Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 163 New Cemetery Skills (1)

The scene in front of her was extremely strange.

Was Qin Feng engulfed by the flames? Did he die?

Or did he disappear?

Countless questions spread in Li Ruohan's heart. She stared at the flames in a daze.

But her back was already covered in cold sweat.

Li Ruohan exhaled a breath, and she almost

"Miss." The security guard behind her shouted.

Li Ruohan was startled and almost slipped and fell.

At this time, she realized how scared she was by this scene.

"Miss," the security guard said, "I, we are going to another underground city for the investor meeting."

"It will be held half an hour after landing," Li Ruohan said, "I need half an hour to sort out my emotions, as well as the information and what happened."


"Also," Li Ruohan calmed down, his eyes became sharp, "You should immediately tell the other mercenaries in the company to send a team to investigate the cemetery in the suburbs of Hongteng City."

"After a while, I will raze that place to the ground and avenge my brother!"


Li Ruohan looked at the flames, and the trembling of fear was gradually replaced by hatred.

No matter who the other party is, it is a god who kills a god, and it is a Buddha who kills a Buddha.

Even if she is a little reluctant in her heart, it can't resist the fact that he killed Li Tianfang.

That cemetery, she has moved.

The blue flame burned, and the flame was cold to Qin Feng.

[Congratulations to the host for returning to the cemetery safely]

A whirlwind of blue flames blew past, and Qin Feng successfully returned to the cemetery.

Before receiving the teleportation, Qin Feng regretted that the black fire did not reach the woman's helicopter.

Otherwise, none of them would have thought of escaping.

"See you again in the future," Qin Feng thought, "I will never let you go!"

The flames faded, and Qin Feng's eyes just faded away. The scene in front of him stunned him again.

Starting from the bottom of the gate of the cemetery, extending all the way forward, all the bodies of zombies were torn into pieces.

Black and yellow skin, green pus, black, and even a few red skin.

The bodies of ordinary zombies and mutant zombies were torn into pieces one by one, and there was a fishy liquid everywhere.

"There must be thousands or even tens of thousands of them." Qin Feng was slightly surprised.

Because except for where he was standing now, there was no place to stay in the entire cemetery.

It was not just the bodies of zombies. There were several crashed helicopters in the cemetery.

There were also human bodies hanging on the villa in uneven shapes.

The entire cemetery was a massacre scene.

A scream came from the villa. It was Chu Rou's voice.

Qin Feng stood up and rushed into the villa.

The black blood stained the steps all the way up. In addition to Chu Rou's scream, Qin Feng also heard a familiar roar.

The roar of the zombie, but with a hoarse smile, it was Chen Qiaoying in zombie state.

The scene outside was easy to explain.

In order to protect the cemetery, Chen Qiaoying activated the zombie state and slaughtered the zombies.

But she killed too many and couldn't come back, and now she was attacking Chu Rou.

Qin Feng saw a scene in front of him as soon as he entered.

All the furniture was torn, the ceiling was broken, and the poor wick was hanging.

Not to mention that the corridor on the second floor was destroyed.

The crystal coffin was knocked down, leaving the cross coffin closed. And lying next to it was the torn Xiaotong, and the rusty sickle on her neck reminded her identity.

And Chen Qiaoying, who became a zombie, hit the cross coffin violently, and the scream came from the cross coffin.

"Wcnm! Chen Qiaoying, wake up!"

"I'm Chu Rou!"

"Zombie King, Zombie Sister, that's enough!"

"Help, damn it."

"Qin Feng, when will you come back, I can't hold on any longer."

Qin Feng:. Is this woman Chu Rou so funny even when she screams?

Bang bang bang!

Although Chen Qiaoying is the Zombie King, this is a cross coffin, it's not so easy to be hit mindlessly like this.

Qin Feng asked the system: "System, does Chen Qiaoying need my life essence to recover?"


[But remind the host, Chen Qiaoying will most likely not be pushed back into the crystal coffin by the host at this time]

Qin Feng: "Fuck, can't it be put in?"

[Chen Qiaoying is now half human and half zombie, so she can still go in, but the opening is a little small]

[It depends on whether the host's hardness and speed are enough to push it open]

Qin Feng:. What can I do, try?

Qin Feng coughed hard, and finally attracted Chen Qiaoying's attention amid the screams.

Chen Qiaoying stopped hitting, and Chu Rou inside also quieted down.

A second later, Chen Qiaoying rushed over with a roar, and Chu Rou's surprised voice also sounded:

"Ah!!! Qin Feng! Is it you?"


"Fuck, you're back, you know, I'm going to die!"

"Quick, quick, wake up Chen Qiaoying, she's crazy now!"

Chen Qiaoying has been in zombie state for nearly ten hours, and she was transformed shortly after Qin Feng was teleported away.

After not returning to human state for so long, her mind has actually been buried a lot.

Now she is much more fierce than before.

And Qin Feng is a food with powerful abilities. When Chen Qiaoying saw it, she directly abandoned Chu Rou hiding in the coffin.

Rushed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng ran out. He had spent money to buy this bloody villa. Wouldn't it be a loss if it was destroyed by this woman?

Chen Qiaoying caught up.

One was the zombie king Chen Qiaoying, who was in a perfect zombie state after being in a zombie state for nearly a few hours, and the other was Qin Feng, who had stimulated his ability to the extreme and had not completely cooled down.

The fight between the two was something that had never happened in this cemetery before.

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying fought from the front of the villa to the cemetery, and then from the cemetery to the upper floor of the villa.

They stepped on the zombies one by one, and the pus and torn pieces of meat on the zombies splashed.

On the second floor of the villa, Chen Qiaoying grabbed Qin Feng with one hand. Qin Feng turned around and grabbed her hand, turned around and imprisoned her, and hugged Chen Qiaoying from behind.

"Hehe, uh uh uh!" As soon as Chen Qiaoying approached Qin Feng, her sanity began to recover, and even this zombie had the original human color.

Qin Feng untied the restraints and pushed in.

It was really small enough!

Chen Qiaoying screamed and wanted to go out, so Qin Feng had to hold her back and restrain her.

It was until Chu Rou felt relieved and ran out to watch.

The legendary scene of a duel between martial arts masters appeared again, and because Qin Feng had to use force, the whole scene was extremely impactful.

From time to time, the two of them played "qinggong" on the large platform on the second floor.

Chen Qiaoying just wanted to run, but Qin Feng pulled her to continue pushing forward, flying all over the sky.

Chu Rou was surprised: "Wow, the sky is shaking."

Finally, it was over, and the purple blood vessels on Chen Qiaoying's body swelled back.

The voice also changed from screaming to soft words, and she was knocked down by Qin Feng again.

"Enough!" Qin Feng exhaled, and fine sweat oozed from his forehead.

Chen Qiaoying finally recovered and fell to the ground exhausted.

A burst of electronic prompts suddenly sounded in Qin Feng's mind:

[The host completed the zombie queen's massacre handover ceremony]

[Trigger the hidden function of the cemetery]

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