Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 65 Qin Feng's plan

The zombies were originally scattered, and they were mutant zombies. They did not have the same fear of pain as humans, and their physical performance was much higher than that of humans, so they were not easily destroyed.

Therefore, even if there was a large-scale bombing before, it was basically impossible unless the base was destroyed.

And it was also possible that the base's defense measures such as the walls were blown up, allowing the mutant zombies to flow out of the military base.

But now, the zombies actually began to gather because someone was running inside, so their concentrated fire was useful.

Li Fucheng's three helicopters began to move, and the other helicopters were not to be outdone and rushed up directly.

Hula, hula, the huge blast caused by the rotation of the propellers made the air here tremble.

As soon as they approached the zombies, they started to attack.

Artillery shells, machine guns, everything rushed up.

Qin Feng was running frantically, holding a gun in his hand, firing to make noise to avoid or guide the zombies.

Let the zombies follow him and run along the defensive wall of the base.

Ho ho ho, uh uh uh.

These mutant zombies were excited when they saw ordinary zombies, and even more excited when they saw humans. They roared and rushed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng maintained a certain speed and let these zombies follow him not too far or too close.

On the other side, Chu Rou ran to the helipad according to the previous plan after Qin Feng led all the mutant zombies out for a distance. Qin Feng took a detour and then went to the helipad to meet her.

After starting the fighter, the two flew into the sky and escaped from here.

Qin Feng said that he found that these helicopters would only attack the zombies in the base, and had no idea about the protection measures around the base.

It was roughly that when all the zombies in here were destroyed, they also wanted to use the facilities here to rebuild.

So, running along the wall must be no problem.

The two of them adopted the strategy of making a feint to the east and attacking the west, and those who bombed here would only bomb zombies.

Other facilities would not be damaged if they could not be damaged.

So, this method is perfect.

Chu Rou rushed out with the gun and baseball bat given by Qin Feng.

Of course, Qin Feng couldn't lead all the zombies away, and some of them still rushed towards Chu Rou.

Chu Rou picked up the gun and shot the zombies in the head.

Bang, the black brain burst, and the zombies fell to the ground.

Chu Rou picked up the baseball bat and shot the zombies in the head. The blood splattered all over the ground. The quality of the baseball bat worth 400,000 yuan was also good, and it was not bad at all.

Qin Feng knew that Chu Rou was a powerful woman, so he let her rush to the apron alone.

However, just when the two of them were working closely together, the artillery fire from the sky bombed again.

And this time it was very purposeful, all bombing in the direction of Qin Feng.

The gorgeous and scorching explosion flowers exploded in the zombie group behind Qin Feng, bang, puff, the zombies continued to chase Qin Feng without fear.

But the continuous explosions, the thick black blood exploded behind him, and the broken arms and limbs were blown all over the sky.

Qin Feng continued to run, enduring the surging blood in his chest.

Chu Rou looked at Qin Feng who was buried by artillery fire, was stunned for a moment, and murmured: "Qin Feng."

For her, Qin Feng ran to attract zombies and was attacked by artillery fire.

"Chu Rou," Chu Rou said, "You are sorry for Qin Feng!"

She shouted in that direction: "Qin Feng, you survive for me!!! I can do it with you as long as I want, a whole day, a whole year, as long as I am not tired!!!"

"Ugh!!!" At this time, a zombie rushed over and grabbed Chu Rou's shoulder.

Pressing her against the wall, it opened its bloody mouth and was about to bite her.

Chu Rou screamed, raised her hand and hit the zombie's head with the handle of the gun. With a strange force, the zombie was opened.

Chu Rou took advantage of the machine gun hitting her chest, turned around and clamped the zombie behind her shoulder with a baseball bat, and threw it over her shoulder.

The zombie was thrown out a few steps, staggering, and just stood still.

With the help of the terrain, Chu Rou pulled an iron rod on the wall, turned over and used the force from top to bottom, and hit the zombie's head with a baseball bat.

Black blood splashed all over, splashing on Chu Rou's face.

Chu Rou took a deep breath, with excitement in her eyes.

She still did not forget to look at Qin Feng's side. In the midst of the artillery fire, Qin Feng's figure continued to run without hurry.

"Damn," Chu Rou was surprised and happy, "I knew you wouldn't die so easily, wait for me!"

She continued to run towards the apron.

Bang, bang, bang, bombs continued to explode on Qin Feng's side, and the heat wave spread to this side. Chu Rou knew that she couldn't delay and had to go to the apron.

There were more than a dozen fighter planes, and some were locked in a special warehouse.

These people retreated so hastily that they wouldn't finish all at once. She would definitely find the planes that flew out.

Although the two were far apart and encountered urgent things,

However, they were quite in sync. The continuous artillery fire did not hurt them at all, but the zombies outside were blown to pieces.

However, with their huge numbers, these zombies were not so easy to kill. After more than half of them ran away, there were still about a hundred mutant zombies following Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked up and saw that the helipad was almost here.

So he sped up and ran over with a whoosh.

The group of zombies behind him were gradually pulled away by him, and with Qin Feng's use of the terrain, these zombies gradually lost their targets.

Their steps started to slow down and finally returned to the state of nothingness.

In the sky.

The thin man bombed for a long time before he noticed the movement of the zombies, so he said: "That person seems to have been bitten to death, and these zombies are not moving."

"How can anyone survive in this situation?" Li Fucheng said contemptuously, "Keep bombing, these grandsons want to steal the credit. Bomb it for me, bomb it hard!!!"



The firepower was stronger than before, but Qin Feng had already left the firepower concentration point, and his back was full of sweat from the heat wave, dripping.

Qin Feng took a big detour, and when Qin Feng ran to the apron, he saw Chu Rou just running over.

"Fuck," Chu Rou held Qin Feng's arm, and said a little breathlessly, "I'm running at full speed again, what kind of speed is this, are you running on a wind and fire wheel? It's so fast."

Qin Feng sneered, how could his speed be comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Where's the plane?" Qin Feng asked.

There was no fighter plane on the huge apron, it was empty.

Chu Rou looked at it and said, "Then we can only go to the warehouse." She pulled Qin Feng and ran to the doors of several closed warehouses.

She said, "They probably don't have time to open this door to fly the plane, otherwise it wouldn't be closed now. Can you, split it open?"

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