Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 99 Isn’t this woman afraid of zombies?

The people in the van heard the long-haired woman's scream, and quickly came out with a knife, shouting: "What's going on!"

As soon as he said this, he saw the long-haired girl and the short girl jumping off the off-road vehicle and running towards the van.

And the person following them was not the thin man.

It's a group of zombies!

Yes, a group! At least a dozen!

"Zombies! Zombies!"

"Run, run, the zombies are coming!"

The long-haired woman and the short woman ran towards them screaming, and three men were waiting with machetes.

The zombies ran over when they saw the crowd of humans. Even though the only light source now was the moonlight above their heads, they could still clearly see the crazy appearance of the zombies.

They have experienced the apocalypse for three months, and they know very well how powerful these zombies are.

A few zombies are enough for grown men like them, even if they have guns.

Now the bullets are gone and only the machete remains.

They were holding knives, and all three of them were trembling, while the two women had already shrunk into the car and were too frightened to move.

The zombies roared and rushed towards this side. The distance between the two cars was not far, and they were about to arrive.

"Kill them!!!" the grumpy man yelled.

Three men went up with swords and slashed at the zombies.

The men are strong, but they are not boxers after all. Among them, the grumpy man is a former boxing coach who has some skills.

When the other two were wielding knives, they could only be described as hacking randomly.

However, some effort is better than nothing.

The three of them stood back to back, slashing at the zombies that were catching up.

Black blood flew, and the hardened muscles were chopped open and chopped into pieces.

When dozens of zombies pounced on them, relying on their back-to-back posture, they were able to resist and move towards the van little by little.

"I'll take the back seat later," Wang Lang said loudly, "You two rush in and then pull me up. If I can't get up, you leave quickly and don't look back, understand!"

The grumpy man and the spiky-headed man looked at each other.

In fact, Wang Lang is very holy and a bit cowardly, but he is really good to them.

This is why they have always obeyed Wang Lang as their captain, and this car still belongs to Wang Lang. Without Wang Lang, they would not be able to survive for even three months.

According to what Wang Lang said, the three of them continued to retreat.

It was almost time to reach the van.

And just when the grumpy man and the spiky-headed man were about to jump into the car, the car door slammed shut.

"What the hell is going on?"

The grumpy man cursed loudly, turned around, and could only continue to fight off the zombies.

Holding the machete, I don’t know whether the machete is blunt or not. These zombies are getting harder and harder to kill.

Their tiger's mouths were numb and cracked, with traces of blood dripping from them.

"What the hell are you doing! Why are you closing the door?"

However, the two girls in the van were unmoved and started trying to start the van.

"Do they want to escape on their own?"

"Damn, these two women!"

"Wang Lang, what should we do? Let's puncture the tires!"

The engine behind me started several times, but it didn't start. The van was still in place.

From the ho-ho-ho, uh-uh, zombie cries, they heard the faint voices of the people in the car.

"What's going on? It can't start?"

"I, I can't drive."

"I can't drive either. I can't learn. I took the driver's license test fifteen times."

"Then, what should we do?"

"No matter what, try to open it, I don't want to die!"

Two idiots wanted to leave them and run away, and then they couldn't drive.

Wang Lang sneered and said, "If they don't open the door, they will die together."

Wang Lang, who has always been kind enough to be like a virgin, could say such a thing, and the grumpy man and the prickly-haired man also understood what he meant.

The three of them were still slashing at the zombies, but their strength was gradually disappearing and their knives were gradually becoming dull.

The van behind him still didn't start, but the door didn't open either.

"I can't hold on any longer." The stabbed man's hand was already bloody and bloody, and his grip on the knife was a little loose. "I'm almost out of strength."

"wcnm, there are two people in the car, listen," the grumpy man said, "You can't survive without us! You can't even drive the car without us, open the door! Let him in!"

There seemed to be no movement from the people in the car, only faint sounds of crying could be heard.

"These two women are really worthless," the grumpy man couldn't help it and cursed, "They only cry when things happen, and they want to betray their trust and abandon us! Close your mother's door, close your mother's door, and we will die together. Bar."

The grumpy man was really angry, and the force of his men became stronger and stronger, actually overwhelming the zombies, making the zombies that rushed towards him unable to take care of themselves.

The thorn-headed man finally couldn't hold on any longer and took the knife out of his hand, just as the zombies were about to pounce on him and bite him.

Wang Lang hurried over and chopped off the hand of the zombie who was trying to pounce on the man with the spiked head.

Then he stood in front of the thorn-headed man and began to chop zombies.

The man with the thorny head struggled to grab the knife, while the other two also struggled to resist.

At this moment, a car headlight looked at them, and a huge beam of light shone towards the van, illuminating Wang Lang, the others, and the zombies.

The super large off-road truck sounded its horn, attracting the attention of most of the zombies.

Several people were blinded by the light, but they still struggled to resist the zombies that had pinned them on top of the van.

But most of the zombies were still attracted by the car, their movements were much slower, and they were able to resist a little.

The two people in the car also lay down behind the car, looking at the off-road truck with headlights.

A girl with two ponytails came down.

She was wearing a short leather jacket, revealing her slender white thighs, and her face could not be seen clearly.

She held a baseball bat in her hand, and seemed to be holding a gun. She was not afraid of zombies at all, and walked straight towards the zombies.

Several people were still resisting the zombies, and they had no mood to care about the people coming here.

Chu Rou carried a baseball bat on her shoulder and walked towards the zombies with a gun in her hand.

"Nine, fourteen, fourteen zombies," Chu Rou smiled, "Not bad."

Her voice was very abrupt in the night, and the zombies found fresh humans and rushed over again.

Chu Rou took down her newly made baseball bat and greeted these zombies with one stick.

It was quite like Qin Feng's style, but the movements were not so skillful, just aiming at the zombies' heads and beating.

The sound of baseball bats hitting was endless.

The heads of the zombies exploded one by one, and black blood was scattered all over the ground.

These zombies that usually kill people and are difficult for the three men to chop are no match for this girl who doesn't look very tall.

They were shocked by Chu Rou's smooth and unblinking operation, and their mouths were wide open.

"Ten, eleven!" Chu Rou counted while hitting, and the baseball bat was already stained with black blood.

The last two zombies were the ones that were originally besieging Wang Lang and his men. Chu Rou raised the gun in her hand and shot them in the head twice.

All the zombies fell to the ground and died.

Several men were stunned. Is this a monster?

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