“Going up from here, the first contact is the periphery of the base, which is filled with a large number of ordinary zombies.”

“These ordinary zombies have very low combat effectiveness, and most of them are very loose, we choose a good route, cold weapons close combat cut.”

“Enter the second layer, the overall combat effectiveness of the zombies will be strengthened, and there will be some mutants mixed in, F-class, E-level are few, almost nothing, D-level has not yet been found, here we can also advance in the same way, encounter mutants, we have special team members to solve.”

“Then the third layer, when you reach the third layer, you are almost close to the core of the base, there are many mutants here, and there are some scattered D-class mutants.”

“But the materials and ammunition that can be looted here are basically the same, so our target this time is the fourth layer!”

“There are many D-level mutants in the fourth layer, everyone already has to be careful, it’s good to encounter one, if it is more than two, everyone retreat immediately!”

“Do you understand?”

Huang Zhigang said to everyone.

The Desert Army has been stationed here for a long time, and the main source of food is canned food from the base.

There are also some weapons, clothing and other materials, all from here.

Therefore, the peripheral can basically search the same places.

“The periphery is full of ordinary zombies?” Tang Tian suddenly asked.

“Yes, all ordinary zombies, rest assured that there are no mutants in the periphery.” Huang Zhigang said.

I thought that Tang Tian was afraid.

Therefore, the contempt for Tang Tian in his heart became more and more serious.

Tang Tian didn’t bother to explain, and continued to ask, “Do you guys have helmets here?” Can you give me one? ”


Everyone was stunned.

But except for Huang Zhigang, everyone’s impression of Tang Tian is good.

After all, those who can go out to participate in the search for materials are the so-called concomitant infected bodies.

Some of the zombie genes in their bodies made it easy for them to become close to Tang Tian.

Only Qin Wuyao looked at Tang Tian with a strange expression.

When he was in the Black Fire District Four City, Tang Tian asked to wear a helmet.

At the beginning, everyone didn’t understand his approach, and now, only Qin Wuyao understood why Tang Tian did this.

It’s actually quite simple.

Nor is it because of fear of revealing one’s secrets in front of these people.

But there are too many ordinary zombies in the periphery, Tang Tian feels troublesome, are these ordinary zombies useful? It’s a little bit.

But if you go up and directly take a large group of zombies, it will be too troublesome, vast.

His main target is still mutants.

After collecting all the mutants, these ordinary zombies will walk around again when the time comes, and they will basically be all done.

“Huh… Aren’t you awesome? One person can destroy the Black Fire District Four City, but now he still uses a helmet? ”

“Gangzi, don’t talk nonsense, give him a helmet.”

Qin Wuyao interrupted him and said.

Huang Zhigang had no choice, he could only nod, Qin Wuyao’s words were still very effective.

In the end, Tang Tian got a helmet of decent quality.

It is also standard equipment that was found from the base, but no one has worn it.

This kind of thing is very troublesome, and it obstructs the view.

Many people in the desert army are infected and are not afraid of virus infection, so there is no need to wear helmets.

After getting ready, the group set off.

There were about thirteen people in the team.

Among them, Qin Wuyao is D-grade, Huang Zhigang is E-grade, the others are CNOOC one E-grade, and the rest are F-class.

Of course, they didn’t know that Tang Tian was also D-class.

On the way, Qin Wuyao explained her past experience to Tang Tian.

It turned out that at the beginning, Qin Wuyao first went to Blackfire Central City as a superpower.

Systematically trained there.

Until she gradually releases her own virus, thus gaining more powerful power.

After reaching the D level, he was sent to the Black Fire District City with Chu Tianjiao.

Of course, in this process, Qin Wuyao has always hidden his identity as a deserted army.

Her purpose is to destroy the Psychic Alliance branch in the Black Fire District Four City.

But it has been unlawful.

And at this moment, Tang Tian, the freak, appeared, and Qin Wuyao saw a turnaround.

At the beginning, Qin Wuyao actually used Tang Tian as his own tool.

Everything that happened later gradually escaped Qin Wuyao’s control, until Tang Tian finally led ten thousand corpses to besiege the city and completely destroyed the Black Fire District City.

I see.

“When the time comes, go to Black Fire City, you will also come together.” Tang Tian groaned.

“Good.” Qin Wuyao agreed without thinking.

Having successfully won Tang Tian’s heart, she naturally obeyed Tang Tian.

Huang Zhigang glanced at the two whispering, his brows wrinkled slightly, and his heart was even more angry.

In the barren army camp, Qin Wuyao is the dream lover of many people.

Now he was so close to Tang Tian, which made Huang Zhigang very unhappy, and this was based on the premise that he felt that Tang Tian was a liar.

“You can’t go fast, go on like this, and when you reach your destination, hours will pass.” Huang Zhigang urged and shouted.

Everyone hurriedly quickened their pace.

Tang Tian and Qin Wuyao didn’t think much about it, followed the crowd, and entered the first layer of the base together.

“How many floors does the base have?” Tang Tian suddenly walked to Huang Zhigang’s side and asked.

“Well? What is this for, you ask? There are probably 7 floors. ”

7 floors!

And this time they are going to only the fourth layer, and there are even more terrifying three layers behind!


There’s something about this base!

Tang Tian’s eyes lit up.

“Is there a map? Tell me how to go on the last few floors. “Tang Tiandao.

“I said don’t pretend, okay? I told you explicitly that each of us has been to the back floors, do you say there is a map? If you really have that courage and ability, okay, don’t you just go and find your way? ”

Huang Zhigang took it for granted that Tang Tian was pretending.

Tang Tian didn’t bother to explain, since Huang Zhigang had nothing, he directly retreated to Qin Wuyao’s side.

The first layer is nothing, all ordinary zombies.

Everyone quickly entered the second layer.

Most of the people here are still ordinary zombies, and their routes are very hidden, so there are almost no mutants.

It’s just that when I was about to enter the third layer, I encountered an F-class zombie, which moved much faster than ordinary zombies, and several spikes grew out of my hands, cracking gold.

But this kind of thing is also the most garbage kind in the F-class.

It was directly ignored by Tang Tian.

And it looks disgusting.

Until entering the third layer.

“Everyone be careful, all staff are on guard, and try not to make a noise.” Huang Zhigang lowered his voice and said to everyone.

The speed of the entire team immediately slowed down.

The third floor is already the central area of the base, where the training ground is very dense, and the line of sight is not very good.

The ranks are also a little more hidden.

I originally thought that the third layer would be so thrilling to be passed.

But just as he was approaching the fourth floor gate, an accident happened.


A military hunting dog jumped in front of everyone!

It was nearly two meters tall, with metal hair like steel needles on its body, and it looked at everyone with grinning teeth.

“Oops, E-Class Mutant: Mutant Hound!”

Huang Zhigang’s face was very ugly.

And Tang Tian, his eyes lit up, hound, this is exactly what he needs!

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