Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 153 Battle of Wisdom and Courage (1)

Qin Feng had already noticed something was wrong when he took Li Ruohan out of her room.

Li Ruohan was the eldest daughter and the general manager of the company.

But those people didn't seem to avoid her when they shot. If it weren't for the blood curtain, Qin Feng felt that Li Ruohan was probably the one with the most bullet holes.

These people wanted to kill her.

"Think about it yourself," Qin Feng said, "Your Ark Spiral Company controls the research technology of mutant zombies and has built such a complete underground city of the ecosystem. In this doomsday, that can be called a huge fortune, rich enough to rival a country."

"Rich people think about making money from money, not saving money."

"So, with such technology and such buildings, you must be thinking about connecting with areas around the world that are now infected by the zombie virus and investing in building your own market."

"In this way, you, Ark Spiral, your Li family can control the doomsday."

"Ah, no wonder you are targeting my cemetery."

Qin Feng's few words summed up the ambitions and plans of everyone in the Li family, including Li Ruohan.

He was just guessing, and it was so accurate.

Li Ruohan admired what he said, but she was still a little scared.

Continue listening.

Qin Feng knew that he had hit the nail on the head for Li Ruohan, so he changed the topic.

"With such an excellent foundation, how many people would envy him?" Qin Feng said, "Two points can be confirmed now. One is that the person who instigated your brother must be someone he knows, and he can hear it."

"Second, the person who can mobilize the mercenaries may not be their leader, but he is closely related to them."

Qin Feng said in a few words, directly explaining the key point.

Li Ruohan was not stupid either. She thought about it and quickly came to the conclusion: "Yes, they are a few of them."

Qin Feng said: "So, the best way now is to start with your brother."

Li Ruohan looked at him, without saying a word.

"Your brother is the most critical person, right?" Qin Feng said inducingly.

Li Ruohan was stunned by Qin Feng's straight eyes. It was too deep, these eyes.

It was going to take her soul away alive.

She nodded in a daze.

Qin Feng said: "So, it's best to find him. Maybe he is in that person's hands now."

"And you are being chased by so many people. By then, your Ark Spiral Company will change dynasties within a day."

"Everything can be blamed on me, the invader, and then they will openly occupy the country you have worked so hard to build."

Qin Feng approached Li Ruohan, narrowed his eyes, and said: "So, where is your brother?"

Li Ruohan frowned more and more as she listened. He was right. Now she and Li Tianfang are far apart.

If they were killed separately, there would be no evidence, and those old dogs would benefit.


Li Ruohan looked at Qin Feng, with deep calculations hidden in her eyes.

This man is not simple either. He deliberately led her to confuse her and wanted her to confess her brother's whereabouts.

She was almost confused by him.

A plan flashed through Li Ruohan's mind. She closed her eyes and opened them again.

Said: "In my office, 20th floor. But how do we get there now?"

Qin Feng: This woman is hiding well enough.

Qin Feng shook his head and said: "Go over there, I'm here, who are you afraid of?"

Li Ruohan's heart moved when she heard this.

Did this man say he wanted to protect her?

Li Ruohan was slightly moved. This was the first time someone said this to her, and she felt that she could definitely protect him.

A trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes, but she quickly covered it up.

"Then let's go quickly," Li Ruohan said, "If it's too late, those people will probably react."

"Don't worry," Qin Feng said, "There are still things that haven't been dealt with here."

"What, what's the matter?" Li Ruohan asked, she felt a little scared.

Qin Feng said nothing, turned around, and aimed at the zombie jar that stretched across the entire laboratory.

He raised his hand, shook it in the air, and said: "Blood formation, come!"

Li Ruohan: Chuunibyou? What is this person doing?

However, just as Qin Feng finished speaking, the blood on the ground began to boil.

The blood of the dead behind him began to flow on its own, and the gurgling sound spread in the air, which made people feel a little creepy.

The blood gathered and actually formed an extremely complex pattern in the center of the laboratory, a formation, and red light spread throughout the laboratory.


With Qin Feng's angry shout, the ground here trembled slightly.

In those transparent tubes, in the yellow-green liquid, all the zombies that had not yet woken up began to struggle violently.

The whole jar was shaken and made a loud noise.

Li Ruohan could hardly suppress the fear in her heart, and what happened next made her even more stunned.

These zombies actually began to explode at the same time, puff puff puff!

Blood flowers bloomed in the transparent jar, and the zombies exploded and all sprayed onto the jar wall.

Black and red, yellow and green mixed, looking disgusting and terrifying.

"Okay, it's over," Qin Feng happily retracted the blood array, "Let's go, what are you standing there for?"

He is getting more and more proficient in using the blood array now.

Li Ruohan broke out in a cold sweat and turned to follow Qin Feng's footsteps, but couldn't help but look back at the jars mixed with countless colors.

Nausea, discomfort.

She turned back, not daring to look again.

However, she did not notice that after the turbid liquid faded, all the zombies in the jar disappeared.

It was the same as Qin Feng had expected before.

Now the entire underground city belongs to the Ark Spiral Company, that is, the floors below the tenth floor are under strict alert.

And the closer to the 24th floor, the more guards there are.

Li Ruohan has a passage that only she knows about, which was specially repaired for her.

With this passage, she can move freely in the underground city.

The two quickly and smoothly came to Li Ruohan's office, but Li Tianfang was not here.

There was no one in the huge office.

"You lied to me?" Qin Feng frowned, and the chill of murderous aura spread throughout the office in an instant.

Li Ruohan shook her head and said, "I asked them to bring the person here. I don't know."

Li Ruohan said, "But it's just right that I'm here. I'll get some things and change clothes."

She turned her head and looked at Qin Feng: "I'm in your hands. Are you still worried?"

Qin Feng chuckled and leaned there, watching Li Ruohan turn on the computer and operate something, and pulled out something like a USB flash drive.

"Can you turn back?" Li Ruohan walked to the clothes rack and asked, "I want to change clothes."

Qin Feng leaned against the clothes rack and didn't move, and the flames on the two black flame gold knives behind him were jumping a little, with impatience and murderous intent.

Li Ruohan gritted her teeth and had to change in public.

Halfway through the change, an arrogant voice sounded outside the door: "Damn, my sister was kidnapped? What do you mercenaries do for a living! You are such good-for-nothings, trash!"

With a bang, Li Tianfang kicked open the door of the office.

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