Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 38 Zombie Movements

Qin Feng had plundered almost all the supplies and thought back to the convoy that had just caused huge chaos on this street.

And, that somewhat familiar woman.

He didn't know why, but he remembered the shape of that woman's legs very clearly.

It must be that when he was abandoned by everyone and his heart was on the verge of despair, he remembered everything very clearly.

Forget it, don’t think too much about it for now.

The little package had been empty for a while, and it was time to fill it.

Qin Feng put the last things he took into the off-road vehicle, turned off the engine and left.

This kind of half-broken off-road vehicle with doors that can't be opened is everywhere in the apocalypse, so you don't have to worry about others stealing it.

Besides, besides that group of people, who dares to come out now?

Qin Feng just walked on the street and came to the middle of the street.

Thinking of something, I took out something and slowly laid it on my palm.

"Zombie bells," Qin Feng smiled, "Let me see how powerful this prop is."

Qin Feng placed the [Zombie Bell] on the ground. The blood was mixed with yellow, and the black skull clock buzzed instantly when it touched the ground.

Then it was like sound waves rippled out, and voices like Qin Feng's that were inaudible to humans spread in the air.

Quiet, as if nothing was making any noise.

About a minute later, the roars of zombies came from not far away.

But it's very slow, without that rush feeling.

The place where Qin Feng was located was at a corner connecting several streets, with clear streets in all directions.

Qin Feng looked around for a week, and sure enough, all the zombies within a five-kilometer radius were attracted to him.

These zombies who were bewitched by [Zombie Bells] looked crooked and their fighting power seemed not as strong as before.

Staggering over, moving slowly.

"This is just right," Qin Feng gave a bloody sneer, "It won't be that hard to kill you."

Qin Feng drew his two swords from behind and rushed into the zombie pile at three times the speed of a normal person.

On the other side, the cross-country team was still cheering and roaring.

They and their group are all the second generation of rich gangsters and second generation ancestors in this city that are notorious in the first place.

The family has endless money and endless food to eat.

When the apocalypse broke out, they had a party in the villa area, a chaotic party.

In the words of one of their boys, after sleeping with a bunch of women, he thought he had brought the world to an end.

"Ahhhh, it feels so good!"

"It's so exciting. Look at how much zombie flesh and blood is on the saw head."

"Look at those poor zombies, crushed into powder by me, hahahaha!"

Crazy roaring, crazy yelling.

In peacetime, these people like to test the law by themselves.

In the last days, there will be no more laws, moral restraints, and family discipline.

All of them release their nature.

The off-road vehicle has its headlights on, and the bright, dazzling lights are unbridled.

Pressing the horn like crazy.

Zombies have no consciousness, and all they can feel are sounds and simple light.

The zombies that are attracted will just chase you, and the zombies in front will directly surround you.

Bang, bang, several zombies were smashed to pieces by several people.

Huge black flowers of blood, flesh foam, and corpse parts flew everywhere.

"Ho ho ho!"


"It's so exciting!"

If other people saw it, they would probably call them crazy, right?

And when they were driving back and having fun, they found that the zombies had stopped moving for an instant.

He started to regard them as nothing, then looked back. After about a second or two, these zombies actually walked towards the back.

"What's going on?"

"Why did they all move back?"

Unable to attract the zombies' attention, these second-generation ancestors were a little confused.

The short-haired young man driving the car clicked his tongue and started honking the horn crazily.

The horn of an off-road vehicle is already loud, and the continuous honking is unbearable.

"Well, Acheng, please stop pressing the button," the woman with dyed blond hair in the passenger seat said, "My eardrums are about to burst."

"It's not like your hymen is broken, what do you call it?" Acheng said disdainfully, "Damn it, why don't these damn things come over?"

He honked the horn frantically again, and the buzzing sound echoed throughout the road.

However, those zombies kept walking back as if they had lost their souls.

With a "swipe" sound, Acheng's car stopped, and the three off-road vehicles behind it and the extended Lincoln transporting supplies also stopped.

Acheng turned around and took a gun, loaded it with a click, turned around and was about to open the door and go out.

The blond woman shouted: "What are you going to do, Acheng? There are zombies down there!"

Acheng went down anyway.

But the zombies passing by him turned a blind eye and just walked past him.

A look of surprise flashed across everyone's faces, what happened to these zombies?

They got out of the car one after another. These zombies really didn't take them seriously. Not to mention crazy, he didn't even look at them.

Seeing that the zombies are on the way to where they came from, could it be that something strange happened in Hongteng City?

"This is really like acting in a movie."

"Did these zombies hear the zombie king's call?"

"Hey, Dead Rising? It's such an exciting feeling."

Some of them were so bold as to poke the zombies with guns, as if they were afraid that they would not attract their attention.

Acheng was the boss among them, and he was very powerful.

He said, "Let's go back to Hongteng City to see what happened.

If there is a zombie carnival or something, we can't miss it."

Everyone nodded, got in the car, and turned around.

They all ran towards the city.

In Hongteng City, the time of [Zombie Bell] passed quickly.

When the zombies were bewitched, Qin Feng frantically harvested more than 200 zombies, and the bag wrapped around his waist hummed.

After the bell rang, the zombies slowly returned to their original appearance.

Facing the only living person on the field, they roared again.

Qin Feng sneered, jumped up, and pounced on a second-floor window.

The sound of the bang startled the people inside.

A woman screamed, and Qin Feng looked inside. A beautiful woman in tight clothes huddled in a corner, staring at him outside the window.

"Pretty," Qin Feng thought, "but not as pretty as Chen Qiaoying."

He didn't have time to care about so much, so he jumped down and the crazy zombies attacked again.

Qin Feng waved his two knives and continued to harvest zombies.

The woman on the second floor rushed to the window and looked down, covering her mouth in shock. Who on earth was this man?

The off-road team that drove back was also shocked. They stopped a little far away and used binoculars to observe every move here.

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