“Apologize? Why? ”

Huang Zhigang asked indignantly, the pain in his body made his face a little hideous.

But in his heart, he was still not angry with Tang Tian.


The iron man’s fist slammed into the space barrier.

The extreme attack power above the fist instantly caused cracks in the spatial barrier.

Tang Tian was a little surprised.

Originally, he was still curious, since this iron man is a D-class mutant, why does it look so low?

It won’t send a small fireball or anything.

As a result, the ultimate physical destructive power above this fist is simply terrifying!

Just with the strength and strength of the fist alone, the spatial barrier can crack, this iron man, really a person like his name, no, a corpse like his name!

Iron Man!

Seeing the crack in the spatial barrier, Qin Wuyao was even more anxious.

“Apologize immediately, Huang Zhigang, do you want to kill everyone?” Qin Wuyao roared angrily.

Huang Zhigang was struck by lightning.

Indeed, if we continue to fight, everyone will die here to the greatest extent.

After all, these are five D-class mutants!

Huang Zhigang himself is only E-class, and under the hands of the iron man, he can’t hold out for a minute!


He turned his head to look at Tang Tian, who was at the back of the crowd.

Apologize to this guy, are you counting on this guy to help?

But is this guy really that powerful?

Can you deal with five D-class mutant iron men?

And there are so many hounds around.


While thinking, the iron man punched out again.

The cracks on the space barrier are denser.

“I’m sorry.” Huang Zhigang gritted his teeth and said.

“Louder!” Qin Wuyao said.

“I’m sorry, Tang Tian, it’s my fault, I can’t see Mount Tai!” Huang Zhigang opened up.

Tang Tian sneered, and then slowly raised his foot and walked over.

He knew that Huang Zhigang was still not convinced.

For this kind of goods, Tang Tiancai will not care about his life or death, and the reason why he made a move is to give Qin Wuyao a face.

Walking to Huang Zhigang’s side, Tang Tian glanced at him lightly.

“Waste, if you don’t have the ability, don’t take advantage of your tongue, otherwise, it’s easy to suffer.” Tang Tian said lightly.

While speaking, he slowly took off his helmet.

Revealed his face.

Next to him, Huang Zhigang’s face was distorted when he heard it, and his teeth itched with hatred.

Was about to say something.


The spatial barrier shattered directly from the middle.

The iron man’s fist smashed towards Tang Tian’s head.

“Be careful!” Huang Zhigang’s face changed drastically.

But as soon as the words fell, the picture in front of him suddenly froze.

No, to be precise, it was the iron man’s movements that suddenly froze.

It was no more than an inch away from Tang Tian’s head and stopped.

What’s the situation?

Why didn’t the iron man continue to attack?

Huang Zhigang and the crowd behind him were a little confused.

But at this moment, at the position of the blind corner, a mutant hunting dog king pounced headlessly, opened his mouth and bit Tang Tian’s head.

But still in mid-air, the iron man suddenly reached out and pinched the Mutant Hound King’s neck.


The latter didn’t even have time to scream, and he was directly screwed off his head.

Huang Zhigang and the others were even more stunned, and their eyes were about to pop out.

What is this situation again?

Why did the iron man not only not attack Tang Tian, but also protected him?

Is it an illusion?

But how to explain the scene in front of you?

Huang Zhigang looked at Qin Wuyao suspiciously, but the latter just shrugged his shoulders and smiled without speaking.

Qin Wuyao’s heart was also crying and laughing, Tang Tian, this guy, really likes to play handsome.

Just now, if the iron man didn’t succeed in seeing his face, he really wanted to punch hard, and Tang Tian could be regarded as a broken face.

Where did she know that in Tang Tian’s unparalleled realm, everything was under control!

Tang Tian was very satisfied with the scene in front of him.


[Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained the sworn follower of the D-class mutant iron man, and received the reward spiritual power +150]

[Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained the E-level mutant hunting dog king’s sworn follow, and received a reward of spiritual power +100]

[Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained the sworn follower of the D-class mutant iron man, and received the reward spiritual power +150]


In a series of ding-ding system sounds, these mutants all became Tang Tian’s brain fans.

Those ordinary hunting dogs have all been transformed into ordinary zombie fans.

“Tang Tian, this… What the hell is going on here? Huang Zhigang looked at Tang Tian in surprise and asked.

Just finished.

Those iron men walked in front of Tang Tian, stood in a row, and bowed in unison.

Swear allegiance!

Seeing this scene, Huang Zhigang exploded with sweat!

D-class mutants, and still five!

Actually bowed to a human!

Damn, it’s the first time in heaven and earth!

“Tang Tian, you… You…”

“What’s wrong with me?”

Tang Tian looked at Huang Zhigang lightly.

Because of the previous incident, Huang Zhigang’s face was a little ugly, and he quickly shut up, but in his heart, he had already admired Tang Tian’s five bodies.

“Iron man, although he is a D-grade score, but the large-scale aggression is not very strong, the important thing is the individual combat effectiveness, the physical attack power has almost reached the peak, most of them are once the physical masters in the base, after becoming mutants, they also inherited the physical skills before death.”

I see.

Tang Tian’s eyes lit up slightly.

It’s a natural master!

Zombies know martial arts, no one can stop it!

Good stuff, proper good stuff!

“What’s next?” We…”

“Go on, the fourth layer, don’t you want mobile phone supplies? You guys boldly collect materials, and the zombies you encounter on the road will be handed over to me.” ”

Tang Tian said with a big grin.

At the fourth layer, the level of the mutant has risen by one level as a whole, which is what Tang Tian likes.

So, the team continued to set off.

Five iron men and several hunting dog kings followed Tang Tian closely, as if guarding, which made everyone feel like a dream.

What is Pai Noodles? This is called noodles!

When everyone looked at Tang Tian again, their eyes had completely changed.

Previously, except for Huang Zhigang, the rest of the people had a feeling of worship and admiration for Tang Tian because of the relationship with the infected body, but it was not very strong.

And now, Tang Tian has become a god-like man in their minds!

This has nothing to do with the Yan King system, it is completely the ability shown by Tang Tian!

En route.

Tang Tian inadvertently glanced at Qin Wuyao and saw the information on her.

Mutant: Succubus

Registration: Level D

Intimacies: 79

And then it’s gone.

There is intimacy because it is already its own contract mutant.

But it has not yet reached 100, there is no + way to unlock the exchange of ideas, and 200 has only unlocked evolution.

One thought of evolution.

The figure of Xiao Bones appeared in Tang Tian’s mind again.

“By the way, Qin Wuyao, do you know what killing blood jade is?” Tang Tian suddenly asked.

When I first saw the materials needed for the evolution of small bones to grade C, in addition to the corpse core accident, there was also an additional requirement.

It’s this Killing Blood Jade!

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