
Tang Tian immediately rolled over from the bed.

The people from the minaret are coming? Also surrounded the training ground? What do you mean? Come and me?

“What should we do, my lord?” Ling Yue asked carefully.

Tang Tian’s brows immediately frowned, and he said with a bitter smile: “Captain, you are tormenting me, the supernatural has no meaning to me, you still call me Tang Tian.” ”

Ling Yue was stunned.

Tang Tian had already walked out.

He wanted to see what these people were going to do.

Coming out of the room, I swept around, and sure enough, the soldiers of the minaret not far away were guarding the surroundings.

Li Wei brought the other two people to stand in front of Tang Tian.

“Lord Li, what do you mean by this?” Tang Tian asked lightly.

“Don’t call me my lord, I came here to grant you the status of a powerful person by the edict of Lord Qin.”

After speaking, hand out a few things.

“This is the exclusive badge of the F-level Psychic, bring it and you will be a member of the Alliance of the Spire Psychic and increase the welfare package.”

This thing, Tang Tian knows.

But the other one was an identical bracelet that Huang Jie wore before!

“The bracelet is mandatory for the superpower, and the supernatural is the most precious resource of the alliance, and there is no room for mistakes, so it is necessary to use the bracelet to ensure their safety.” Li Wei explained.

“But in my opinion, this thing is probably used for surveillance, right?” Tang Tian said with a sneer.

“What do you say!” Li Wei didn’t speak, but the other two were anxious.

Li Wei raised his hand and said, “You’d better not let the high-level of the minaret hear this, otherwise, your end will be very miserable, and you can become a supernatural in a short period of time, which makes me very surprised, everyone will be colleagues with each other in the future, and the title of adult will be exempted.” ”

Tang Tian picked up the badge and bracelet, stared at the bracelet for a few seconds, smiled, and said, “I’m joking, I accepted this thing.” ”

After speaking, he put it on his wrist and replaced the soldier’s ordinary bracelet.

Li Wei nodded in satisfaction.

“So, anything else?” Tang Tian asked.

“Yes, we have received an intermediate task, and the above clearly names you to participate, you guys prepare, in an hour, leave on time.”

This is not a consultation, but an order, more like a notification.

After speaking, Li Wei turned and left.

Tang Tian stared at Li Wei’s back, watching the surrounding minaret soldiers leave one after another, and said with a slight frown: “Li Wei is just an F-class superpower, and he is also an auxiliary defense system, why does he look very powerful?” ”

“You don’t know this, I’ve heard that Li Wei’s qualifications are very old, although he has not been promoted for a long time, but in the minaret, he still has some identity, and in the minaret, there is also a tradition of talking about seniority.” Ling Yue explained.

So it was.

As for the bracelet, Tang Tian used the unparalleled realm to detect it when he got it, and the circuit energy inside also belongs to the controllable one.

Tang Tian just thought about it, and directly destroyed the monitoring equipment inside, so it doesn’t matter if you wear it, compared to the previous ordinary bracelet, the function is better to use.

Only, what is the intermediate task after an hour?

In fact, there is nothing to prepare, but after becoming a superpower, the minaret specially equipped Tang Tian with a new set of equipment, as well as powerful thermal weapons, guns and ammunition.

In addition to these, Tang Tian asked for a helmet in particular.

This was a must for Tang Tian.

But this move confused everyone, thinking that Tang Tian was timid, and after becoming a superpower, he was still timid.

He even has the title of ‘helmet man’.

In this mission, a total of 75 people were dispatched in five squads, six manned ordinary combat trucks, and four combat vehicles equipped with energy cannons.

There were also Li Wei, Tang Tian, plus the other two young men who were beside Li Wei before.

Four F-class superpowers set out together!

Of course, Ling Yue was also in the team.

On the way, Tang Tian sat opposite Li Wei, and the two young men beside Li Wei swept their eyes presumptuously over the perfect figure of Ling Yue beside Tang Tian.

In the end, it was fixed on Tang Tian’s body.

“Hey, helmet man, don’t you, you also need to wear a helmet when sitting in the car, aren’t you bored?”

“That is, I am afraid of death and fear of becoming like you, I still see it for the first time, rest assured, when the time comes, Xiaoye I will save your life by the way.”

“By the way, what is your power? I didn’t say anything above, might as well show it and let’s see? ”

Tang Tian glanced at the two of them lightly and said, “My power is to gouge my eyes.” ”

“Huh?” The two were stunned.

“If your eyes are not honest again, and you are presumptuous on my captain’s body for another second, I will gouge out your eyes.”

Ling Yue was stunned suddenly.

The gazes of the two had long made her uncomfortable, but in the face of the supernatural, she did not dare to say anything, and she was not qualified to say anything.

But she didn’t expect Tang Tian to come out for her.

The two also reacted immediately.

“Bastard, what do you say!”

“Do you dare to say another word? Break your helmet, do you believe it or not? ”

Seeing that it was about to fight, in the end, Li Wei stood up.

“Enough! One more nonsense, roll out of the car yourself. ”

Li Wei’s words were still very effective, and the two immediately shut up, but looking at Tang Tian’s eyes, they still revealed a thick haze.

Soon, the convoy passed through a jungle.

Tang Tian immediately turned his head and looked.

From here, it doesn’t take long to reach that small valley, where the bone girl is, I don’t know how she has been these two days.

The convoy swung by.

In the middle of the jungle.

The graceful figure who was lying cross-legged next to the bluestone suddenly opened his eyes, looked up in the direction from outside the forest, and the two white bone horns on his head moved.

Then Huo Ran got up, and his delicate figure quickly shuttled along the jungle like a cheetah, chasing the direction of the convoy.

Behind him, more than a dozen rock wolves followed desperately.

[Guys, have you seen here?] Raise your little hand and snap a 1 in the comment section to let me see you guys!!! 】

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