang’s hands were quickly disassembled.

He took the tweezers, took a small white transparent crystal from the middle of the device, put it under his nose and sniffed, and immediately shouted excitedly: “That’s right, it’s this thing, it’s this thing!” ”

Tang Tian was still a little surprised, why did this big nose react so much?

He got closer and looked at the transparent crystal, which was about the size of an ant, and could hardly be seen without looking closely.

“What is it?” Tang Tian asked casually.

“Killing Blood Jade!”

Yu Yang replied four words, and everyone in the audience was stunned.

“Are you sure?” Tang Tian asked with a serious expression.

The other party just robbed his Killing Blood Jade!

“Of course, I won’t be mistaken, this familiar taste is too fascinating, but it’s a pity that the energy of this small piece of killing blood jade has been exhausted, gee… In order to activate this device, such a large piece of killing blood jade was used, which was simply a violent thing. ”

Yu Yang shook his head and said.

The corners of Tang Tian’s mouth twitched slightly.

Still…… It’s still such a big piece, you can’t see it without looking closely!

You know, when I was in Black Fire City before, that piece of Killing Blood Jade was the size of a head!

Moreover, the material needed for the evolution of small bones is a piece of killing blood jade.

By the way, Tang Tian suddenly thought that he had preconceived that Xiao Bones needed a piece of Killing Blood Jade, and as for the size, he thought that it was the size of the head in Black Fire City.

But now that I think about it, killing blood jade is also a kind of spar material, and there should be large and small.

As for the need for the evolution of small bones, I don’t know how old it is.

“Such a small piece, the price in the black market of the Purple Mist Sea, can be sold for at least 80 million alliance coins, and there is no market, it is not impossible to sell it to 100 million, but it is directly used by people to transmit at one time, what a waste, a waste.”

Tang Tian’s breathing became a little rapid.

Such a small piece of killing blood jade, the price turned out to be so outrageous.

So, how much does that big piece the size of a head have to sell for?

“I’ll lean, fuck, hurry up and help me find the coordinates!” Tang Tian was anxious.

Not to mention the problem of ossicle evolution, this is a fucking big lot of money!

He was snatched away in front of him.

In any case, it must be recovered!

At this moment, Tang Tian’s heart was dripping blood.

“Don’t worry, the coordinates are in the cloud map stored inside, but it takes time to analyze, you guys wait, about two or three hours.” Yu Yang said lazily, and then began to prepare the materials.

Two or three hours?

Tang Tian was a little anxious, two or three hours later, the woman who teleported away didn’t know where to run, right?

And Yu Yang seemed to see his worries, and said: “People who have used this device to make space jumps will have the breath of the cloud map in the device, which will not dissipate within seven days, when the time comes, I will help you make another device, so that you can never track him, rest assured, the person you are looking for, as long as he is alive, he can’t lose it.” ”

“Really?” Tang Tian’s eyes lit up.

“Nonsense, I Yu Yang never tells lies, but… At this price, it may be necessary…”


Tang Tian directly threw a pile of corpse cores on the table.

“Is it enough?”

Yu Yang turned his head and took a breath of cold air when he boarded, D-grade corpse core!

And…… It’s a bunch of D-class corpse nuclei!

“My mother, big brother, where are you holy?” Yu Yang’s voice trembled like an irrepressible spasm.

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