Ten steps out.

Lan’s whole body was already surrounded by flames, and everywhere she went, there was a raging fire.

The lava hellish fire dragon abyss instantly covered the entire playground.

Tang Tian was forced to shrink the Wushuang Realm, enveloping himself and Qin Wuyao and forcibly resisting the damage of the Fire Dragon Abyss.

At the same time, he ordered the other mutants to withdraw from the scope of the seventh layer first, otherwise they would all be burned here, and Tang Tian would lose a lot.

These mutants are his elite soldiers.

Tang Tian himself, on the other hand, stayed with Qin Wuyao, and it was very difficult to hold on.

At this time, the heavens and the earth seemed to change color, dark red magma flowed everywhere, and the ground cracked.

Lan’s target was not Tang Tian, but just the collateral damage of the Fire Dragon Abyss had already made Tang Tian tired of coping.

It’s hard to imagine that her petite body contains such terrifying huge energy!

And the sword demon who was in it instinctively felt the crisis and fear, and all the weapons in his body floated out and surrounded his body.

Dao Dao Sword Qi shuttled around him.

Seeing Lan getting closer and closer to him, he finally couldn’t withstand the pressure and took the initiative to attack.

All weapons were aimed at Lan.

The sword qi crisscrossed, but Lan did not react at all, no longer dodged or defended, and walked over so hard.

The sword qi was intertwined and slashed through, but it disappeared into invisibility when it touched the flames beside Lan.

The weapons around the sword demon also melted into magma.

Tang Tian was stunned.

“My mother, is this the world of zombies? This S-class mutant is simply a legendary demon! ”

Not only Lan, but also the sword demon, the ability is also very terrifying.

But in front of Lan, it was obviously not enough to see.

By the time Lan walked in front of the Sword Demon, the Sword Demon’s weapons had all disappeared, and the new ones had not yet condensed.

This is somewhat similar to Lin Xiao’s ability to condense weapons with special energy.

The difference is that the sword demon should use the power of the corpse core.

In a way, it doesn’t seem to be much different.


Lan grabbed the sword demon’s neck.

The petite body slowly rose, and just like that, he pinched the neck of the sword demon and picked him up.

Otherwise, she is too short, it is impossible to lift the sword demon without flying, but it is difficult to say whether she can get the neck of the sword demon.

“Little hedgehog, are you still naughty?” Lan glared and said breathlessly, “Look what you’ve made of me here!” ”

The sword demon instinctively struggled to attack and resist.

“Huh?” Len glared again.

The sword demon’s neck was almost broken.

Tang Tian’s heart was distressed.

Lao Tzu is now such a B-class mutant in his hands, if he is killed by you like this, Lao Tzu will not lose a lot!

“Wait! Don’t kill him, let him go! Tang Tian shouted without thinking.

Lan’s beautiful eyes turned slightly and looked at Tang Tian.

Then with a smile at the corner of his mouth, he casually threw the sword demon out and threw it heavily in front of Tang Tian.

While Tang Tian was slightly relieved, suddenly, Lan’s face appeared in front of Tang Tian as if teleporting, and the distance between Tang Tian was not enough, and the tips of their noses almost touched together.

“Ugh!” Tang Tian was startled, and his heart almost popped out of his mouth.

Leaning back, Qin Wuyao beside him hurriedly helped him up.

Lan Haha looked at Tang Tian with a laugh, and got closer again, the temperature of the flame lingering on his body was very high.

Even though Tang Tian tried his best to compress the scope of the unparalleled realm, he still felt a little unbearable, and his hair seemed to be burned.

Lan glanced down at the sword demon on the ground again, and said, “You are quite capable, the little hedgehog has been subdued by you, and these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, gee… It’s not small. ”

“Huh… Awarded, awarded. Tang Tiangan laughed twice and said.

At present, it seems that it is impossible to accept Lan at one time, but just let Tang Tian give up like this, he is a little unwilling.

In Tang Tian’s opinion, when his level of Psychic Abilities increased, his ability to attract S-level mutants would naturally be greatly enhanced.

It’s not like now, he is only D-class, but he thinks about hooking up with S-class, and he has collapsed four levels!

“It’s funny that you’re the first human I’ve ever seen with this ability.” Lan said with a smile.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the conversation changed: “But you shouldn’t have come to disturb me, and let the little hedgehog make me look like this, I will kill you.” ”

Tang Tian’s heart twitched in bursts.

In the face of S-class mutants, he really may be killed at any time, and the 34% strategy should not be too bad, right?

Should…… It won’t kill me, will it?

“So, say, why are you running to me.” Len continued to ask.

“Come to you.”

“Looking for me?” Lan was stunned.

“Yes, find you, take you out.”

“Get out? Where to? ”

“Of course, go to the outside world, you look at you here, how boring, it’s always been you alone, I’ll tell you, the outside world, it’s much more exciting, I’ll take you out to play.”

Tang Tian said confidently.

Lan’s expression suddenly became a little lonely, and she looked around a little blankly, and said, “I’ve been here alone for a long, long time, and indeed I haven’t gone out for a long time.” ”

Tang Tian’s heart moved, there is a door to this matter!

“So, didn’t I come to you, it’s better to take you out and have fun than to be bored here, you say?” Tang Tian continued to bewitch and said.

“So, I… Consider considering. Len said hesitantly.

But having said that, in the depths of her eyes, Tang Tian had already seen a flash, and her heart was moved!

“Considering it, then what, can you put away this Fire Dragon Abyss, I… Almost can’t stand it. Tang Tian said with a difficult expression.

This feeling is much more terrifying than a sauna, and it feels as if the lungs are on fire.

Lan Hehe smiled, stuck out his tongue, and his mind moved, putting away the ability of the Fire Dragon Abyss.

However, the ground that has been burned out cannot be restored, the magma has no energy support, gradually cooling, the entire earth is still scorched black, the high temperature is still the same, but it is much cooler than staying directly in the fire dragon abyss.

At this temperature, Tang Tian’s unparalleled realm can still hold on.

After pretending to think about it for a few minutes, Lan finally nodded: “In that case, okay, but if it’s not fun after going out, I’m going to kill you.” ”

The corner of Tang Tian’s mouth twitched fiercely, I leaned, such a cute little loli, opening and closing his mouth is killing!

“Of course not, rest assured, fun, definitely fun, you are satisfied.” Tang Tian swore and patted his chest and said.

The real 10,000 corpse siege, can it be fun?

“Then let’s go.” Lan urged, since she decided to go out, she immediately became a little impatient.

Tang Tian’s heart immediately blossomed, Xiao Zian, no matter how much Niu Cha, after all, he is still a little girl, Xiao Ye I can’t test you?

As long as you can let Lan stay by her side and slowly attack, she can always be completely captured.

And now.

“No hurry, I still have something else to do before I go.”

As for what things.

Of course, it was to wander around the entire base and receive all the zombies!

Ten thousand corpses besieging the city, how can there be less ‘ten thousand corpses’?

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