But Tang Tian’s movements were still slow.

As soon as he untied his helmet, a flame gold ant had already jumped up, opened its mouth wide, and bit towards Tang Tian’s head like a tongs cast of steel.

Tang Tian tensed up and was about to dodge.

A white shadow flashed in front of him in the oblique thorn, and the flame gold ant had already split into two halves, and the dead could no longer die.

Tang Tian turned his head in amazement.

“Bone girl!” Tang Tian shouted excitedly.

I haven’t seen him for two days, and he was very happy to see the bone girl suddenly.

“Why are you here?”

He hugged Ling Yue to the bone girl and asked.

Ling Yue’s heart in his arms had already mentioned his throat.

I lean, three F-class mutants, one E-class mutant, that’s it, now another F-class bone girl has emerged!

At the beginning, those teammates were all killed by the bone girl, so Ling Yue was very impressed with her.

But seeing the bone girl appear, Tang Tian not only did not get nervous and did not run away, but came over excitedly.

Isn’t this looking for death?

But the next scene made Ling Yue’s jaw drop.

The bone girl in front of her, not only did not attack them, but stood in place, looking at Tang Tian a little shyly.

Delicate like a little bride.


She turned her head again to look around.

The originally restless ant colony was all quiet at this time.

The Flame Gold Ant Emperor, the Poisonous Beast Mother, including those phantom brain worms, steel teeth, and even tyrants who have just walked to the front and have a huge body!

All the zombies all seemed to be stupid in place, looking at Tang Tian with a demented face.

This peerless face makes them mesmerized.

The peak appearance of the mode Yan King system, the lethality of all zombies, is simply boundless!

“Tang Tian, this… This is…” said Ling Yue with a swallow.

“Oh, it’s okay, they…”

Tang Tian hadn’t finished speaking.


[Congratulations to the host, the number of zombie fans has reached 4,000…].

[Congratulations to the host, the number of zombie fans has reached 5,000…].

[Congratulations to the host, the number of zombie fans has reached 6,000…].

[Congratulations to the host, the number of zombie fans has reached 8,000…].

[Congratulations to the host, the number of zombie fans reached 10,000, won the title ‘10,000 corpse fans’, and doubled the attributes. ] 】


[Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained the F-class mutant poison lin beast mother’s sworn follow, spiritual power +50].

[Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained the sworn follower of the F-class mutant steel tooth beast, spiritual power +50].

[Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained the F-level mutant Flame Golden Ant Emperor’s sworn follow, spiritual power +50].

[Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained the sworn following of the E-level mutant tyrant, spiritual power +100].

A series of system prompts made Tang Tian stunned.

Good guys, the simple act of taking off your helmet has earned so many rewards!

Cool crooked!

He quickly opened his information.

Host: Tang Tian

Appearance: 99999 (full level).

Power: 24

Agility: 26

Endurance: 18

Mental power: 470

Zombie fans: 12568 (only count ordinary zombies).

Possess Abilities: Unparalleled Realm.

【Matchless Field】:

Energy control system is a special energy, in the unparalleled realm, the special energy can freely control all the energy in it that does not exceed their own level!

Current level: E level (can be upgraded, upgraded as the host’s mental power increases, the next level requires 1000 spiritual power).

Current range: 50 meters (can be upgraded, upgraded as the host’s mental power increases, and the next level requires 1000 mental power points


The contract mutants below, in addition to the bone woman, there are more steel tooth beasts, poisonous beast mothers, flame gold ant emperors, and tyrants.

The previous Rock Wolf King has been removed from the data because of his death.

The intimacy with the bone girl also reached 250 points.

Unexpectedly, these ordinary flame gold ants can also be regarded as the category of ordinary zombies, and the number of fans has risen in an uproar.

He also received a title: Ten Thousand Corpse Fans.

Is it the same as heartthrobs?

The title doesn’t matter, but it’s comfortable and crooked, and because these mutants have gained a lot of spiritual power.

It’s a pity that doubling spiritual power seems to only act on the previous attributes, which is a pity.

But even so, he now has 470 spiritual power, and the unparalleled realm has reached the E level!

Whether it’s range, control, or power, it’s a huge boost!

This means that he is already an E-level psychic!

With such rapid progress, it is even unique in the entire Alliance of Psychic Beings.

“Tang Tian, what should we do now?” Lin Yue asked nervously.

She doesn’t know what the situation is right now.

Tang Tian came back to his senses and said, “What else can I do, the five minutes given by Li Wei is almost the same, I’ll send you out first.” ”

“Get out?” Ling Yue was stunned.

How to get out?

There are all zombies around, and there are several mutants, although I don’t know what the reason for their strange behavior is now, but the possibility of getting out of the encirclement of this group of zombies is almost zero.

Just thinking.

Tang Tian directly raised his foot and walked towards the direction of the convoy.

Seeing that the Flame Gold Ant and the Flame Gold Ant Emperor in front of him were still looking at him with a demented expression, Tang Tian directly scolded angrily: “A group of brain dead, stupid?” Fuck off for Lao Tzu! ”

Ling Yue’s body shook violently.

It was also the first time she had seen someone so arrogantly scolding in front of three, no, four F-class mutants and one E-class mutant!

This is Tang Tian’s secret?

Also…… What a pervert!


The Flame Gold Ant Emperor and the Flame Gold Ant in front of him actually parted a road!

[There are still a few hundred flowers left and 10,000 flowers, big brothers, make it together, I wish you big brothers immortality, and strive for gold every day!!! 】

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