Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 159: All the tricks

Red and blue alarms kept sounding and flashing in the area below the tenth floor.

However, above the tenth floor, there was no warning at all in the living area where more than 100,000 people lived.

Today, a couple was going to hold a wedding.

Many people were outside, some attending the wedding, some watching.

The poisonous gas spread from the third floor and would go up or down along the ventilation system of the underground city.

At the speed of this ventilation system, it would take less than ten minutes to spread throughout the underground city.

Li Ruohan estimated the time and it would take some time to take the elevator up from here.

The explosion took more than ten minutes, and the poisonous gas spread for ten minutes.

It should be enough.

To get to another elevator that could go up, you need to cross most of the living area.

The area of ​​the living area on the third floor is about the size of a medium-sized town. It is not a solution for Li Ruohan to run to the other end.

Moreover, she was not wearing shoes and was carrying Li Tianfang, who had broken his hands and feet, on her back.

"Fortunately, there is a wedding," Li Ruohan wiped the sweat from his forehead and put Li Tianfang on a patrol car, "Most people are gathered at the church, there are many cars."

After putting him in the car, Li Ruohan drove faster. Li Tianfang probably couldn't stand it in this state.

The patrol car started on the road in the uninhabited living area and rushed to the elevator at the fastest speed.

And not long after they drove away, Qin Feng had already arrived at the scene.

The blood curtain on his body had faded, but the black flame was still there. The whole person was surrounded by black smoke, and the air around him was trembling from the burning.

"It's really fast," Qin Feng said, "but there are two waves of people running away here, one in front and one on the side. Which wave is it?"

Qin Feng turned on the sensory enhancement, and in an instant, his vision and hearing were greatly improved.

He could hear the direction and dynamics of the source of those sounds clearly.

Those on the side had many steps and were messy.

It sounded very anxious, and someone was cursing, saying why the several entrances to the escape elevator were all blocked by access control.

There were gunshots and noisy electric currents.

Very close, probably only about ten meters away from him.

In front, there was only the sound of cars and a woman's panting with a crying tone: "Tian Fang, hold on, we'll be there soon."

There was also a wedding march in the distance in this direction.

Qin Feng roughly understood that no matter who those people on the side were, his goal was the Li family siblings.

Qin Feng took a deep breath and took a step to the front.

His steps were neither fast nor slow, but his speed was equivalent to running in the eyes of others.

However, just when he was halfway there, the team of people coming from the side just rushed out of the door next to him.

The two groups of people looked at each other in surprise.

Qin Feng was stunned, and the group of people was also stunned.

"Who is it!" The leader with a mustache looked a little domineering and shouted at Qin Feng, "Surround him!"

The guards behind the mustache surrounded Qin Feng with their guns in a few seconds.

The man with the mustache looked at Qin Feng in front of him, his pair of cunning but sharp eyes swept around.

He was a mercenary in the doomsday, and he could tell the enemy's ability at a glance.

Besides, what kind of device was on the man in front of him, and what was the circle of fire on him?

A gentleman-looking man in a suit rushed out of the passage at the back and almost bumped into the guard in front.

He looked at the situation here and squeezed to the side of the mustache: "Director-General, this man is the owner of the cemetery who broke into the underground city."

The mustache narrowed his eyes and said, "It turned out to be him."

"Load the gun!" The mustache cursed and said, "This man, can't let him escape!"

Click, click, there were sounds of loading guns all around.

The muzzle of the gun was pointed at Qin Feng, and it seemed that he didn't want to let Qin Feng go.

Director-General? This gentleman-looking man in a suit?

Qin Feng remembered the few people he analyzed who betrayed Li Ruohan, and they were probably these few.

Could it be that the poison gas leaked to them?

That's right, I smashed the wall all the way here, and the lower floors should be leaking now.

But the appearance of these people is too coincidental. There are so many floors, why did they bump into him?

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, and the cartilage of his ear moved again. He heard the conversation between Li Ruohan and Li Tianfang who had just woken up a little far away.

"Sister, where are we? Have we gotten rid of that person?"

"Not too far, but I have calculated it, we can go!"

"What calculated it?"

"Minister Fang and the general director and others should have received the blue alarm and hurried up the elevator.

If I guessed correctly, they are now on the third floor."

"Minister Fang, general director?"

"Since they have been monitoring us for so long, they must have seen that man. As long as they meet, it will not be so easy for that man to get away."

"Sister, you are still amazing. You have calculated it all."

"Don't say more, we are almost there, bear with it."

It's Li Ruohan and Li Tianfang again. Did they deliberately calculate that they would be intercepted?

What a scheming woman.

Qin Feng's mind flashed Li Ruohan's beautiful face and the vague calculation in Li Ruohan's eyes.

"Interesting woman," Qin Feng said, "but you have calculated so much, but you still missed one thing."

"That is that you seriously underestimated my ability."

The director-general saw the murderous intent bursting out from Qin Feng in front of him, and knew that a big battle was imminent, so he said: "Shoot!"

The dozen people who surrounded Qin Feng and attacked him opened fire instantly, and the gunshots rang out, and the bullets flew.

All rushed towards Qin Feng in the encirclement.

The gunshots rang out in the distance behind them, and Li Ruohan and Li Tianfang in the patrol car were both startled.

Li Ruohan turned around and saw that no one was chasing behind them. She sighed: "It seems that the director-general and his men have met that man. Let's go."

Li Tianfang nodded, and the wedding held in the cathedral next to him seemed to have reached its climax. Many people were cheering and clapping.

"What should we do with them?" Li Tianfang, who had a few friends here, asked hesitantly.

"It's just a few lives," Li Ruohan said, "What is more important than our own company and our own lives? Don't worry about them."

"Yeah." Li Tianfang said.

The two finally came to the outside of the hidden escape elevator. Li Ruohan carried Li Tianfang on his back and pressed the code on the wall with trembling hands.

After a while, a long wall was moved away, and a transparent glass elevator appeared in front of them.

"Let's go!" Li Ruohan said.

However, just as they stepped into the elevator, a tall figure accompanied by countless dense poisonous gases appeared in their sight in the distance.

Qin Feng blew a loud whistle and looked at the Li family siblings who were sitting in the elevator and about to go up.

"Sister!" Li Tianfang shouted in surprise, "He, he's here."

There was unspeakable fear and terror in his tone.

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