A few hours later.

The group appeared in a special place a hundred miles east of Black Fire City.

Stand on the cliff and look down.

In front of it is a huge basin-like place.

But you can’t see the terrain inside the basin, but a thick purple mist floats in the basin.

At first glance, it looks like a giant purple lake in front of you.

“This is the prestigious Purple Mist Sea, let’s go down, the person we are looking for is inside.” Qin Wuyao introduced and said.

“This is the Purple Mist Sea!” Tang Tian’s heart was shocked.

Of course, he had heard of this place, when he was still a fool in the fourth district of Black Fire.

Strictly speaking, there are no forces here.

The people of the Alliance of Powerful People and the Desolate Army can enter and exit here.

And there will be no fights between each other.

This is the Purple Mist Sea, a three-way zone where a large number of extreme wanted criminals or people with withdrawn personalities gather.

Of course, some of them come to Taobao.

Because the Purple Mist Sea is also one of the famous black markets.

Here, there are no rules, you can kill people on the street because of a spat, and no one will pay attention to you.

At most, watch it lively.

Everyone walked down the cliff and towards the entrance of the Purple Mist Sea.

That was the only entrance and exit to the Purple Mist Sea.

Tang Tian’s group, the number of people is not very large, those zombies, mutants or something, Tang Tian did not bring it.

Instead, let them stay in Blackfire City.

When Tang Tian didn’t have a fixed base, those things really couldn’t be placed, but Tang Tian didn’t care.

Anyway, with this face, there are as many zombies as there are zombies.

Beside him, Qin Wuyao, Xiao Bone, Lan, and the Sword Demon, five magic guns, and no one else.

Lan’s eyes were also hidden by herself, the sword demon put on a black robe, and Qin Wuyao returned to the human body.

Xiao Bones put on clothes and hats, covering the bone scales on his body and the horns on the top of his head, leaving only a beautiful face.

The magic gun itself looks not much different from humans, so there is no abnormality.

The group, except for Tang Tian himself, the rest of the people were all mutants!

But on the outside, nothing can be seen.

There were many people coming and going at the entrances and exits, everyone looked gloomy and full of anger, Tang Tian’s group walked by, and many people’s eyes forgot to come over.

Entering the Purple Mist Sea, the fog below is not so thick.

The line of sight is also much more than what you saw above, almost not affected, and the distance between classes is more than two or three hundred meters.

There are not many buildings below, they are all very dilapidated, and there are some stalls everywhere.

Some of the buildings in the center that look relatively normal are also the places where the most crowds gather.

It is also the center of commercial activities in the entire Purple Mist Sea.

When Tang Tian’s group walked over, someone in a tavern not far away was eyeing them.

A young man in a Chinese costume squinted at the little lolilan beside Tang Tian, as well as Qin Wuyao, and the little bone who inadvertently turned his head.

The faces of the three people have their own merits.

Not to mention, the little loli is cute, the little bone is indifferent, indifferent, and the innate seduction attribute of Qin Wuyao succubus is needless to say.

Three superlatives!

“Those chicks, I want it.” The people around the youth team said casually.

“Young master, this is the Purple Mist Sea, we came to buy what the master wants, or it is better not to have more than one life.” The middle-aged man next to him said with a slight frown.

“you, when did Lao Tzu’s words become so useless? What happened to the Purple Mist Sea? It’s just a bunch of waste, and the girl Lao Tzu fancy, there is nothing you can’t get! ”


“No need to say more, arrange it immediately now, otherwise, you will die.” The young man said lazily.

The middle-aged man suffocated sharply, then sighed and said, “Okay young master, I will arrange it.” ’

“That’s pretty much it, as soon as possible.” The young man scolded, and continued to drink without thinking about himself.

But the wine here was too choking, and after pouring a sip, the young man immediately blushed and vomited out his neck thickly.

“Damn, this damn place, even the wine is so bad, this is for the beasts, right?” The young man shouted cursingly.

Many people in the tavern looked at the young man with a bad expression.

The young man noticed it, but did not care at all, but shouted: “What do you see?” Believe it or not, Ben less gouged out your eyeballs? This is the Purple Mist Sea, there are no rules, Lao Tzu can play to death as much as he wants! ”

No one answered the words of the youth.

They just avoided the realization and continued to drink their own wine.

But young people have overlooked one problem.

There are really no rules here, and if others want to kill him, they can do it at any time!


Tang Tian’s side.

The group enters the Central Bazaar.

“Strange, there are no protective measures around this Purple Mist Sea, why don’t any mutants run here?” Tang Tian asked suspiciously.

“This problem has been studied a long time ago, and at first everyone thought that it was the relationship between purple mist, which had an inhibitory effect on mutants, but it was not examined, and now…”

She looked at Xiao Bones and the others beside her.

Except for Tang Tian’s accident, these people are all mutants, but they don’t seem to feel any discomfort.

So, that speculation can be ruled out.

In the most central position of the Purple Mist Sea, Tang Tian saw a strange place.

A huge mound towered over it, surrounded by hollows of various sizes, the size of small fists, and the large ones more than one person tall.

From time to time, a lilac mist erupts from inside.

The purple mist of the Purple Mist Sea should have come from this.

The sea of purple mist was full of people setting up stalls, very crowded, but around the mound, a large circle of open space strangely appeared, and it was also fenced.

There are some warning signs around it.

No one came near that place.

“What does that mean?” Tang Tian continued to ask.

He had only heard of the Purple Mist Sea, but he didn’t understand everything inside.

“It is the most dangerous place in the Purple Mist Sea, inside those hollows, no one knows what it is, there have been many supernatural beings who have entered it to check, but they have all gone and never returned, even if they are A-level powerhouses, there are no exceptions.” Qin Wuyao introduced and said.

Tang Tian’s heart froze.

Even the A-level powerhouses were killed inside!

“If you don’t go in, it’s completely fine, the Purple Mist Sea has been like this for hundreds of years, so no one cares about that place, of course, from time to time, there are occasionally some daring to enter, and no one has ever been able to come out alive.”

Tang Tian nodded.

Although I am curious in my heart, I also know that curiosity kills cats.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the person you said, find the coordinates as soon as possible, my killing blood jade, must be taken back as soon as possible.”

Just after speaking, Tang Tian suddenly saw that Lan beside him was a little abnormal.

She stared dead eyes in the direction of the mound, her small faces crouched together, and her expression was very solemn.

“Lan, what’s wrong?”

“Inside, there are mutants, very powerful mutants!”

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