Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 35 No Living Person Allowed (3)

Qin Feng jumped down, instantly pulled out a black gold knife and put it on Little Glasses' neck.

Bang, the thing in Little Glasses' arms suddenly fell to the ground.

"You, are you going to kill me?" Little Glasses trembled, "I, I am a human being, I am a human, not a zombie!"

He pointed at a few shadows shaking in the distance and said, "It, they are the zombies."

Because of fear, saliva and nasal discharge flowed when talking, and I was extremely embarrassed.

Qin Feng frowned and said, "Not everything can come in here, do you understand?"

The little glasses trembled and asked: "You, what did you say?"

Qin Feng chuckled lightly, took back the knife and said, "No living person is allowed to enter here."

He reached over and grabbed the back collar of the small glasses. He was able to lift the small glasses a long way off the ground with one hand.

"You, what are you going to do?" Little Glasses trembled, "Where are you going to catch me!?"

"The four of you came together, right?" Qin Feng said, "Then since we share the sorrows together, let's go together. If they become zombies, don't run away alone."

Qin Feng came to the open space with his small glasses and blew a sharp whistle.

The three zombies were stunned for a moment, then immediately rushed over when they saw the living people here.

Qin Feng threw the small glasses in his hand forward and disappeared in a flash.

Before Little Glasses could cry out in pain, three zombies pounced on him.

"Ah!!!" Little Glasses made a sound like a slaughtering pig, and then was drowned in the bursts of bites.

The sound of tearing and shredding skin and flesh came one after another.

The battle between the three fresh zombies was a bit strong. The small frame of the small glasses could not withstand it and was torn to pieces.

Even the possibility of turning into a zombie is gone.

Qin Feng couldn't help but shake his head while sitting on the tree. What a mistake. He didn't expect that three zombies would bite him like this. One zombie was missing.

Jump down from the tree, wield a single black gold knife, and rush towards the three zombies.

Puff. Puff. Puff. Red and black blood splashed onto the ground, turning strangely blue in the dim light of fish belly white.

Qin Feng dragged several zombie corpses and threw them onto the zombie mountain. They still have some time to bury them and cannot rebury them.

As for this human corpse, Qin Feng stretched out his foot and kicked it, flying far away.

With a bang, he hung on a big tree, missing more than half of his body.

The body was hanging upside down on the tree, blood slowly flowing from the branches, and the branches were shaking.

Qin Feng stretched. He has not yet fully recovered from his injury and needs to continue to rest.

These people who disturbed his sleep, tut.

He lay back in the cross coffin and closed the coffin.

After a few hours, it finally got bright, but I don't know if it was because of the many trees here, but it felt very shady.

Even though it's broad daylight, the overall tone here is still very dark.

Qin Feng pushed open the coffin lid and yawned widely.

He twisted his neck and made a grating sound.

Sure enough, this zombie cross coffin's recovery ability is simply top-notch. Now he doesn't feel pain in his internal organs at all, and the blood in his chest is responding.

And when he turned up his sleeves, the wounds on his body had disappeared, replaced by intact skin.

"This cross coffin is a good thing," Qin Feng said. "With it, no matter how seriously injured you are in other places, you can just come back and lie down. You will not be afraid of the backlash of the corpse hunter's strength potion. "

Climbed out of the cross coffin and closed the coffin.

It was daybreak, and the bright light made him a little uncomfortable.

The crystal coffin next to it looked extremely cold under such bright light, with cold air coming out suddenly.

"Good morning," Qin Feng said hello and looked at the results in front of him. There were hundreds of zombies, including the three zombies he killed this morning, lying on the ground. "Wow, there are so many. I need to find a helper." Throw the zombies in for me."

Qin Feng first said: "System, call up my attribute list."

A table appeared in front of him instantly:

【Host】Qin Feng






[Skills] Proficient in Jeet Kune Do, god-level sword skills

[Items Obtained] Black Gold Double Swords, Corpse Hunter Pistol

【Zombie Coin】5970

The fifty zombies buried yesterday had their attributes increased by five points. They didn't explode with skills or anything else, but they had a lot more supplies.

There are a lot of supplies piled there. It seems that there is no problem in eating every day for more than a month.

This zombie tomb must continue to be upgraded to ensure quality and quality.

Qin Feng stood in front of the pile of corpses in the corridor and looked at the three fresh zombies that had just been killed this morning and said, "System, I want to buy puppet zombies."

[Puppet Zombie: Wearing this item on a zombie will allow the zombie to help the host complete the basic work of the cemetery. It sells for 800 zombie coins]

[Please ask the host to confirm whether to place an order? 】

Qin Feng nodded.

With a buzz, a small voodoo doll-like doll appeared in Qin Feng's hand.

It was wrapped in reddish-brown thin threads, as if it had been soaked in blood, and had a slightly wet feeling, which was very strange.

[Please host choose a complete zombie to wear this item to transform it into a puppet zombie]

After listening to the system's prompts, Qin Feng looked left and right, and found that the body called Xiaotong was still intact.

Although there was a sickle embedded in his neck, his heart was stabbed by him.

But it was still intact, and Qin Feng admired this zombie girl. After all, it was broken, which was awesome.

The little doll knew Qin Feng's choice and jumped off Qin Feng's hand.

It attached to Xiaotong's body.

A bloody liquid flowed out of the doll and gradually covered the whole body.

When the liquid reached the eye socket of the corpse, it suddenly changed from clear to extremely corrosive.

The liquid kept jumping and screaming in the eye socket, like ten thousand waving arms.

Gradually, the eyeballs of the corpse disappeared, and that place became two dark holes.

Grag, the bones seemed to be reshaped.

The puppet zombie stood up shakily, and with a click, something fell from the hem of the zombie's skirt.

Fresh, the blood was still the bright red of humans.

Maybe the amplitude was too large, and this weird bow posture stood up, a force inertia.

With a plop, Xiaotong's body fell to the ground with its face.

Qin Feng's mouth twitched, and he asked, "System, can this thing replace my work?"

[The puppet zombie is adapting, the estimated time is two hours, please wait patiently]

Qin Feng said to the puppet zombie that was lying on its face and slowly supported by its face, "From now on, I will call you by your real name, Xiaotong. In addition, sort out the corpses of these zombies later.

If any of the five second-level tombs is empty, throw ten into it for burial."

The puppet zombie stood up slowly with a click, and its posture was really weird.

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