“Hemostatic agent, I still have a use, I can’t give it to you.”

Tang Tian said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, several people were stunned.

It was the first time they had seen someone so defying the orders of the Mighty.

In today’s worldview, ordinary people are called untouchables, and those in power are superpowers.

They not only possess power beyond the reach of ordinary people, but also possess supreme social status.

People do not distinguish between noble and cheap?


In this world, it is divided, untouchables are untouchables, and upper people are superior people!

Hearing Tang Tian’s voice, the Rock Wolf King not far away suddenly opened his weak eyes and looked at Tang Tian.

That look made Tang Tian shocked!

Although it was dependent on the role of the Yan King system, these simple-minded animal zombies, the dependence and trust they had in him, still made Tang Tian feel a little unbearable.

And now, it’s dead.

Killed by a psychic, a psychic who prides himself on being a superior citizen.

“Bastard! Can your cheap lives be compared to mine? Give me the hemostatic agent immediately, otherwise, I will kill you right now, believe it or not! Huang Jie roared.

Dare to shout after it, it seems to involve the wounds on the body.

Huang Jie’s face changed, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out.

The three team members around him hurriedly and carefully waited by the side.

Tang Tian looked at Huang Jie stunned, and was surprised to find that some fine capillary-like lines had begun to appear on Huang Jie’s skin.

Although not very obviously.

But this… Obviously infected!

He walked in two steps, and sure enough, he found that Huang Jie’s right forearm had been torn off a large piece of meat by the Rock Wolf King.

Therefore, Huang Jie was infected!

No wonder he needed so much hemostatic so desperately.

Hemostatic is a standard medicine for every team member, but it is so precious that no one can only bring one per mission.

The role of hemostatic agents is not only to stop bleeding, but also to fight biochemical viruses!

Although it cannot be directly removed, it can play the greatest suppressive role, so as to persist in returning to the four districts of Black Fire and receive systematic virus treatment.

“What are you still doing, slut, give me a hemostatic agent!” Huang Jie roared.

“The hemostatic agent has a very great effect on me, why should I give it to you, has the alliance stipulated that the hemostatic agent must be used by the supernatural?” Tang Tian looked at Huang Jie indifferently and said.

This time, Huang Jie didn’t say anything, but the three team members around him spoke.

“You’re the trash with your helmet, aren’t you? It’s not dead. ”

“Even if you don’t die, you won’t even take out the hemostatic agent that the master of the supernatural wants, can’t you find death?”

“Don’t look at your identity, inferior, it’s your honor to use your hemostatic agent, you…”

“Shut up!” Tang Tian suddenly roared.

He stared dead at the three people who spoke in front of him.

These three guys, they are obviously ordinary people, but they are a slut, a pariah, and call Tang Tian a pariah.

And what they are looking forward to and relying on is that they can only make Huang Jie impress them and take care of them a little.

But how did they know that after going out from here, Huang Jie might not even remember what the hell they looked like.

For a little ethereal benefit, he is willing to be a dogleg and tends to be inflamed.

This is a kind of meanness that has penetrated into the bones, and there is no cure.

He is an ordinary person himself, but he still has to be aggressive towards Tang Tian, and his mind is so eager, which is really ridiculous.

The three were stunned by Tang Tian’s roar.

“Brother, so… In this way, I will tell you well, now, immediately give me the hemostatic agent, I can give you whatever you want, money? How much money you can open! ”

Huang Jie said with a desire to get away with it.

The corners of Tang Tian’s mouth rose slightly, and he took two steps closer, looking at Huang Jie, who was half-lying and leaning under the rock wall, with a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

“Lord Psychic, you have been hit by a biochemical virus, three injections, plus your own injection, a total of four injections, but it seems to have no effect, even if mine is given to you, isn’t it a waste?”

“Bastard, what do you mean! Hemostatic agent, give it to me quickly! Huang Jie’s face was a little hideous, and he didn’t know if it was the influence of the virus.

But Tang Tian still didn’t move.

“You three, quick… Snatch the hemostatic agent from him, as long as I can snatch it, I… I will send you to the minaret to guard and enjoy the treatment of the people!” ”

Huang Jie’s demagoguery is effective.

In this apocalyptic world, survival and living can no longer satisfy these greedy people.

To be able to enter the minaret, that is their lifelong dream!

So, without hesitation, the three of them picked up their submachine guns and pointed them at Tang Tian, approaching step by step.

“Brother, don’t blame us for being ruthless, you yourself obediently hand over the hemostatic agent, we can not embarrass you, people do not destroy for themselves, don’t kill you better than us.”

Tang Tian glanced at the three of them lightly, and slowly took out the hemostatic agent from his pocket.

The eyes of the three people lit up, and Huang Jie was also relieved.

The next second.


The hemostatic agent was casually thrown on the ground by Tang Tian, shattered, and the liquid inside evaporated without a trace in an instant!

“Bastard! I…… I remember you, you… Your name is Tang Tian, right? You wait, wait until I return to the minaret, I will definitely let you die a bad death!” Huang Jie said with a distorted face.

Tang Tian was not afraid, and his eyes gradually became gloomy.

“Do you think you still have a chance to go back?”

As soon as the thought moved, Tang Tian’s power, unparalleled realm, burst out for the first time!

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