Qin Feng raised his hand to wipe the blood off his face and saw the man clearly.

He was tall, with strong arms and crisscross scars. He had a short haircut and a fierce look in his eyes.

He held the same two swords, although he was not as handsome as his black and gold long sword.

However, he should not be underestimated.

"You are fast," Qin Feng said, "You can cut me."

The knifeman sneered, stood up and said, "Not only can I cut you, I can also kill you later."

This clothes can't be cut, right? Then he cut the man's neck.

One knife, blood splattered, it must be very beautiful.

Ta-ta-ta, other footsteps came from the passage. Although there was still some distance, it seemed that this man had reinforcements.

Quick battle, quick decision, kill him.

Qin Feng drew out the black and gold long sword again, squatted slightly and swooped, and rushed towards the knifeman.

The knifeman shouted angrily, his arms clattered, and the veins on his head bulged.

He stretched out his hand to block.

"Clang!" There was a loud noise.

The huge sound made the two people's ears ring instantly, and the sharp wind blew Qin Feng's hair flying.

The continuous ringing in the ears made Qin Feng a little uncomfortable, and his knuckles were almost numb.

Of course, the knifeman was not much better.

The two retreated and took a break.

The knuckles were cracked a little, and Qin Feng looked at his hand, his face a little solemn.

Glancing at the knifeman in front of him, he used the system to make a rough judgment of his physical attributes.

The speed was 17 points.

And the strength reached an astonishing 19 points!

It was almost the same as his physical attributes.

Sure enough, the heavy criminals detained here were still light. The most dangerous ones were those so-called "dangerous prisoners".

Such people were almost invincible in peacetime.

He had more combat experience than himself, and his combat effectiveness would be greatly improved, and might even be above him!

On the other hand, the knifeman was also shocked, and he didn't have the slack heart before.

He has been practicing swordsmanship since he was a child. He has fought countless fights and killed countless people.

When the end of the world comes, the prison guards who have turned into zombies break into the canteen of the prisoners. He can kill all the zombies with the chef's kitchen knife.

He thought that no one in this era could match him, except the sharpshooter who could use a gun.

But he didn't expect to meet the young man in front of him today.

Taking a deep breath to calm the blood in his chest, the knifeman asked: "Who are you? What's your name? Are you a special forces soldier?"

He has been blessed by the system, and his physical attributes are twice that of ordinary people.

Although Qin Feng was also injured, he quickly recovered his strength.

Qin Feng said: "Me? I am a zombie hunter. I don't mind turning you into a zombie and then killing you."

He raised his two knives and rushed towards the knifeman again.

"Don't overestimate your own abilities," the knifeman said, raising his two knives to meet Qin Feng, "I am very interested in your two knives."

"If you have the ability, come and take them!"

The knifeman must not be allowed to recover, and he must take advantage of his current state to give him a heavy blow.

Since their strengths are equal, the knifeman must be the first to be unable to withstand the consumption.

"Clang!" There was another loud sound of metal biting.

The knifeman was directly blasted back by this great force, and the whole person was pressed against the wall by Qin Feng.

Qin Feng pressed forward with force, and the blade was only a few inches away from the knifeman's neck!

After all, the knifeman had rich practical experience, and he blocked the attack from the side and twisted his body to get out of the shell.

Qin Feng rushed to the wall due to the inertia of the force.

With a clang, the black gold long knife split the wall of the underground passage, penetrating several inches deep!

Qin Feng gained the upper hand, turned around and continued to rush towards the knifeman, not giving the knifeman room to breathe.

Wherever the long knife reached, there was a sharp knife wind!

The knifeman dodged quickly, and Qin Feng's strength was too much for him to handle for the time being.

The long knife chopped the wall again, and with a clang, a hole was cut in the wall.

The knifeman rolled to the right, and chopped the two knives at Qin Feng's feet, trying to cut off Qin Feng's feet with this force.

Qin Feng inserted the long knife into the ground with his backhand.



The knifeman was hit back by the force, and the whole person bounced out a little.

The huge force cracked the knifeman's knuckles, and the knifeman felt a little pain, but he couldn't estimate it now.

He quickly turned over and waved the two knives at Qin Feng again.



The two fought from this passage to that passage.

The walls they passed by were chopped into pieces, and they were no longer visible.

The knuckles of the two were cracked and bleeding, and the blood dripped all the way, but they had no intention of stopping at all.

Kill each other.

Kill him!

This was the only thought left in the minds of the two.

Qin Feng wanted to defeat the knifeman in this crazy way.

His recovery ability was stronger than the knifeman's. He had to keep going up to prevent the knifeman from recovering.

The knifeman could only be forced to fight.

One huge collision after another, one powerful impact after another.

The knifeman's tendons and internal organs could no longer bear it. His arms were numb and a thin stream of blood could not help but slide from the corner of his mouth.

Of course, Qin Feng was not much better.

After all, the two were equally powerful. Even though Qin Feng was injured, he still went up crazily and dealt a heavy blow to the knifeman.

Another powerful aftershock, the knifeman couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and the blood dyed his teeth red.

This attack method was simply insane!

At this moment, the knifeman's reinforcements had already felt that they were all holding guns.

"Shoot!" The knifeman said as he ran towards those people, "I told you to shoot!"

If you can't beat them, then find help?


How could Qin Feng give the knifeman a chance to escape?

Those gunmen quickly raised their guns and fired, and bullets were fired, one by one, towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng waved his two knives to block most of the bullets.

But after all, he had consumed a lot of physical strength before, and the speed of waving the knife was not that fast, and a bullet hit his shoulder.

Even though the protective clothing could not penetrate, the huge force still pushed his shoulder back.

Qin Feng gritted his teeth and rushed towards the gunman with a knife.

These people were weak chickens in close combat, and they had little resistance when they went in a row.

A knife cut the throat, and blood gushed out!

More than a dozen gunmen fell to the ground quickly, and they didn't even have time to block it.

The human wall was gone. Qin Feng looked back and saw that the knifeman had already run to the corner, and was about to disappear in this intricate prison passage.

This man must not be let go!

Qin Feng's eyes flashed with madness, and he ran towards the knifeman who was about to escape.

Using the angle at the corner, he kicked left and right, almost like flying over the eaves and walls, and caught up with the knifeman who was halfway through his escape.

He raised the long knife in his hand and chopped at the knifeman.

The knifeman still had some reaction, turned around, shouted angrily, raised his hand and raised the knife to resist Qin Feng's attack this time.

With a clang! A collision sound louder than any previous one sounded.

In the long corridor, it echoed for a long time.

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