Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 6 First stop, prison

[Ding, the location is successfully transferred]

[Remind the host that the current time is only 12 hours]

As the electronic prompt sound echoed in his mind, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes.

He found himself lying in a long passage.

The walls of the passage were covered with dried blood, and large pieces of cloth were tied to the walls.

In the corner, some broken arms and limbs can still be seen, both human and zombie.

Behind him, there is a big iron door, but the door lock has been loosened.

"Fuck, where is this?"

After observing for a long time, Qin Feng felt that this should be an underground passage in the city, such as a shopping mall.

Fortunately, this system is a bit humane and did not let him lie directly in the middle of the road.

Sizzle, sizzle, suddenly Qin Feng heard the sound of flesh tearing from somewhere.

Sizzle, sizzle.

There was also the low roar of zombies.

"There are zombies!" Qin Feng was excited and listened with bated breath.

The sound of flesh tearing seemed to come from the iron door behind him.

Qin Feng opened the door slightly and looked around. Sure enough, several zombies were surrounding a corpse and gnawing at it behind the door.

Blood and other things were all splattered all over the floor.

Qin Feng smiled, opened the iron door, and knocked twice: "Tsk tsk, little guys, what's the point of besieging a corpse? Come to Daddy!"

The zombies looked over with gray eyes, and the distance between them was less than three meters.

Human, meat

Uh uh uh, ho ho ho, the zombies rushed towards Qin Feng. Qin Feng didn't even draw his knife, and moved quickly at a speed of 20 points. The zombies couldn't see him!

Qin Feng came behind the zombies and grabbed their necks with his strong hands.

After a few clacking sounds, the poor zombies had their necks broken and fell to the ground.

"Collect." Qin Feng said softly.

The package on his waist vibrated, and the zombies in front of him disappeared.

Qin Feng patted the package and smiled, "It's convenient to have this thing. Otherwise, it would be troublesome to carry zombies one by one."

At this moment, several voices and hurried footsteps came from the passage on the other side of the small space.

"Where are those beasts?"

"In the passage."

"Fuck them!"

Are there still humans here? Qin Feng thought about it and climbed up to the roof along the wall next to him. There were some vents there, hiding there and observing below.

After a while, two fully armed men ran in with guns. They were surprised to find that the zombies were gone, but their companions had been bitten to pieces.

"Damn, let these beasts run away again!" One of the men said, "The door lock was pried open, someone deliberately let the zombies in!"

Another man said, "Don't worry about this, go find those beasts, don't let them in!"


The two locked the room again and dragged away the body that had been bitten away.

Qin Feng jumped down from the roof, thinking.

Could this be a human base camp? It should be, with organization, discipline, and guns.

Let's go and take a look first, maybe there will be something to gain.

Qin Feng walked in from the entrance, avoiding the two people, and walked around in this complicated building.

After walking for about half an hour, Qin Feng found a serious problem. He was a road idiot and lost his way!

Even if he walked at a faster speed, it would be useless if he couldn't find the way? ? Time was wasted for almost an hour.

Qin Feng began to walk here aimlessly, paying attention to the surroundings.

Iron nets can be seen everywhere, with obvious bloodstains hanging on the nets.

The dark corridors are full of smelly green water and mottled moss on the walls. There are many rooms here, and there are iron railings outside the rooms.

"Is this a prison?" Qin Feng blinked.

At this moment, two ruffian men came over with guns, and Qin Feng dodged and hid behind a covered door.

Close the door and listen to the people outside.

"Now our supplies are getting less and less."

"Throw a few women out, there are many women here anyway."

"Didn't the boss take a fancy to Chen Qiaoying? Why throw her out?"

"She would rather die than obey, so let her die."

Qin Feng shook his head. These people didn't know that it was shameful to make supplies. What was the difference between them and the team that almost killed him.

Qin Feng snorted and turned his head.

However, a dark muzzle of a gun was right in front of him, facing his forehead.

"Raise your hands!" The person holding the gun was a girl, and a beautiful girl wrapped in a bath towel. "Who are you?"

"I am." Qin Feng pretended to be afraid, and then took the girl's gun with lightning speed, put his backhand on the girl's head and said, "Guess."

This girl obviously had never used a gun before, and she didn't even hold it in the right position.

The girl trembled, and her hand loosened in fear, and the bath towel fell down.

The two looked at each other.

Qin Feng: "."

Girl: "."

One second, two seconds, three seconds, the two were silent for a long time.

Qin Feng was the first to speak: "You, you have a big skin."

"Oh no, you have nice breasts, ah ah ah, that's not right either."

"You have a good figure." Qin Feng said, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere. He took back the gun and acted helpless.

The girl gradually came back to her senses, her pupils trembled violently, and her cherry lips opened slightly, about to shout.

Those two people are behind the door!

Qin Feng stepped forward quickly, covered the girl's mouth before she screamed, and dragged her back.

Qin Feng sat on the ground, and his sister sat between his legs.

"Don't move," Qin Feng said, "Let's see if you can climax?"

Qin Feng raised his hand and put the gun against the girl's head, saying, "If you yell a few more times, I'll kill you with one shot."

The girl froze, obviously not seeing this scene before, and closed her eyes in fear, leaving tears of fear.

About dozens of seconds passed, and the girl never saw Qin Feng's move to shoot. She breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened her eyes.

Qin Feng also relaxed his strength to give the girl a chance to breathe.

Qin Feng said: "Now, let me explain first, I don't mean to hurt you, unless you attack me first. I have a few questions to ask you now, you answer them honestly. If I find you telling lies, this guy Just put a hole in your beautiful head."

The girl nodded, Qin Feng let go of his hand, and she didn't scream as expected.

Qin Feng asked: "Which city is this and where is this? Guns are obviously banned in China, why do you have guns?"

The girl took a deep breath, calmed down and said: "This is the prison in Wengcheng. When the zombie virus broke out, the prison guards were infected with the zombie virus because they were protecting the people during the retreat. Then the prisoners occupied this place and opened the arsenal."

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