Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 59 A zombie is missing

"Qin Feng!" Chu Rou screamed, her voice full of fear!

The zombies rushed straight towards Qin Feng, their movements were sharp and their speed was like the wind!

Chu Rou was panicked: "How could it be useless? Has this biological potion expired? Impossible! How could my scientific experiment be wrong!"

Downstairs, Qin Feng was ready the moment the zombies came out.

[Ding! Remind the host that the combat effectiveness of these zombies is more than three times that of ordinary zombies]

[Before the system makes a specific judgment, it is recommended that the host choose to dodge]

The black gold long sword rotated in the air, and Qin Feng sneered: "They are not ordinary, but they met me."

If you are a man, you should face it head-on. Escape? That is also a strategic retreat, but it is not necessary now!

Uh uh uh, ho ho ho.

These zombies are quite agile, at least different from the zombies that Qin Feng had seen before, which were just running around and eating people.

These zombies have a methodical attack!

Qin Feng dodged left and right, avoiding the zombies' bites and scratches.

Of course, he was not dodging blindly, he was also observing the zombies' attack behaviors and attack patterns.

And, he fought back against the zombies' attacks one by one.

But as Qin Feng had judged before, the skin of these zombies seemed flexible, but it could not be cut open with one knife.

At most, there was a hole on it, and black blood flowed out, which had no effect on the zombies.

So, Qin Feng immediately changed his strategy and used the terrain of the laboratory to avoid damage.

These zombies didn't know what the medicine on the table in the laboratory was, and they just swept across with their hands, just to catch Qin Feng!

There were piles of glass bottles crackling, countless liquids and solid powders were scattered everywhere, and the alcohol lamp directly ignited an entire area.

The whole laboratory was messed up.

However, gradually, Qin Feng discovered a pattern of attack of these zombies.

That is, every once in a while, there will be a repetitive action.

That movement was the methodical attack we saw at the beginning.

The subsequent attacks were all simple rampages, such as the operation of rushing to the laboratory test bench.

It was like computer programming, someone deliberately programmed a more lethal attack into the zombie's brain.

Qin Feng smiled and immediately prepared to fight back.

However, just as he turned the corner and prepared to use his knife.

A baseball bat hit the head of one of the zombies with a bang, and the zombie immediately tilted its head.

Qin Feng:.

Chu Rou:.

"What are you doing down here?" Qin Feng asked.

"I will take the responsibility for the trouble I caused," Chu Rou said, "and I can't let you face them alone, I want to fight with you!"

Qin Feng laughed, how much effect could she have?

But at this time, the two of them were no longer allowed to discuss anything, and the two zombies that were not hit had already rushed over.

And the one whose head was hit crooked, gagged a few times, turned his head again, and rushed towards them.

Qin Feng pushed Chu Rou away and went up to fight with the zombies.

He had already fully understood the attack patterns and weaknesses of these zombies.

Then it would be very easy for him to kill these zombies!

Qin Feng used the black gold knife to fly up and down. It was useless to hit the zombies anywhere else, so he had to aim at their necks.

These zombies seemed to be blocking their necks and trying desperately to attack Qin Feng.

Block, stab in succession, slide the blade to the left and turn it back.

Qin Feng avoided all the damage from the zombies very well, and chopped at the necks of these zombies with his knife.

At this time, one of the zombies turned his target to Chu Rou halfway.

Chu Rou was pushed hard by Qin Feng and fell to the ground at this time, and had not had time to get up.

The zombies rushed over, and Chu Rou quickly got up and raised the baseball bat to bang.

This strange loli actually twisted the zombie's head 180 degrees with one stick.

The zombie couldn't turn back at once, but it still made a sound of "ugh uh uh ho ho" and turned around in place.

Chu Rou hurried up and hit the zombie with a stick again.

However, she hit the zombie in the wrong direction and hit its head back.

Chu Rou:. Damn!

The zombie ran towards Chu Rou, and the green liquid became more turbulent due to the continuous head impact, and even a little white stuff came out.

Like worms, crawling in the corners of its eyes little by little.

"Beast! If you have the ability, come here!" Chu Rou also started to fight with the zombies in the laboratory. What she is best at is using the terrain.

Her petite body easily and casually shuttled under the iron stairs, turned upstairs, and turned over and jumped down from the handrail of the stairs halfway through her run.

Although she couldn't kill the zombie for the time being, her flexibility was also amazing.

Qin Feng was fighting with the two zombies while watching Chu Rou's situation. Seeing her playing with the zombie, he couldn't help laughing.

No wonder she was hiding from the zombies upstairs when she first met her, right?

"Qin Feng, are you sure you can kill them!" Chu Rou said, "If not, we have to lead them back to the zombie container!"

Qin Feng sneered and said, "Girl, hold on, I'll play for a while."

Chu Rou: "Hey!!!"

But she still listened to Qin Feng and continued to hide.

No matter how strong the zombies are, they can't be smarter than humans, right?

Chu Rou dodged with ease.

On Qin Feng's side, after Qin Feng saw through the regular attacks, the zombies were beaten dizzy by Qin Feng's continuous attacks.

Qin Feng was not vague, and took the opportunity to rush forward and shouted.

The black gold knife instantly pierced the neck of the first zombie, and it was nailed to the wall behind.

Qin Feng turned around and let go, grabbing the remaining black gold knife with both hands, and slashed upward.

The second zombie's head was instantly separated from the neck in half, and it was bent backwards, and the whole zombie fell to the ground and died.

"Uh uh uh!!!!" The zombie nailed to the wall by Qin Feng was killed by Qin Feng's clean and neat horizontal knife.

After the matter was over, Qin Feng went to help Chu Rou, who was playing hide-and-seek with the zombies, to completely kill the three zombies.

"Wow, it's true," Chu Rou panted a little, "This zombie must have been a parkour player when he was alive. Its leg strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people like me."

Qin Feng chuckled: Aren't these zombies researched by you scientists?

With a buzzing sound, the space package on Qin Feng's waist took in all the zombies.

"Thank you," Chu Rou said, standing a little far away from Qin Feng, "Luckily you are here, otherwise I would be dead."

At this moment, Chu Rou looked at the zombie jars behind Qin Feng and said blankly: "No, there are four zombies in my laboratory, how come one is missing."

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