Outside the Black Fire Central City.

As a Tier 3 main city, Black Fire Central City is much larger than Black Fire District 4 City.

Black Fire Central City is divided into a total of nine regional cities.

The fourth district was lost by Tang Tian.

The Black Fire Central City in front of him is also called Black Fire City.

The area is at least ten times that of the fourth district.

Ten miles around is an endless plain.

This is also the masterpiece of the Union.

This is the case in most of the main cities, where plains are cleared around the city for observation and the placement of outposts.

At the same time, it can also intercept and count the corpse tide in a targeted manner.

At this time.

Kilometers outside Black Fire City.

A mutant with black crystallized wings behind his back was looking in the direction of Black Fire City.

The black crystalline bone scales covered all over the body perfectly set off the bone woman’s delicate and transparent body like a tights.

In her hand, she held a living person.

“This is really Black Fire Central City, Qiu Qiu you released me, please…”

The man kept begging for mercy.

He was a soldier at an outpost in the vicinity, and ten minutes earlier, his outpost had been casually broken by this mutant Ion shield.

And then grabbed him and came here.

“It seems that this is Black Fire Central City.” Ossius muttered.

“Yes, yes, this is here, this is it, I told you everything, please let me go.” The man kept begging for mercy.

But it didn’t work.


The hand that the bone woman pinched the man’s neck grew a bone spur like lightning, piercing the man’s head on the spot.

She casually dropped the man on the ground, spread her wings, and flew lightning in the direction of Black Fire Central City.

She had destroyed at least seven or eight outposts near her, and she had completely confirmed that the Black Fire Central City in front of her was the place Lin Xiao said.

Her mind is simple.

Lin Xiao said that there would be a threat to Tang Tian here, and he would kill Tang Tian for Lin Xiao’s revenge.

And anything that might pose a threat to Tang Tian must be destroyed!

Blackfire City had long known of her existence when the Bone Girl destroyed the outpost.

At this time, I saw the bone girl flying over.

Black Fire City suddenly opened its gates.

A group of more than ten people walked out of the gate.

These people were wearing the clothes of ordinary members of the Black Fire City Psychic Alliance, and they looked at the bone girl flying over with high spirits.

“What is this thing, why haven’t you seen it before?”

“I haven’t seen it either, but it seems that it is somewhat similar to the F-grade bone woman, except that the bone scales on the body are black, and the F-grade bone woman has no wings.”

“Whatever kind of demon and monster she is, hurry up and die, dig up the corpse core, we will go back to the errand, damn it, I was going to go to the bar today, what a waste of Lao Tzu’s time.”

The group cursed and walked out.

Looking at the bone girl who was gradually approaching in the sky, she was a little impatient.

But these people are clearly just a group of E-level superpowers.

Even the C-level Lin Xiao was completely abused by the bone woman, what use can this gang have?


The bone girl saw them when she flew past the group, and before they could attack, she dived and smashed down in front of several people.

“Hehe, the posture is not bad.”

“What’s more, the figure is also good, the face is also quite beautiful, if it is not for the fear of infection, it is still good to catch it and play.”

“Fourth, your taste is too heavy, haha…”

Several people laughed.

The soldiers guarding the city on the city wall also looked at the bone girl below in boredom.

“It looks really beautiful, but it’s a pity, but it’s a mutant, otherwise Lao Tzu really wants to play.”

“It seems that there hasn’t been a mutant that can break through the outpost for a long time and come here, but you can have some fun, the people of the eleventh squad, there is no problem, right?”

“There can be a fart problem, it’s just a mutant, look, I bet in less than three minutes, this mutant will be tortured and killed by them.”

“Okay, I bet with you, haha, I think this mutant can last for five minutes, haha…”

The people below, the people above, are laughing.

No one put this mutant that suddenly appeared in the eyes of the stunned blue.

But suddenly.

Their laughter stopped abruptly.

The mutants disappeared from their eyes, and by the time they reacted, they had already appeared in front of several people.

A bone spur pierced the heart of the guy at the front.

After the rest of the people were stunned for a short time, they were taken aback, and hurriedly began to fight back, and all kinds of magical energy were thrown at the bone girl’s body one after another.

There are aggressive and auxiliary ones, entangled in weakening the speed and attributes of the bone woman, and the rest are complex attacks.

But it’s useless, the gap between them is too big.

The bone woman is like a scythe of death, frantically flashing her body, reaping their lives, and every time it flashes, someone wants to die in the hands of the bone woman.

Fast, deadly, one hit kills!

Tang Tian once taught her, and was played by the bone girl supernormally.

After blackening, she is sensitive to all enemies, as long as she has the ability and opportunity, she will definitely do it with one hit!

The people on the city walls were stunned.

Standing on a high place, they were more able to see the overall situation, and they could see more clearly how the bone woman quickly and easily killed these supernatural beings.

The E-level powerhouse, in the hands of the bone woman, can’t even hold on for a second!


When the Bone Girl killed the last Psychic, the entire city wall fell silent.

Deathly silence.

“Well… Such a powerful mutant, it’s terrible, what the hell is this? What grade? ”

Everyone has this question in their minds.

And this whole process did not exceed three minutes, but it was not the bone women who could not hold on, but these superpowers.

The bone girl looked up in the direction of the city gate, and as soon as her steps lifted, she was about to walk in.

But it was bounced off by the Ion Shield.

Black Fire City’s Ion Shield is more terrifying than the Fourth District, and its defense is stronger.

The bone woman’s thinking is relatively simple, she only feels that if something is in front of her, she must break it, so she raised her hands and began to attack the shield in front of her indiscriminately.

The sound of thumping is endless.

The powerful attack force made the shield tremble slightly, and the light splashed everywhere, but it was obviously not enough to break the shield.

Just in a moment.

Suddenly, in the direction of the city gate, an enlarged version of the fireball rushed towards the bone girl like a truck!

The bone girl’s reaction was quite fast, and she immediately jumped away in a flash.

After that, I saw a man in a fiery red leather suit walking out step by step, the other party was about thirty years old, with a cigarette in his mouth.

“I haven’t seen such an interesting mutant for a long time, and the strength is not bad, and the speed of killing those wastes is also very fast, since this is the case, I will accompany you to play, remember my name, my name is Lin Yan, the sixth military seat of Black Fire City.”

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