Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 71 Are you a human or a ghost?

How could Qin Feng be a deserter?

He asked the system. Now there were only five hours left to return, and he already had more than a dozen mutant zombie corpses in his pocket.

According to the ratio, he could store twenty mutant zombies.

The rest was space for human corpses.

He hadn't met many humans this time, and he didn't kill them enough.

In that case, Qin Feng controlled the helicopter to go around, but the distance was far.

When he came out, he was still some distance away from Li Fucheng's helicopter.

The villain died because of talking too much, so Qin Feng didn't waste time talking to Li Fucheng.

He pressed the cannonball launch button, and a missile flew towards Li Fucheng's helicopter with a whiz.

Li Fucheng was an old hand after all. He controlled the helicopter to avoid the cannonball at the extreme distance.

Then he fired machine guns at Qin Feng at high speed, firing continuously from both sides of the helicopter.

Although Qin Feng was a genius, he had just learned it not long ago, and there was still a fundamental difference compared to others who had been flying helicopters for decades.

And more importantly, Qin Feng found that there were no shells on this plane.

"Fuck!" Qin Feng cursed, those guns had used up all the shells here.

"Hahaha," Li Fucheng's voice came from the intercom again, "Are there no shells? I knew that with the consumption method of the thin guy, there should be only a few shells just now. I didn't expect it to be gone so soon, kid, you will die if you do too much evil. You are dead."

Li Fucheng's voice was like the sound of an old speaker that had been polished for decades, harsh and hoarse.

Qin Feng sneered: "When more than a dozen of your helicopters are shooting at me, you have no right to speak."

Chu Rou, who was standing aside, frowned tightly after hearing this.

She looked at Qin Feng and said nothing. In such an emergency, women should not speak out and give blind advice to interfere with men's judgment. She believed that Qin Feng would definitely have a way.

After a few seconds, Qin Feng asked, "Chu Rou, how are your arm and leg strength?"

Chu Rou blinked and said, "Not bad, I'm very strong."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "That's good."

"What's good?" Chu Rou asked.

Qin Feng didn't say anything, and he couldn't fight Li Fucheng head-on without shells.

He drove the helicopter into the smoke again.

Li Fucheng spat and said, "Coward, don't run." He hurriedly drove his helicopter to catch up.

Qin Feng couldn't help but sneer as he listened to the words mixed with the sound of electric current coming from the intercom.

This is not running, it's obviously a strategic retreat.

Qin Feng flew to a place on the defense wall that was intact.

And at this moment, Li Fucheng's helicopter had caught up with them and appeared behind them.

"Damn, Sima, you bastard," Li Fucheng cursed, "If you dare to mess with me, I'll let you taste what a real cannon is!"

"I don't believe that I can't kill you this time!"

He aimed at the tail of the helicopter in front, pressed the launch button, and a missile hit Qin Feng's helicopter again.

With a boom, this time, they didn't dodge, and the tail of Qin Feng's helicopter exploded with a spark!

"Hahaha!" Li Fucheng laughed wildly, "I can't kill you, dare to fight me? Look, who's the territory!!"

"Young people like you who don't know their own abilities, give me a thumbs up!"

"You're still scheming against me, using the skinny guy's plane as a cover. Bah! I'll bomb you until your mother doesn't recognize you!"

"Want to run, it's not that easy!!"

After that, he started bombing Qin Feng's helicopter again.

The helicopter flew straight forward, but it couldn't withstand the bombing of so much firepower.

It soon reached its limit, boom! It exploded with huge and brilliant sparks, and fell straight out of the base wall.

Li Fucheng flew over in a helicopter, looking at his trophy with satisfaction.

"Fight me!" Li Fucheng snorted, "You kid should study for 800 years, idiot!"

However, at this moment, the helicopter seemed to be re-loaded and shook violently.

Li Fucheng hurried to check what was going on, but found nothing unusual and sat back in his seat.

The burning helicopter also exploded below, and it seemed that everything was burned out.

However, a strong sense of uneasiness came to Li Fucheng's heart, and he always felt that something was wrong.

And in the next second, a pistol was pressed against the back of Li Fucheng's head, and Qin Feng's cold voice sounded behind him: "Who are you scolding, idiot?"

Li Fucheng was shocked and almost stiff, and asked: "You, why are you not dead yet?"

The helicopter exploded like that, it is impossible not to be dead! ! !

And there was no smell of fire on this person, could he have left the helicopter long ago?

Impossible! !

The distance the helicopter was flying from the ground just now, if he jumped down, he would definitely die! And it would be impossible for him to come up again.

This man, is he a human or a ghost!

Qin Feng sneered when he heard this.

After he found that the broken helicopter had no shells, he drove the helicopter to the intact protective wall of the military base.

When he was about to arrive, he quickly estimated the speed, inertia, etc. of the jump in his mind.

Let Chu Rou hold her tightly, and he held Chu Rou face to face and jumped onto the wall.

The wall was thick enough, and Chu Rou stood there, not worried at all that she would fall down.

Qin Feng asked Chu Rou to wait for him. He expected that if a man like Li Fucheng defeated his opponent, he would definitely come to check his "miserable condition" to satisfy his bloodthirsty desire.

So he deliberately kept the helicopter flying and let the helicopter fall outside the wall.

If Li Fucheng wanted to see, he had to drive his helicopter over.

Once he came over, Qin Feng would be sure to get on the plane.

Li Fucheng actually came, and Qin Feng jumped. When he was twice as tall as an ordinary person, he could get up with a five or six-meter run-up.

Now that he is five times taller than an ordinary person, Qin Feng's strength and jumping ability are getting stronger and stronger.

Getting up is not a difficult task.

"You, are you a human or a ghost?" Li Fucheng heard the sound of Qin Feng pulling the trigger, "Why can't I blow you up, and you can still jump on the helicopter?"

"It's a human," Qin Feng said, "and it's also your life-seeking ghost. Go to hell and continue to curse, sprayer."

Bang, a shot went straight through Li Fucheng's head, and blood splattered.

The helicopter suddenly lost control and shook slightly.

Qin Feng patted the package on his waist, and with a buzz, Li Fucheng's body disappeared.

Qin Feng sat in the operating position and controlled the helicopter, which was a little out of control, more skillfully than before.

He regained control of the helicopter and flew towards the wall.

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