Tang Tian was shaken by Lin Xiaofangcai’s attack, and although he could stand up at this time, he trembled.

He looked at the bone woman.

Looking at the bone girl who had completely changed from before, he was surprised and speechless.

Blackening this kind of thing, I didn’t expect that I would be lucky enough to see it.

At the beginning, the small bones were F-level, covered with white bone scales, which was the most primitive bone woman.

If nothing else, it will also be her form for the rest of her life.

After that, Tang Tian let her evolve, and the bone scales on her body turned into translucent crystalline bone scales.

Later, wings evolved.

Even the wings are crystalline bone wings.

But that’s also normal.

But now.

The state of the ossicles is very abnormal.

The crystallized bone scales on his body turned completely black, and his whole body was pitch black, except for the silver hair.

The wings behind it also turned completely black, and each crystallized feather was as sharp as a sharp knife.

Around Xiao Bone’s body, there was also a blood-colored mist, as if it distorted the space.

He thought of something and quickly summoned the system panel.

Now only the system may know what happened to the small bones.

On the panel, Tang Tian’s information has not changed, but the information of Shan Xiao Bone has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Mutant: Bone Demon (Bone Woman Abnormal Mutation)

Grade: Unknown

Intimacity: 398 (intimacy reaches 100, mind communication can be used, intimacy reaches 200, ‘evolution’ function is unlocked, intimacy reaches 300, unlocks teleportation function.) )

Current status: Blackened

Materials needed for evolution: Unknown

Evolutionary cooldown: Unknown

Tang Tian’s brows furrowed.

Sure enough, it was blackened!

Apart from intimacy, most of the rest is unknown.

This made Tang Tian feel a little wrong even more.

At this time, Xiao Bones had completed the special transformation, and she looked up at Lin Xiao and walked towards him step by step.

“Small bones!” Tang Tian was a little nervous and shouted.

The footsteps of the small bones stopped abruptly.

Turning his head to look at Tang Tian, the latter’s face changed slightly.

At this time, the original cute cute on the small bones on the face has completely disappeared, replaced by a strong anger!

On the beautiful face, a pair of slightly red eyes looked at Tang Tian, vaguely revealing a tenderness, and… Pampered.

“Tang Tian, I won’t let you get hurt, no one can hurt you.”

This is the voice of the small bones, but it does not stutter at all, but is unusually fluent.

Finish speaking.

She turned around and faced Lin Xiao again.

Lin Xiao’s brows frowned slightly.

He could feel the terrifying overwhelming coercion on the bone girl in front of him, which made him completely confused about what was happening.

After thinking about it, for the sake of safety, he still decided to attack first.

Under the condensation of sword intent, one long sword after another shot out like an arrow.

Xiao Bones saw it, but did not dodge, with a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth, and continued to walk forward step by step.

And those long swords, the moment they concentrated the bone woman’s body, they were shattered by the huge countershock intelligence of the black bone scales and disappeared.

What the!

Completely incapable of breaking the defense!

Lin Xiao was taken aback, no matter how he said that he was also a C-level superpower, but now he couldn’t even break the defense of a strange mutant.

But a few minutes ago, this mutant was still dead and alive in his hands.

“Hmph, pretend to be a ghost, sword formation!” Lin Xiao sneered and shouted.


All the long swords floating around him instantly shuttled out, densely crowded to the side of the bone girl.

The bone girl was surrounded by this small sword array lock.

The position of the surrounding long swords was unpredictable, constantly twisting, and all the sword tips were facing the direction of the bone woman.

“You should feel honored, I rarely use the sword formation, and it’s already remarkable that you can die because of this.”

Lin Xiao said with a proud expression: “This sword formation can block all your retreats, and the all-round attack of 360 degrees without dead angles, whether it is attack power or attack speed, will be greatly improved, until it strangles you to pieces!” ”

The bone goddess looked as usual, her steps did not stop, as if she hadn’t heard Lin Xiao’s words, and there was still a cruel smile on her face.

She was not in a hurry or slow, and walked over step by step.

As if death was approaching.

Rao is Lin Xiao, who has already used the sword formation, and he is also uncomfortable at this time, and every step of the bone girl seems to step on the node where his heart beats.

Uncomfortable, very uncomfortable!

“Die!” Lin Xiao roared.

With his hands waving indiscriminately, the sword formation began to run wildly.

Just like what Lin Xiao said before, the entire sword array seemed to have turned into a large meat grinder, and there was no slightest gap to enter and exit.

Seeing that the bone woman was completely shackled in it, Lin Xiao was slightly relieved.

Next second.

The sword formation began to launch an indiscriminate attack on everything inside!

The sword light flickered, and the sound of clanging was endless.

The bone girl didn’t look at it, and didn’t take the sword formation seriously at all.

And the sword formation was completely helpless!

Tang Tian and Qin Wuyao behind him were stunned.

After blackening, the bone girl’s combat power turned out to be so terrifying!

Lin Xiao was even taken aback.

Even the sword formation can’t break through the defenses?

“Damn, impossible, impossible, what the hell is going on!” He muttered.

I couldn’t believe what was happening in front of my eyes.

Seeing that the sword formation was completely unable to hurt the bone girl, she couldn’t even break the skin.

Lin Xiao did not dare to continue to delay.

Hands snapped together.


The sword formation instantly stopped, and all the long swords were raised above their heads in an instant, slowly merging together.

A heavenly giant sword was suspended above Xiao Bone’s head like this.

Then slash towards the small bones!

Between heaven and earth, the wind is howling, the sun and the moon are without light, and when you look around, it seems that you can only see this earth-shattering sword.

And Xiao Bone, in the face of such an attack, still does not dodge!


The long sword slashed through the body of the small bone.

Under the powerful attack, one of Xiao Bone’s arms was cut off, and blood flowed.

Xiao Bones suddenly froze, looked down at his broken arm, blinked, and looked up at Lin Xiao.

“Haha… Pretend, keep pretending! Aren’t you very capable? There’s a kind of re-…”

Halfway through Lin Xiao’s words, he was choked into his throat.

The arm where the small bone was broken, a stream of black blood came out, slowly squirming, and when it was refrozen, an intact arm had already grown!

Lin Xiao’s eyes almost waited to come out.

Dressed in white, he was completely disrespectful of his demeanor at this time, roaring angrily, and let the giant sword desperately kill the small bones regardless of his demeanor.

Under the attack of the greatsword.

Xiao Bones did not continue to sit still, she instantly rushed forward, so fast that she dragged an afterimage behind her.

appeared in front of Lin Xiao.

The bloodthirsty and cruel voice sounded in the ears like a talisman of death:

“In order to protect Tang Tian, everyone, must die!”

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