Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 8 Are the little apples delicious?

"You scared me," Chen Qiaoying said, "Just when I turned around, you disappeared."

Qin Feng jumped down from the beam several meters high and landed lightly on the ground, making only a little sound.

Qin Feng patted the dust and said, "That's because your eyes are not good enough."

Is his speed of 20 a joke?

Chen Qiaoying lowered her head, her long hair was still wet, and I don't know what she was thinking.

Qin Feng looked at Chen Qiaoying, took out a fresh little apple from his arms and handed it to Chen Qiaoying, saying, "You probably haven't eaten good food for a long time. The canned food in your room is expired."

There are a lot of fresh fruits in the second-level supplies. I put a few of them in my pocket when I came here. Anyway, I'll give them to her if there are more in the future.

Chen Qiaoying looked at Qin Feng in surprise.

"Take it, or I'll throw it away." Qin Feng said.

Chen Qiaoying took the little apple, which was fresh and plump, exuding a light fragrance.

She hadn't touched these things for two months. They were inconspicuous on weekdays, but they were precious supplies in the doomsday.

She looked at Qin Feng, and her vision gradually blurred.

Qin Feng sympathized with Chen Qiaoying, although anyone could die in the doomsday.

But this kind of behavior of silently waiting for her companions to throw her into the zombie pile and being "appreciated" by others like a monkey was too heartbreaking.

But he had no time and no energy.

He was a zombie harvester, not a savior who saved people everywhere.

"Take a bite." Qin Feng said.

Chen Qiaoying took a bite with tears in her eyes. It was crunchy, such a fresh feeling, such a vibrant feeling.

"Is the little apple delicious?" Qin Feng asked.

Chen Qiaoying nodded like pounding garlic, and a tear fell quietly.

Qin Feng shrugged and walked out.

He had eleven hours left, so he didn't accompany him.

"Chen Qiaoying, the boss said that since you are so stubborn, we will send you out in advance." The burly Brother Feng returned again, bringing two younger brothers with him.

The moment they saw Qin Feng, they were all stunned.

"Fuck, who are you?" Brother Feng said in a daze.

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, but soon reacted and said, "I am your father."

Brother Feng reacted, spat, and said, "Damn, a bastard broke in, shoot!"

The two younger brothers behind him were about to raise their guns, but the next second, Qin Feng stepped forward and arrived in front of them at a speed that they didn't react.

He quickly took the gun and pointed it at their temples with his backhand.

Bang, bang, bang, three shots fell to the ground.

"Wow, this gun is a rotten batch." Qin Feng complained. If his hand speed was not fast enough and his strength was not strong enough, this jam would be embarrassing.

Inside the house, Chen Qiaoying poked her head out and covered her mouth in surprise when she saw this scene: "You, you killed someone?"

"Yes, I did," Qin Feng scratched his head and said, "Why don't you help and drag them in."

"Oh oh." Chen Qiaoying hurried out and helped Qin Feng drag the three bodies into the door.

Qin Feng wiped the blood very calmly, and Chen Qiaoying kept shaking on the side.

"These people look very familiar with that boss," Qin Feng said, "I can't be discovered. It's not that I'm afraid, but it's a bit troublesome and in the way."

"I saw you too, will you kill me to silence me?" Chen Qiaoying swallowed and asked.

"Oh, you reminded me," Qin Feng raised his gun and pointed it at Chen Qiaoying, "You are also a human being."

Chen Qiaoying froze on the spot, unable to move at all.

Qin Feng retracted his hand and smiled, "I was just kidding you, are you scared?"

"You, you are not in the same group with them," Chen Qiaoying sighed, "I thought..."

"I thought I was another one of the means used by the boss to frame you?" Qin Feng sneered.

Chen Qiaoying stopped talking. She looked at the dead man in front of her and trembled.

Qin Feng looked at the bodies of the three strong men and asked, "System, can I take the three of them away?"

[Return to the host, yes. But the zombie's space package can only hold the corpses of zombies. The host must carry the human corpse back personally]

Qin Feng: Oh, bye then.

Qin Feng wiped the blood off and turned to leave.

Chen Qiaoying hesitated for a moment, raised her hand and grabbed Qin Feng.

Qin Feng lowered his head, Chen Qiaoying flashed her eyes and asked, "You, can you take me away?"

"Take you away?" Qin Feng moved Chen Qiaoying's hand away and said, "No."

This is the end of the world, he came here to harvest zombies. Not to mention that he was already in danger, he also had to bring someone with him.

She was a girl who could even take a gun to the wrong place.

He was not here to pick up girls, let alone to take a walk in the apocalypse.

Although he felt sorry for Chen Qiaoying, he was powerless, so let it be.

Qin Mu turned and left.

Chen Qiaoying looked at the empty door, and a kind of despair sprouted in her heart, which gradually enveloped her whole body.

She lowered her head helplessly and sighed deeply.

In her hand, the half-eaten apple was still reflecting under the light. It was obviously very sweet, but she couldn't eat it anymore.

Chen Qiaoying returned to the room and put the apple on the table. The dull pain in her heart rippled a little bit.

"If I die, I will die. Anyway, I don't know how long I can live in this apocalypse," Chen Qiaoying wiped her tears, "The sooner I die, the sooner I will be reborn!"

She took a deep breath and stood up to get her proud professional suit. As one of the prison public officials, she deeply loved her profession.

Dress up, dress well, and welcome death in the most formal manner!

Her fellow prison guards sacrificed one by one for the survival of mankind, so as a colleague, even if she was a civilian who never participated in combat, she could not just back down like that!

She wiped away her tears, put on makeup, put on her police uniform, and put on her hat.

Chen Qiaoying saluted in front of the mirror and said loudly: "Police number 01102 completed the mission today and died bravely! Salute!!"

Put down her hands, and her beautiful big eyes were full of tears.

Chen Qiaoying took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Brother Feng died, and there were still Brother Li and Brother Zhang. She couldn't escape.

However, when she pushed the door open, Qin Feng was standing at the door waiting for her.

Chen Qiaoying shuddered and said in surprise: "Aren't you, leaving?"

"Yes, but I thought about it," Qin Feng said, "This prison is so big, and they have set traps everywhere to catch zombies. I am still a road idiot. Well~~~ After thinking for a few minutes, I decided to take you away. Show me the way out."

Chen Qiaoying stared at Qin Feng blankly, and kept staring without saying a word.

Qin Feng: "Are you crazy or are you going to turn into a zombie? Tell me and I'll give you a shot."

Chen Qiaoying suddenly threw herself into Qin Feng's arms and hugged him tightly: "Thank you, thank you very much."

Looking at Chen Qiaoying crying in his arms, Qin Feng was a little surprised, but he still hugged her back.

After a while, when Chen Qiaoying finished crying, Qin Feng said silently: "Sister, you are dressed so formally, why did you forget to wear underwear?"

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