Wang Kai and the others who fled, the speed of the truck has been increased to the extreme.

Everyone looked nervously in the direction behind the car.

“Strange, why didn’t you chase after you?” Some team members murmured in confusion.

Although no one wants zombie hordes and mutants to chase them.

But it’s also too weird.

Theoretically, it was impossible for Tang Tian to delay for so long.

Wang Kai was also a little strange, frowning and said: “We are lucky that we didn’t chase after it, anyway, we can be regarded as picking up a life.” ”

“Yes yes yes, thanks to the king team, thanks to the king team.”

“Tang Tian’s kid is a drag oil bottle, to be able to contribute so much to the team, that’s what he should do.”

“Otherwise, everyone would all die there.”

Between seven mouths and eight tongues, no one thanked Tang Tian, but instead sarcastically and mocked.

It was as if Tang Tian was justified in delaying that pitiful time for them with his own life.

Now that the zombie horde and mutants have not chased after them, of course, everyone is happy.

But the good times did not last long.

A few minutes later, suddenly a team member shouted in horror: “It’s not good, the zombie group is chasing you!” ”


After so long to catch up?

Everyone hurriedly looked behind the car.


At the end of the line of sight, the dense group of zombies rushed all the way, as if ten thousand horses were galloping, and bursts of sand and dust were raised behind them, covering the sky!

In the middle, the mutant bone woman is even more galloping.

Everyone’s faces instantly turned pale.

“Accelerate, hurry up!” Wang Kai roared.

They are still in the range of Area D, and there is still a long way to escape back, and being caught up by mutants here is definitely a dead end!

The driver’s face is ugly, he has stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, where can he continue to accelerate, this is already the fastest speed!

Moreover, the driver also found a fatal mistake.

“Team Wang, it seems… It seems to be running in the wrong direction. The driver suddenly shouted.

The person who made the route before was Ling Yue, and at this time, Ling Yue had fainted, and the truck quickly deviated from the original route when he panicked.

Wang Kai’s face sank, he quickly raised his wrist, tapped his watch, and a translucent virtual map appeared in front of him.

This look, sure enough, has deviated from the original route, did not go straight back to the Black Fire District 4 City, but deviated to the right.

“Exactly, on the right is the D1-4 outpost, only 3 kilometers from us, we pass, quick!”

The outpost has an ion shield, which is a protective wall, although it can’t resist the mutant for a long time, but it can delay time and call the alliance for rescue, which is also a good choice.

When the driver heard this, he hurriedly corrected his direction and drove towards the D1-4 outpost.

Behind him, the zombie group quickly approached.

The speed of the truck has been increased to the extreme, but the zombie group can continue to shorten the distance.

“I lean, what is the situation of this zombie today, did you eat gunpowder or beat chicken blood? How did you run so fast? Wang Kai spat and scolded.

Look up in the direction of the zombie horde.

Strange, the bone girl disappeared at this time, did she give up?

“Captain, the bone girl seems to be missing?”

“Yes, I just saw the bone girl in the zombie group, why is this blink of an eye gone?”

“Give up chasing us? Hmph, count her acquaintance, dare to chase and kill, Lao Tzu shot him. ”

The mood of the players gradually relaxed.

As long as the bone woman is not there and there are no mutants, these ordinary zombies are much less threatening to them.

Wang Kai stared dead in the direction of the zombie group, his brows furrowed deadly, and a strong uneasiness in his heart was growing madly.

“No, something is wrong.” Wang Kai muttered.

When a mutant encounters a human being, it is basically a situation of endless battle, and the distance is so close, there is no reason to give up.

But the bone girl is indeed not in the zombie group, where did she go?

Wang Kaibai was puzzled.

Right now.

Suddenly, the truck braked sharply, the wheels locked, and the tires rubbed several long marks on the ground and stopped.

All the team members in the carriage were caught off guard and a person turned on his back, and even Wang Kai fell directly on the ground and fell to eat.

“Yes, how the do you drive?”

“The zombies behind are about to chase over, do you stop and wait for death?”

“Don’t hurry up and drive yet!”

The team members cursed and cursed, Wang Kai suddenly got up, his face was also angry, and yelled: “You can’t fucking go back to driving?” ”

“No… No, Team Wang, you… You look ahead…”

The driver’s voice had a heavy trill, and his body trembled like a spasm that could not be suppressed.


Wang Kai was stunned and looked up.

Twenty meters away.

A delicate white figure was standing there motionless.

It’s a bone girl!

Everyone’s faces changed drastically, and she actually came around the front.

It’s over, it’s dead, it’s completely dead this time.

At this moment, an even more unexpected scene appeared.

Behind the bone woman, a person slowly walked out, looking at the direction of the truck with a sneer on her face.

This person is Tang Tian, who was thrown into the zombie group by Wang Kai before!

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