“Titan giant, as the standard core of the main city operation, with sufficient feed supply, can support at least a thousand years.”

“This one can last for hundreds of years now, and it can be regarded as its own contribution.”

“But you expect this spicy chicken whose corpse core energy is almost exhausted to want to deal with me, which is an insult to me!”

Say nothing.

Lin Xiao didn’t look at the titan giant, turned around and continued to face Tang Tian.

Behind him, the titan giant naturally felt Lin Xiao’s strong hostility towards Tang Tian, and directly stepped on it.

But at this moment, several long swords flew into the air, as if they had autonomous consciousness, surrounding the titan giant, and launched a cruel ling.

The long sword that shuttled back and forth easily broke through the defense of the titan giant, piercing his flesh and blood.

The titan giant screamed in pain, madly crashing into the surrounding buildings, and for a while, the ground shook.

“You can’t save Chu Tianjiao, and you can’t save this Black Fire District Four City.” Tang Tian said with a sneer.

Stand on the edge of the lower level of the minaret.

Look to the periphery.

The moment the seal of the titan giant was broken by Tang Tian, the ion shield disappeared.

At this time, thousands of zombies had frantically poured into the Black Fire District Four City.

There are fights everywhere, and the innate advantage of zombies makes the whole city chaotic into a pot of porridge.

With Lin Xiao alone, it was naturally impossible to save so many people.

“Chu Tianjiao is my student, I can’t save it, I really feel sorry, but what is the use of this Black Fire District City and me? What good are thousands of ants and me? ”

Lin Xiaoman didn’t care, and walked towards Tang Tian step by step.

Without taking a step, an additional longsword appeared behind him.


Qin Wuyao suddenly flashed in front of Tang Tian, and said coldly: “Xiao Bone, take Tang Tian out of here, I’ll stop him!” ”

What the?

Tang Tian was stunned.

Before she could react, the bone girl turned around without hesitation, picked Tang Tian up, spread her wings, and flew up.

“Go? Can you go? ”

Lin Xiao sneered, and the long sword in his hand flew out like a long rainbow.

But when he crossed Qin Wuyao, he suddenly stopped, as if he had stabbed something in mid-air and was blocked.

“Well? This is…… Is space supernatural? Lin Xiao looked at Qin Wuyao with interest.

Suddenly, he stepped forward, appeared in front of Qin Wuyao as if he was moving instantly, and smashed it with a simple and straightforward punch.



The fist slightly, in front of Qin Wuyao, directly broke through Qin Wuyao’s spatial barrier.

Then the remaining momentum of the fist did not decrease, and Qin Wuyao’s whole person flew out.

No way.

Too strong.

A punch from a C-grade powerhouse, Qin Wuyao couldn’t resist it no matter what!

Looking up at the bone girl and Tang Tian who had flown out for a distance, the corners of Lin Xiao’s mouth were slightly the same, and he suddenly closed his eyes.

Next second.

His whole person seemed to turn into a stream of light, crossing the space of several zhang and appearing in front of the bone girl.


It’s still a punch without skill.

The two were caught off guard and were directly blasted away by a terrifying force.

There was no way to control their bodies, and the two smashed to the ground like cannonballs.

The moment she landed, the bone girl wrapped Tang Tian tightly inside with her wings, and the two rolled out for a long distance.

Finally stopped.

Tang Tian got up from the bone woman’s arms, and most of the strength of the punch just now was on the bone woman’s body.

At this time, the crystallized feathers on the wings fell off, and the bone scales under her body also fell a lot.

The strength of a C-level powerhouse is really terrifying!

Tang Tian stood in place, not having time to check the injuries of the bone woman, his eyes staring at Lin Xiao who had stepped back into the air.

The moment he landed, Tang Tian rushed forward.

This behavior seems a little stupid to Lin Xiao, is this directly sent to death?

He sneered, seeing Tang Tian coming in front of him, he was about to make a move.

Suddenly, the brain seemed to be smashed by a giant hammer, and it went blank!

This is the role of the unparalleled field!

At this moment, Tang Tian used all the control power he could in the unparalleled realm to attack Lin Xiao’s brain!

The moment Lin Xiao was stunned, the dagger in Tang Tian’s hand had already pierced out towards Lin Xiao’s heart!


Lin Xiao deserves to be a strong man.

At the moment when he was about to be stabbed in the heart, he completely relied on his instinct and his own consciousness and staggered his body.

The dagger stabbed Lin Xiao’s shoulder.

Blood suddenly flowed out.

Tang Tian’s expression instantly darkened.

“It’s a pity… The strength is still not enough…”

At this time, Lin Xiao also came back to his senses, sensing the injury on his shoulder, and the murderous intent under his eyes also burst out instantly!

“After so many years, you… Be the first to hurt me, go and die! ”


A terrifying breath like a sea of blood in a corpse mountain shook Tang Tian, slammed heavily on the wall, flowers fell, and a mouthful of blood directly sprayed out of his mouth.

Tang Tian’s expression instantly withered.

Haven’t gotten up yet.

A long sword stabbed at the head.

Lin Xiao went all out!

It seemed that only the long sword was left between heaven and earth, shuttling through, as if even space was distorted.

Tang Tian wanted to hide, couldn’t dodge, wanted to move, couldn’t move.

The internal organs that were shaken seemed to be shattered, and it took a lot of effort to move a finger.

Seeing that Tang Tian was about to become a revenant under the sword.


It was as if there had been countless scenes over the years.

A small white hand covered with bone scales pushed him aside.


The long sword pierced the shoulder of the bone woman, and Zigen did not enter!

A sword was saved by the bone girl, and the anger in Lin Xiao’s heart became more and more vigorous.

“Well, want to save him, huh? Then I will kill you first, a beast that is not a man or a ghost! ”

In front of Lin Xiao, long swords flew out.

Tang Tian almost collapsed, frantically wanting to rush over.

But was gently pushed away by the bone woman, her small face was full of stubbornness and determination.

Long swords pierced her body.

Blood splashed on Tang Tian’s face, shoulders, body…


The last long sword entered the bone woman’s lower abdomen and pierced her corpse core.

Piercing the nucleus means the complete death of the mutant!

Tang Tian’s brain clicked, as if it had been struck by lightning, and it was blank.

“Hmph, a beast is a beast after all.” Lin Xiao sneered.

Summoned a long sword again, this time the target was Tang Tian.

And it was this last long sword, when it was about to pierce Tang Tian’s brain, the bone girl suddenly raised her hand again.

One grabbed the blade of the longsword.

With his finger bones, he abruptly stopped the momentum of the long sword.


How is that possible?

Wasn’t her corpse core all pierced?

Lin Xiao looked at the bone girl suspiciously, and in the next second, the pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank.


At this time, the bone woman, with her head bowed, one hand stretched out, grasped the long sword, and the blood on her body flowed out like money.

But she really didn’t die!

Instead, he stood up shakily.

In her mouth, she muttered sentence by word:

“In order to… Protect…… Protect…… Tang Tian…”

“In order to… Overcome…… More…… Robust…… Enemy…… people…”

“Ossicle, need… Power…”

“More… Robust…… Strength! ”

“Powerful… of the force…”


Xiao Bones suddenly roared, suddenly raised his head, and stared at Lin Xiao with dead eyes.

Bloodthirsty, killing, madness…

Choose people!

Bone Woman.

One by one, the long swords dissolved and disappeared as if the winter snow had melted.

One wound after another healed as if it had never appeared.

The white crystalline bone scales blacken at a speed visible to the naked eye and then spread throughout the body.

Together with the wings behind them, they all turned completely crystal black!

The long white hair seemed to be no different, but it was a dead gray with desperate silence.

At the same time, a terrifying aura like an ancient flood beast, centered on the bone woman, rose up!

Even the space around him seems to be distorted.

Tang Tian looked at this scene and heard a sound in his mind.

Having watched countless anime dramas in his original world, he only had one thought in his mind at this time:

Bone Girl… Blackened!

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