Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 23 Let’s go down and play together

This building was originally the main building of the prison.

It is an arc-shaped building with a reception hall underneath.

However, since the outbreak of the doomsday, they have built this place into a solid fortress.

The first floor hall is full of steel chains, and people outside can't break in no matter what.

But at this time, Qin Feng's movement speed is very fast, and his recovery time is very short.

This results in his speed almost not slowing down, so it is very difficult to find the place where he stops breathing.

Several rookie gunmen have been looking for it all over the place, and they can't tell the east, south, west, and north. The gunman held the gun and followed a certain place in front of him.

With a bang, the gunman fired!

The bullet shuttled in the air for a short time, and with a plop, it seemed to hit some meat shield, but there was no sound of piercing the flesh as imagined.

"Your shooting skills are quite accurate. You are indeed a master of guns."

Qin Feng's voice came, and his echo was in the whole space.

This person was shot by him and still alive? The Sharpshooter was surprised. Was this man wearing a bulletproof vest? But it didn't look like that!

"However, it's not good to shoot someone from behind. A man should always come out and fight head-on, right?"

Qin Feng's voice came again. The sound was superimposed and changed in the entire space, making it difficult to tell the distance.

"Hehe, head-on?" The Sharpshooter sneered, "You are hiding now, is that called head-on? If you have the guts, come out and shoot me."

"I'm here, aren't I?" Qin Feng appeared behind the two shooters. It's worth it that he ran so fast. These people didn't even notice that he was coming around.

The Sharpshooter raised his hand and fired a shot at that side. Qin Feng pulled a gunman to block in front of him.


"Ugh!" The gunman cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

"You really can do it," Qin Feng said with a sly smile, "But isn't it a bit lonely for you to lure zombies here to play with me alone? If you want to play, let's play together."

After that, Qin Feng raised his foot and kicked away the remaining gunmen here.

Ah! Continuous screams, one gunman after another was kicked down.

The zombies below opened their mouths wide to welcome these fat gunmen.

A loud bang spread, and then countless zombies pounced on the fresh food.

The sound of flesh being torn apart, people screaming, and blood spurting bright red.

Qin Feng remained calm and looked at the magic gun with a smile on his face.

"Master?" Qin Feng said, "Fight?"

The magic gun snorted coldly and said, "You are the one who killed the knifeman, but you are just a young boy, so lucky."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Then I think my luck will always be so good, after all, I am younger than you."

"Boy, don't brag," the magic gun threw away the rifle in his hand, took out his beloved pistol from his waist, and said, "Let's have a competition?"

Qin Feng snorted, and the double knives in his hands shone brightly.

One is a long-range attack, and the other is a close combat, but this man's gun skills are many times better than those rookies who shot guns in a mess before.

Just because he had moved quickly with so many obstacles blocking his vision, he could accurately hit his heart.

If it weren't for the protective suit, he might have died just now.

So, although Qin Feng looked careless on the surface, he was actually very alert in his heart.

Although the physical fitness of this sharpshooter was not as high as that of the gunman, his speed was outstanding, reaching 19 points.

This had something to do with his long-term use as a gunman, and he was also an extremely good gunman with dynamic vision and first-class accuracy.

Compared with the knifeman, it can only be said that he was more difficult to deal with, and he might not be able to beat him.

The distance between the two was about fifteen meters. Qin Feng could only attack in close combat with a knife, and his corpse hunter pistol had a cooling time of about half a minute.

After half a minute, he could backhand.

The sharpshooter raised his hand to shoot a bullet in the direction of Qin Feng, and Qin Feng quickly dodged to the side. With a bang, a big pit appeared on the floor where he was.

The sharpshooter's hand speed was very fast, and he immediately caught up with the direction of Qin Feng's moving distance and fired again at his feet.

The scorching flames suddenly burned in front of Qin Feng's eyes. Qin Feng turned back and retreated, with the knife in his hand across his body.

"You are also quite good," said the sharpshooter. "I have lived for more than 30 years, and there are less than three people who can dodge my gun."

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, still a little shocked in his heart.

Originally, he thought that a knifeman had refreshed his concept of the world's masters, but he didn't expect that the sharpshooter in front of him only had two small pistols, but he was also extraordinary.

If you are like him, you confront him with a gun, but the gun is not as fast or accurate as his.

And he uses his brain to use the gun.

Knowing how to shoot can make you defenseless.

And if you are in close combat, if you want to get close to him, you must beware of his bullets.

Maybe you will be shot through by him before you get in front of him.

The sharpshooter and the knifeman, when these two people stand in the prison, those people really dare not act rashly.

It seems that he can only see if he can dodge his bullets.

Qin Feng rushed to the sharpshooter with a knife, and the sharpshooter saw this and also shot with a gun.

Bang, bang, bang, bullets kept flying. Qin Feng predicted the position of the magic gun through the hand movements of the magic gun.

Just like a black cheetah constantly avoiding the hunter's knife and gun, but still overlooked one thing.

When the magic gun fired the eighth shot, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he said, "Hey, brat, I finally caught you!"

This time, the magic gun fired, and hit Qin Feng's shoulder with a bang.

Because the distance was too close, the inertia brought by the speed of the bullet still hit Qin Feng's shoulder even with the protective clothing.

Qin Feng heard the sound of his shoulder bone breaking, snap.

"Ugh!" Qin Feng screamed in pain, but still did not stop.

"Can't penetrate him?" The magic gun was surprised. Is this clothing a bulletproof vest? Impossible, it's so thin.

The magic gun was briefly stunned, and Qin Feng was able to get close in an instant. He waved his two knives and chopped directly at the magic gun.

The magic gun had nothing to protect him, so he quickly blocked and pushed away with the pistol in his hand. The pistol rotated in his hand and hit Qin Feng's face with the butt.

As expected of a master with a speed of 19 points, Qin Feng took a step back and spit out a mouthful of blood foam, saying: "Not bad, huh."

Continue to get close quickly and prevent the muzzle from pointing at himself.

Countless fluorescent sparks and gunshots resounded throughout the space. The zombies below became even more excited after hearing the noise, and they wanted to come up one after another.

Ho ho ho, uh uh uh, the fishy smell was getting closer and closer.

However, at this moment, a woman's scream came from downstairs.

Chen Qiaoying!

Qin Feng was stunned and was blocked by the magic gun. The butt of the gun hit his shoulder, which was already slightly injured.

Qin Feng lost his strength and fell to the ground.

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