Qin Feng found that the copy paper contained some information that Chu Rou had recorded manually.

Qin Feng took a general glance and saw that there was no obstruction under the dim light.

"What the hell?" Qin Feng snorted coldly, "What is this flight plan?"

Chu Rou sighed and said helplessly: "To put it simply, Ark Spiral held a meeting this time. This meeting included dozens of investors from all over the world."

"Previously, Ark Helix used live broadcast to release images of our cemetery to investors in other areas."

"Now the investors have decided to form a collective joint venture to rob the cemetery."

Qin Feng \u0026 Chen Qiaoying:

Theoretically speaking, at this end of the world, it would be difficult for teams coming from other places to approach Qin Feng's cemetery.

Hongteng City itself is a fringe city, although it is quite developed.

But geographically speaking, the paths to get here from each region are very long.

There is almost no airstrip available now, and aircraft are very delicate from management to landing.

Not only is it difficult to maintain, but its protection against the apocalypse is also poor.

Therefore, most of the vehicles used are heavily protected land vehicles.

Or a helicopter that doesn’t require such great conditions to take off.

Although these two means of transportation are convenient, they have a disadvantage, that is, they cannot travel long distances.

Energy needs to be replenished at every point.

Because there are too many zombies on land, it is impossible to travel too far by car.

However, if it is a multi-station joint, then their helicopters may come over.

"A group of people," Qin Feng said, "how can they be more disgusting than zombies?"

"Then do we need protection?" Chu Rou said, "Although it is still in the preparation stage, it will be here in three days."

Qin Feng looked at the copy paper, shook his head, and said, "Of course not, our show is about to be staged, how can there be no audience?"

"Ah?" Chu Rou didn't understand.

Qin Feng smiled softly and asked: "Qiaoying, where are the giant zombies?"

Chen Qiaoying's eyes instantly turned cloudy and white, and she looked in the previous direction.

"There are still more than ten kilometers," Chen Qiaoying said, "But it seems that we have encountered a group of mutants and are now fighting. It will take two or three days at most.

That wave of mutants couldn't defeat the giant zombies, but those zombies seemed to be very strong. "

"That's just right," Qin Feng said, "Get ready, we are going to put on a good show to show those bullshit ointments."

"Whether it's zombies or those planes and cannons, they can't even touch my cemetery."

Qin Feng is not just holding on to an acre of land, but wants to play a big game of chess.

The combat effectiveness of giant zombies is currently extremely impressive.

The mutants also came to the cemetery from the edge of the explosion, as well as investors from various regions.

With so many people dispatched this time, it seemed that they really wanted to make a fuss about his cemetery.

snatch? occupied?

Neither is possible.

However, the dungeon plan brewing in Qin Feng's mind requires the side assistance of these people.

Whether the dungeon and the mutant army can run well depends on whether they can succeed this time.

About three days later, in the evening.

While Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying were still counting the weapons in the cemetery, the ground suddenly felt a huge tremor.

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

Bang, bang, bang.

Each tremor was separated by a long period of time, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps.

"The giant zombie is coming!" Chen Qiaoying looked into the distance with pale eyes, "It's at the bottom of the mountain and is coming up quickly."

Qin Feng stood up immediately, with a hint of mockery on his face.

"What about the mutants and the investors from various regions?"

Chen Qiaoying looked elsewhere: "The investors' team is not far away and should arrive in ten minutes. As for the mutants"

Chen Qiaoying looked at one place and couldn't help but change her face: "These people's mutation is really obvious."

"They are more than two kilometers away from the cemetery. It only takes ten minutes to get here on foot."

Qin Feng sneered, these people came at just the right time.

"Qin Feng!!!" On the second floor of the villa, Chu Rou set up the cannon with her exquisite eyes on her face, "I'm ready."

Qin Feng said: "Well, let's have a big fight and see what's so powerful about this giant zombie."

Outside the cemetery.

The giant zombies shook the ground. Their bodies were tall, like small hillsides.

Qin Feng took a look and realized that what he had sensed that day, that it was as big as a tank, was already his own narrowness.

These zombies are like a small mountain.

"This," Chen Qiaoying was slightly surprised, "Isn't this too big?"

Because the giant zombies were too big, only four zombies finally surrounded the cemetery.

Step by step, the ground shook, bringing down a large number of trees.

"Ugh!!!" The giant zombie roared with such a loud voice that the whole mountain shook.

Blue-purple skin outlines strong muscles.

Because the body was so big, Qin Feng even felt that the small and pitiful head was unnecessary.

It was rotten all the way from the scalp to the neck, with pits and holes that seemed to be flowing with disgusting black water.

He opened his mouth, and there was a person's arm stuck between the yellow teeth in the mouth. The arm fell off with a snap due to the opening of his mouth.

It didn't fall to the ground, but landed on the giant zombie's tattered clothes.

"This zombie is at least ten meters tall," Chen Qiaoying said, "It seems that the wall of the cemetery is useless. Should we kill it?"

"Kill it," Qin Feng said, "Let's see whether their high-tech is better or ours."


Chen Qiaoying hunched over and panted.

After a while, purple blood vessels gradually spread all over her body. She said in a hoarse voice: "I'll go first, don't fall behind."

After that, she rushed towards several giant zombies.

Flames surrounded Qin Feng's body in circles, and the gas flow caused by the flames made his sparse hair float.

The flames lingered all over his body, lifting him slightly off the ground.

The whole person was like a ghost floating in a sea of ​​fire.

"Heh." Qin Feng sneered and rushed towards the giant zombie.

"Uh!!! Ho!!!"

The giant zombie knew that danger was coming, and roared and waved its hard claws.

If the black greasy hand grabbed it, half of the mountain might be gone, and the stone could be broken.

Qin Feng rushed over, using the flames as a support point, and leaped backwards.

He dodged the attack of the black claws.

The two flames pierced the heart and throat of the giant zombie like they would attack ordinary zombies.

After being pierced, Qin Feng sneered.

However, the next second, the giant zombie in front of him, who had been pierced, swung his hand over, grabbed Qin Feng, and lifted him up.

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