If you don’t go out, the family base of the Black Fire City Psychic Alliance will be gone!

Hearing Leiyun’s words, the other four people around him nodded solemnly and followed Leiyun to jump directly from the city wall.

But when they rushed to the battlefield.

But the battle is over.

The two or three hundred people who were originally standing here had disappeared at this time, replaced by a little loli who was licking her lips with a satisfied face.

Among these people, there are many fire system powers, and Lan patted her little belly, very satisfied.

The corners of Leiyun’s mouth twitched.

Two or three hundred people, that’s two or three hundred!

That’s all the members of the Black Fire City Psychic Alliance!

Now, it has turned into black ash all over the ground, and there is no one alive.

Really speaking, in the current Black Fire City, only the five of them can fight, plus a city lord who has not yet come forward.

Light Pole Commander, that’s all, right?

Above the city walls, the faces of the soldiers were also blackened.

There are two or three hundred supernatural beings who seem to be gods in their eyes on weekdays, but now they are being slaughtered like garbage!

Lan, who was surrounded by a stream of fire, glanced at a few people and said, “Do you want to play with me too?” ”

She clearly hasn’t had enough of playing.

Lei Yun looked gloomy, and did not answer, but said in a deep voice: “Array!” Be careful with this little girl, it’s hard to deal with. ”

How difficult it is to deal with, in exchange for his thundercloud, he can’t kill them in such a short time!

The four of them were not fools, nodded solemnly and began to stand.

Lan licked her lips and was about to make a move, but Tang Tian suddenly appeared beside him.

“Lan, you’re almost playing, let me play too?” Tang Tian said with a smile.

“This… Okay then, give you a chance. Lan was in a good mood and directly agreed.

After that, he stepped back a long distance to make room for Tang Tian.

Tang Tian was a little surprised, but he didn’t expect Lan to talk so well.

And he came forward just to test the exact power of his current unparalleled realm.

“You are Tang Tian?” Several people stared at Tang Tian and asked with gloomy expressions.

“Yes, it’s me.” Tang Tian said with a smug face.

“Hmph, the recent chaos is all caused by you alone, my brothers and a few people, I will kill you today and avenge Lao Qi!”

“Old Seven? You’re talking about Lin Xiao, right? Two died just now, don’t you count them together? Then they would have died in vain. ”

“You look for death!”

Several people were instantly angry.

After the array, the breath of the four people had formed a subtle connection, which affected the whole body.

Everyone shot at almost the same time.

Various energy attacks blasted towards Tang Tian as if he didn’t want money.

But Tang Tian suddenly ignored them, and instead stared at the thunderclouds not far away.

These people are all C-class, only this thundercloud, is B-class!

Tang Tian himself is also C-grade, and below the same level, the absolute suppression effect of the unparalleled realm makes them no different from the air.

What Tang Tian wanted to pay attention to was just thunderclouds.

The other four, at the moment of their attack, Tang Tian began to operate the Wushuang Realm, but it was just a thought.

The energy attacks of the four were in mid-air, without a trace.


What’s the situation?

The four were stunned.

Tang Tian waved with one hand again, and the energy roots in the bodies of three of them were directly disordered, furious, and exploding!

The last person left could not use his powers, standing in place so frightened that he almost peed his pants, and the person was completely stupid.

The power of the thundercloud is thunder and lightning, dare to throw a thunderbolt, and the three military seats around him will die tragically.

He was a little unacceptable, and looked at their mutilated bodies that exploded and died.

This Tang Tian’s strength turned out to be so terrifying!

It’s funny that when they were discussing before, several military seats were still arguing about how to find Tang Tian and then kill him to take revenge.

Ridiculous, ridiculous.

Tang Tian’s strength is so strong, they want to find Tang Tian, that is not revenge at all, but sending death!

With the last person left, Thundercloud opened his mouth and was about to let him push away.

Tang Tian waved his hand again and threw him out of the Peerless Realm.

Threw it in front of Lan.

“This guy, the fire system, gave it to you.” Tang Tian said lazily.

Lan’s eyes instantly cooled, and she grinned at Tang Tian with a look of understanding, and then looked at the man.

The despair in the latter’s heart was like a spider’s web and instantly crawled all over the heart!

On Tang Tian’s side, only Lei Yun was left.

“What did you do, what the hell did you do!” Thundercloud almost fell into madness.

Two or three hundred supernatural beings all died and were killed by Lan.

Now, the last four military seats around him are also dead!

In the entire Black Fire City, only he and the city lord who showed up were left!

If you don’t count the city lord, he, the deputy city lord, has really become a veritable light pole commander now!

I took a look at what other mutants were there in the zombie army behind Tang Tian.

They didn’t even make a move!

Just one Tang Tian, a little loli, destroyed the foundation of the Black Fire City Psychic Alliance!

“I… Want…… Kill…… Finish…… You! Lei Yun said word by word.

Every word seemed to be squeezed out of between the teeth.

He roared furiously, and the clothes on his body instantly exploded, revealing his strong muscles.

Crackling lightning flashed on the body.

His eyes turned completely white, filled with the electric light of the secret technique, and matched the beard on his face.

Don’t say, it’s really like a copy of Brother Hammer!

Tang Tian even thought in his mind, Brother Hammer in Marvel won’t be someone from the Alliance of Powerful Beings, right?

When he was thinking about it, Leiyun’s whole person was already levitating.

The lightning crackled around him and expanded to a range of tens of meters, encompassing Tang Tian as well.

But in the unparalleled realm, these lightning bolts could not pose a threat to Tang Tian for the time being.

Above the head of the thundercloud, like Lin Tai before, a dense dark cloud began to gather, and the electric light also flickered in the dark cloud.

Thundercloud, what a person as its name suggests.

Tang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the huge pressure in the thunderclouds, he did not stop, did not dodge, just waited patiently.

He wanted to see where his current combat limit was!

Finally, the dark clouds above Thundercloud’s head condensed to a radius of hundreds of meters, and he shouted, his hands seemed to drag the sky, and he smashed down!

“Thundercloud storm!”


The bucket-thick lightning smashed down densely, carrying out an indiscriminate all-round attack on Tang Tian’s position!

It was as if even the space was about to be torn apart.

The strong lightning energy makes the air seem to make people feel a little crispy and numb.

Tang Tian took a deep breath, blessed the Wushuang Realm to the maximum, and carefully felt the amount of thunder power in the air.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised.

In the next second, he was overwhelmed by the lightning that fell from the sky.

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