Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 166 Do mutants really exist?

"You mean, mutants may exist?" Qin Feng said.

"Alas," Chu Rou said, "I mean, Professor Li wanted to study mutants. He always said that the end of the world was coming and only mutants could save the world."

Qin Feng shrugged. The scientist's brain was twitching.

What can't be studied well? There is genetic technology to study mutants.

"Besides," Chu Rou said, "Ark Spiral originally invested in the mutant zombie plan after the end of the world."

"So, Ark Spiral Company and Professor Li Jingao, if these two are put together. I think the mutant plan will be implemented sooner or later."

Qin Feng nodded. Li Ruohan looked like someone who wanted to do this.

"However," Chu Rou said, "I think it is also difficult. The research plan is very expensive, not to mention mutants?"

"It is said that Ark Spiral spent a lot of money on mutant zombies. Mutants? Unless there is more investment, it is impossible."

Chen Qiaoying didn't know much about mutants, genes, and mutant zombies.

When she was in school, her grades were not good and her knowledge was not broad, so she was not very clear about these things.

But in the end, the one who spent money understood, and she tilted her head and said: "What if Ark Spiral Company finds investment? Will they study this?"

Chu Rou nodded, with disdain on her pretty face: "This Ark Spiral Company seems to have a lot of ideas, maybe they do. But where to find investment? Human and material resources are needed."

Qin Feng didn't know why, knowing the possibility of the existence of this mutant, he felt uneasy.

This kind of uneasiness was like suddenly finding something missing after experiencing so many things.

A little clue slipped through the tip of his heart, and soon, he couldn't catch it.

"However, the mutant plan, I think it's unlikely," Chu Rou said again, "This mutant must be experimented on humans. Not to mention how inhumane it is in peacetime, this is the end of the world, and there are not so many people to study it."

In a little more than three months after the outbreak of the doomsday, the world's population dropped by 70%.

Those who became zombies, those who were eaten by zombies and could not become zombies at all, and those who disappeared, etc.

Now, as time passes slowly, the number of survivors is decreasing, and the original statistics show that there are 30% left.

Now, there may be only 10% of the original number left, or even less.

With this population, what can be used as experimental species for mutants?

"But there is another possibility," Chu Rou's spirit of learning as a scientist came out, "that is to research a mutant, and then clone it crazily, so that you can have many at the same time in a short period of time."

Chen Qiaoying: "You scientists are really terrible. If there are really ready-made mutants, they will be drained."

Qin Feng shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about this. Now the cemetery is ruined like this. Let's take a break and figure it out quickly."

"Zombie cemetery, what a mess it looks like."



The two women said softly, their voices intertwined, and there was a feeling of being charming.

Qin Feng also lay in the cross coffin, and Chen Qiaoying took Qin Feng's hand and leaned on Qin Feng's shoulder.

Chu Rou also lay in consciously, and the three of them slept in the coffin.

But they didn't notice that in the distance, a helicopter team with the Ark Spiral logo was approaching them.

However, this time, they didn't carry too many weapons, but the helicopter was full of various instruments.

This high-tech weapon is specially used to capture information about dangerous areas for scientific research.

The leader was called Wang Ying. On the way to the cemetery, he received a special call from the company's boss, Li Ruohan.

However, the person who answered the call was a professor.

"No. 001, Wang Ying."

"Hello, I am Li Jingao, the main professor of the mutant race plan."


"Captain Wang Ying, this time we go to the cemetery to collect information, and we must capture the tall man in the cemetery."


"If we can get his skin and flesh tissue, hair is the best. If not, the soil in the cemetery or the legendary green mist must be sampled. Trouble."


After hanging up the call, Wang Ying led the helicopter team according to the original plan. He did not fly over the cemetery, but stopped the helicopter at a distance from the cemetery.

Set up camp. It is said that this cemetery and the people in it are dangerous. They must be careful when taking samples.

Wang Ying has been employed by Ark Spiral Company for so many days, but this is the first time he has heard the vague fear in the tone of the superiors when they give orders.

Team member A: "How come this order for this cemetery is more severe than the order to go to the Sahara Desert."

Team member B: "I also think that it seems that we are treating it like a rare treasure."

Team member A: "Do you think that the superiors seem to value this cemetery too much this time? Are they going to build a research institute on this land?"

Wang Ying heard the conversation of the team members, sighed and said: "It is said that they are going to build a mutant research institute."


"Is it so magical?"

"What are mutants?"

Wang Ying turned his head and looked at the cemetery mountain with black fog on the top not far away, and said: "I don't know, probably I won't know, but this mutant is just like the mutant zombies that were exposed before, it's not a normal thing."

Wang Ying suddenly thought of what Professor Li told him to do.

In addition to asking them to collect the soil, fog, etc. of the cemetery, it would be best to collect the skin, flesh and hair of the man.

Obviously, in addition to studying this cemetery, they also have to study that man.

Is that man a mutant?

Wang Ying had no time to think about it, more than one person told him that this cemetery was extremely dangerous.

All the people who had been near the cemetery before were gone.

This time they went to collect information, and they would leave immediately and could not stay for long.

As for collecting the skin, flesh and hair of the man, they had to shoot anesthetic bullets from a long distance.

At night, several people surveyed the terrain for a day and finally decided to set off.

Although it was night, they were more vulnerable to zombie attacks.

But it was night, and the people living inside must have slept. Their actions went more smoothly.

It was night, and Qin Feng yawned and pushed open the coffin lid from the cross coffin and stood up.

Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou were still asleep beside him, and Qin Feng stretched and climbed out of the cross coffin.

"Um! Qin Feng!" Chu Rou suddenly talked in her sleep and scared Qin Feng, "I want to go to heaven too, from behind, okay? It's comfortable."

Qin Feng shook his head and hit Chu Rou's round buttocks. He could try it sometime.

There was no restraint in heaven, and he could still rush to the bottom.

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