At this moment, even Tang Tian was stunned.

He looked at the bone woman.

At this moment, in the body of the bone woman, I can no longer see the confusion and cuteness.

At this moment, on the body of the bone woman, some are just a kind of fighting intent, a powerful fighting intent!


Tang Tian’s heart was excited, and he directly waved his hand and untied the other three.

The three of them sensed that the restraints on their bodies had disappeared and the powers returned, and they all glanced at each other, after the Flame Gold Ant gave way.

The three did not choose to find trouble with the bone woman, but rushed directly towards Tang Tian!

The thief captures the king first, this decision, there is no problem.

But alas….


The figure of the bone woman instantly blocked in front of Tang Tian.

The two bone blades in his hand directly slashed out, forcing the three people to retreat.

The three had no choice but to fight with the bone girl first.

These three people, one of them is a fire system power, and one is a special sonic system, the third person turned out to be a strange, an auxiliary system, anyway, I can’t see what kind of ability, in short, it is a crotch-puller.

The first person to die at the hands of the bone woman was him.

Then, the fire guys began to erupt, and the fireballs and the sea of fire flew out in a uproar.

In order to ensure the fairness of the competition, Tang Tian did not choose to suppress the fire energy.

So, the people’s side fought fiercely, and Tang Tian’s side, in order to avoid the flames, chickens flew and dogs jumped.

Another guy from the sonic system, open his mouth and howl.

That voice was really heartbreaking, and it made Tang Tian scratch his heart.

But the bone woman did not react at all.

Tang Tian suddenly understood that the crystallized bone shield on the bone woman itself had the effect of reflecting sound waves, and this guy was considered wasted.


A few seconds after Tang Tian’s thought, the bone girl cut off his head with a bone blade.

The last Fire Psychic.

While dodging the flames, the bone girl quickly approached and soon came to the front door.

The man was also afraid, and a torrent of flames erupted from his mouth, and the bone woman reacted in an instant.

One arm turned into a bone shield in front of him.

The other hand went around the bone shield and cut the man’s chest.

Between the echoes of the firelight, the bone girl stood proudly in the sea of fire, and her first reaction was to turn her head to look at Tang Tian.



Handsome batch!

“Good, good.” Tang Tian nodded his head in satisfaction.

This combat talent is simply terrifying, why didn’t it be discovered before?

With a wave of his hand, he extinguished the flames in the unparalleled realm, and then said, “Hurry up and search for the corpse core, there must be a lot of inventory on these people.” ”

Fang Cai, who was still dashing like a swordsman, immediately got together with Tang Tian when she heard this, and secretly began to touch the corpse.

“This guy has 11 on him.”

“There are eight of them.”

“Hey, there are 26 on this woman’s body, good guy, beautiful women just eat fragrant.”

“Here are six.”

“In the end, this guy is more bitter, and he only has 3 on his body.”

Finally assembled.

On these people, a total of 54 were found!

Among them, there are 51 F-class cadaver nuclei and 3 E-class cadaver nuclei.

Plus the previous 3 in Tang Tian’s hand.

There are also 16 F-class and 1 E-class looted.

So far, Tang Tian has 70 F-grade corpse cores and 4 E-grade corpse cores in his hands!

The evolution of bone women requires 50 F-grade corpse nuclei, or 5 E-grade nuclei.

Just an F grade is enough!

“It’s a good harvest, finish work.” Tang Tian laughed contentedly.

After leaving the cave, Tang Tian found some wild fruits around to feed himself, and then returned to the tyrant with the bone girl.

The tyrant big man was sitting stupidly in the forest at this time, playing with the flame gold ants in front of him.

Seeing Tang Tian come back, he immediately brushed and stood up.

“Sit down and sit down, such a big size, it’s scary.” Tang Tian hurriedly said.

After that, he and the bone girl sat side by side with the tyrant, leaning on the tyrant’s body.

Tang Tian began to calculate.

50 F-class corpse nuclei is enough.

For the E class, you need 5, and he now has 4.

But the tyrant still has one, and it should be enough to make it together.

Thinking of this, Tang Tian subconsciously looked up at the tyrant, who froze sharply as if he sensed something.

“Forget it, you big guy helped me a lot, but I don’t want to kill you.” Tang Tian muttered.

Looking at the system panel, the intimacy with the tyrant has reached 120 points.

Anyway, the F-class is enough, then use the F-class one.

It’s just…

It’s a bit of a pain in the flesh!

An F-rated one is 1 million Union coins.

50, that’s 50 million!

Good guys, that’s a lot more than it cost to build a pet in the original Blue Star game.

“No, bone girl, give you this, taste it.” Tang Tian took a bite of the wild fruit and found that it tasted good, so he casually threw one to the bone girl.

The bone woman reached out and took it suspiciously, as mutants, they never ate these things.

But since Tang Tian asked for it, she still tentatively opened her small mouth and took a bite.

Then he was suddenly stunned, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he gulped down.

“Eat slowly, it’s better, no one will rob you.” Tang Tian was crying and laughing for a while, wiped the juice on her face with his sleeve, and rubbed her little head spoilingly.

Soon, the two were well fed and drunk.

Tang Tian laid out all 50 F-grade corpse cores.

Take a deep breath and look at the bone woman.

Evolve D-Level, begin!

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