The other military seats around him were stunned in unison.

“One to ten teams all dispatched?”

“Lord Lei, this is not good, that is all the front-end forces of our alliance.”

“Just send it out like this, will there be any accidents?”

Several people were full of worry.

Ten squads are all the strength of the alliance’s powers, and further up are their military seats, as well as the deputy city lord and the city lord.

“That’s why you want to send them out, as long as you resist these people, when the city lord returns, they will all die!” Lei Yun said viciously.

When the other people heard the name of the city lord, they also made up their minds, glanced at each other, and passed on the order.

It was as if this city lord was the most terrifying force in the city, and had appeared, enough to solve any problem.

Not often.

The team gathered and went out of the city together.

Ten teams, two or three hundred people, all kinds of people.

At first glance, it’s quite surprising.

You know, these people are all superpowers!

Compared to the four districts, this volume is simply boundless.

“This… This number should be all the squad members of Black Fire City, and they all went out. Qin Wuyao said in shock.

She still has a certain understanding of Black Fire City, and what she said is basically correct.

That being said, this is all the powerhouses of the Black Fire City Alliance?

“Gee… I really can see me, this posture, I’m afraid that I will directly take out the old brothers, okay, then play with them. Tang Tian nodded in satisfaction.

“How about now, let the tide of corpses rush through?” Qin Wuyao asked.

Tang Tian shook his head.

Turning to look at Lan, he said, “Na, the fun is coming, you go out, put a fire dragon abyss, and get them.” ”

“No, that’s not fun.” Lan licked her lips and said.

According to Qin Wuyao’s direct explanation, the strongest is basically the captain of each squad, almost all of them are D-grade, and the rest are basically all E-level and F-level except for a few D-level.

Lan, as an S-class, is simply an adult beating a group of kindergarten children.

No, it’s more exaggerated than that!

If you use the Fire Dragon Abyss and destroy them in an instant, it is really not very fun.

As for Tang Tian, he didn’t put these people in his eyes either, and let Lan go out to play, just to improve some strategy.

As for the tide of corpses and mutants behind him, there is no hurry.

These are his reserve forces for siege of the city, playing with this group of waste, the dead and wounded part of it will not be worth the loss.

The team of two or three hundred people came out, one by one, still on their toes, completely unaware of what a mistake they had made.

“One hundred thousand zombies, gee… It seems quite hairy, but garbage is garbage after all, so there is nothing to worry about. ”

“In my opinion, or Lord Lei is too careful, we rushed directly up and killed those mutants, and the rest of the ordinary zombies are not dead in pieces?”

“Stop talking nonsense, watch out for the boat capsized in the gutter and see how the other side copes with us.”

The voice just fell.

Len walked out.

With lovely steps, she jumped towards the Alliance Psychic.

You can see that she is indeed excited.

“Huh? A little girl? ”

“Isn’t it just sending a little girl to deal with us? Is this a joke? ”

“Could it be playing the kindness card?”

The team of several hundred people looked at each other and guessed.

Above the city wall, Lei Yun and the others were also a little puzzled.

“Tang Tian, what is this guy thinking?”

“The zombie army doesn’t come out, the mutants don’t come out, but send a little girl?”

“Is this looking down on us?”

Lei Yun frowned slightly and looked in Lan’s direction, here, his strength was the strongest.

“Something is wrong, this little girl, something is wrong.”

Several military seats around him looked at Lei Yun suspiciously, not knowing what he meant when he said something was wrong.

Not often.

Len walked up to everyone.

“Your opponent, it’s me, come on, go together.” Lan crossed her hands at her waist and shouted very arrogantly.

But her cute appearance is really hard to make people think that this is really arrogant.


A group of people burst into laughter.

The leader of the front squad stepped forward a few steps, walked in front of Lan, bent down, squinted his eyes and said: “Little girl, are you deceived by that Tang Tian, we people don’t know what to respect the old and love the young, it’s better to do this, you go back with your uncle today, and you will follow your uncle in the future, uncle will give you good food.” ”

As he spoke, the captain looked Lan up and down with a lewd expression.

It seems that he is still a loli controller and has set his eyes on Lan.

“Take me back? I have a lot to eat, can you afford it? Lan asked with a smile.

“Haha… Uncle, I killed a mutant at random, seized the corpse cores of those beasts, and changed hands to millions, I can satisfy you with whatever you want. ”

This statement came out.

Lan’s expression instantly became cold.

She herself is a mutant, but she was threatened by the captain to detain the corpse, and she was called an animal.

Orchid…… Angry!

“Is it? Then I… I want your life! ”

As soon as the words fell, Lan suddenly reached out with lightning speed and grabbed the head of the squad leader.


As soon as the fire appeared, the body of the squad leader directly turned into flying ash, and the foundation of the supernatural in his body was absorbed by Lan in one breath.

But after that, she shook her head and said, “It’s not delicious, it’s not delicious at all.” ”

It seems that this small captain is not of the fire system, and Lan does not like other energy.

In a flash.

Everyone was stunned.

Although that squad leader is a wretched lolicon, he is a solid D-class superpower.

But in the hands of this little girl, she was killed in an instant!

On the city wall, the faces of several military seats also changed.

Lei Yun looked even more gloomy to the extreme: “This little girl is a mutant!” ”

Lan side.

Looking at the people who were completely sluggish in front of her, she licked her lips and said, “I hope you people can taste better.” ”

After that, she rushed forward and crashed into the crowd.

The scene instantly became chaotic.

The fire flickered constantly in the crowd.

Lan stepped on the flames with her feet, a stream of fire lingering around her, and her red hair was dancing as if she was on fire.

She is like a fire elf, plundering through the crowd.

Complete plunder!

Everywhere they passed, large swathes of the Psychic died directly.

These people who were high in Black Fire City on weekdays turned into paper paste at this time, and they shattered when they touched them.

The team of two or three hundred people was rapidly decreasing at a crazy jaw-dropping speed.

Above the walls.

Thundercloud almost fainted from anger.

He sent these superpowers to delay time and resist the opponent’s attack.

It’s not for them to go out and deliver food!

Looking at the rapidly decreasing crowd, Lei Yun roared angrily: “All military seats, join me, go out of the city to fight!” ”

If you don’t go out, the bottom of Black Fire City will be hollowed out!

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