Looking at the overwhelming water blade, the four superpowers around Lin Xiao immediately stood up.

“No, I’ll come.” Lin Xiao lightly spit out a few words.

The footsteps of the four immediately came to an abrupt end.

Lin Xiao’s face was full of strong confidence and conceit.

As one of the military seats of Black Fire City, a C-level superpower, above 10,000 people!

Release a big word to a D-class superpower: With me, you can’t kill her.

At this time, let people meddle, isn’t that hitting yourself in the face?

And Tang Tian also saw this point.

Aren’t you awesome? Aren’t you pretending? Then Lao Tzu will hit you hard in the face!

The mind moved.

The overwhelming water blade rushed towards Chu Tianjiao like a locust.

Lin Xiao sneered: “Stupidity, ignorance, in the face of real power, no matter how many there are, it is a joke!” ”

The long swords in front of Chu Tianjiao rotated one by one, forming a protective shield like a knife fan, rewarding Chu Tianjiao for his strict protection.

The number of water blades was huge, and the formation that rushed up was large, but none of them could penetrate Lin Xiao’s defense.

Chu Tianjiao’s body was still unable to move, and he laughed madly inside, his face full of pride and arrogance.

“Just you? Want to kill me too? In front of the military seat, you are not shit, haha … Today, you are not trying to move a hair of mine! ”

Tang Tian was silent.

Lin Xiao glanced at Chu Tianjiao, looked at his masterpiece, and nodded with satisfaction.

But suddenly, he saw a strange sneer on Tang Tian’s face.

As a master’s intuition, he immediately noticed that something was not quite right.

What’s wrong?

He subconsciously looked at Chu Tianjiao, and in the next second, his brows sharply froze.

On Chu Tianjiao’s body, the water vapor churned again, but it didn’t seem to be controlled by Chu Tianjiao himself.

It’s Tang Tian!

These water vapors churned and eroded Chu Tianjiao’s internal organs, and her face was full of pain, but her body still couldn’t move.

“Military seat, save… Save me…”

Lin Xiao’s face instantly became gloomy to the extreme.

Without hesitation, he disappeared in a flash.

Tang Tian’s pupils shrank suddenly, what a speed!

This is different from Qin Wuyao’s spatial system teleportation, space spells require a terrifying level of understanding of space.

After casting, it is an instant transfer of position.

But Lin Xiao was completely relying on his own speed!

Lightning fast!


But it’s still late!


In the sword formation, Chu Tianjiao’s body was instantly shattered by the churning water energy and burst open.

Lin Xiao’s figure stopped abruptly, and his figure shook, separating the minced meat and blood, so as not to be embarrassed.

A few seconds later.

He was still dressed in white and victorious, but his indifferent face was already monstrous killing intent at this time!

He is a C-class superpower, and in front of a D-class minions, he boasted about Haikou.

As a result, Chu Tianjiao was finally killed by Tang Tian!

This can’t all be blamed on him, Tang Tian specifically uses the water blade just to divert his attention.

In fact, if Tang Tian wanted to kill a person in the unparalleled realm, how could he use such a troublesome move.

Controlling Chu Tianjiao’s own water system power to kill her was the most direct way.

But he couldn’t use that move directly, with Lin Xiao’s speed, if he used it directly, Lin Xiao might only need 1 second to take Chu Tianjiao out of the scope of the unparalleled realm.

And with the overwhelming water blade cover, the immortal can’t save her when she comes!

“Coincidentally, you are dressed in white, and you just came to mourn.” Tang Tian said with a smile.

“Find death!”

Lin Xiao suddenly turned his head, a long sword from a hundred meters away, as if piercing the void, the speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye made Tang Tian’s face change greatly!

In the unparalleled realm, Tang Tian summoned all his power to stop the long sword.

But it’s still not enough, although the speed of the long sword has slowed down, it is still too fast, and the power of the C-level supernatural is really too strong!

The last moment.

It was the small bones that blocked Tang Tian’s face like lightning.

The bone shield has been propped up, but the long sword still pierces the bone shield!

However, after piercing, it also lost its momentum, fell to the ground with a clatter, and then slowly dissipated.


That long sword, is also an energy body?

“Bone, how are you?” Tang Tian pulled the bone girl back with a distressed heart.

The bone shield is made of her small arm, and piercing the bone shield is equivalent to piercing her arm!

“I… It’s okay…” said the little bone.

“One C-grade waste, two disgusting beasts, students who dare to hurt me, you can’t escape the blame!” Lin Xiao’s face was frosty at this time.

Qin Wuyao explained on the side: “Chu Tianjiao is a student he single-handedly taught, and in the early years, Lin Xiao was the commander here!” ”

So that’s the case, no wonder this Lin Xiao looks like a dead mother.

Right now.


With a loud bang, the gate on the lower level of the spire collapsed, and the huge figure of the titan rushed out from inside.

He had been asleep for too long and was only now able to really move.

But it’s good to be in time!

“Oh my God, how did this beast live?”

“What about the seal on it? How could someone unlock the seal imposed by the City Lord! ”

“Everyone be careful, this thing is a C-grade mutant!”

The four superpowers brought over by Lin Xiao shouted in surprise.

Lin Xiao slowly turned his head to look at the titan, his eyes narrowed slightly.

C-class mutants vs. C-class powers.

Which is stronger and weaker?

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