Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 15: Just these few zombies?

As soon as Qin Feng went out, his figure was immediately captured by the surveillance camera.

Everyone in the prison was excited.

"That's him, why is there only one?"

"I guess I left the other person behind. He's quite strong, so I don't know if the sound will be good when the zombies bite him."

"Is he trying to escape? But the direction he's running towards is where zombies gather!"

"Hahaha, there's something good to watch!"

Qin Feng ran in the direction of the zombies on purpose. How could he be afraid of zombies? He is a zombie hunter!

In the long and complicated corridor, the zombies can't find the breath of humans and are walking aimlessly.

There were about a dozen zombies in the direction Qin Feng was going.

As soon as humans appeared, these zombies that were walking slowly smelled the smell of humans and turned their heads one after another.

The gray-white eyes stared blankly, and the smelly mouth slowly opened.

"Come on!" Qin Feng shouted and pulled out two black gold long knives from his back. The sound of metal friction was sharp and harsh.

It whirled around in the air and was held tightly by Qin Feng, making a buzzing sound.

Uh-huh, ho-ho-ho.

The zombie rushed towards Qin Feng, its stinky mouth open, and its gray and purple skin pulled like twisted rubber under the extremely expanded face. The scene was weird and terrifying!

Qin Feng sneered, waving the black gold sword and rushed towards the zombies!

Prison crowd:

"Fuck, what is he going to do?"

"He, does he want to confront those zombies? There are more than a dozen of them."

"As brave as a man is, you'll know you're wrong when you get bitten!"

At this time, the two men sitting in the front row next to the prisoner boss looked at Qin Feng's actions with solemn eyes.

The sharpshooter asked: "Knife hand, what do you think of this person?"

"He's good with a knife," the swordsman said with a ferocious smile, "I want to know him."

The sharpshooter smiled and said, "I think so too."

Corridor on the first floor.

Qin Feng rushed towards the zombies, aiming the black gold sword at the throats of the zombies.

It was so powerful that the hand knife actually cut off the head of the first zombie!

His speed was so fast that he passed the shooting range of several cameras at once. What was faster was the knife in his hand. When the blade passed by, the zombies were killed!

More than a dozen zombies were harvested without even touching Qin Feng!

Everyone was amazed that some even had their mouths so big that flies could fly into them.

"This, this person is so strong!"

"This is here to cause trouble. He used to be a special forces soldier, so he is so powerful!"

"It's really amazing! A dozen zombies are gone?"

Sitting in the back row, the indifferent person had already covered his eyes when he saw Qin Feng rushing towards the zombies. Unexpectedly, they didn't hear the gnawing sounds of zombies or the screams of people.

Instead, I heard the sound of metal cutting!

When he opened his eyes, he saw Qin Feng frantically harvesting zombies. This, this is so satisfying!

Some people couldn't help but applaud Qin Feng, but the people in the front row immediately cowered and shrank back when they stared at him.

The prisoner boss who did not see the expected plot was very upset. He said angrily: "With this little zombie, are there no zombies outside!?"

The angry man came over and said cautiously: "Boss, it's okay, let's just bring in a little. I'll go down and bring in more, and bring in all the zombies that have been wandering here all day."

"Get it done quickly!" the prisoner boss said.

Man, hurry down and let in more zombies!

Qin Feng killed all the way. In addition to the dozen zombies that passed by just now, he also harvested the scattered zombies wandering in other places.

The long black gold knife was soaked in black blood and was extremely cold.

He turned around and counted: "One, two, three, four. Plus the dozen or so over there, there are only about twenty zombies. That's it?"

It seems that we still have to go out and harvest.

[Ding, the remaining time is 8 hours and 59 minutes]

Nine hours is enough.

When they rushed out, they started killing.

However, at this time, the floor of the passage shook. It was very subtle, then gradually became louder, and waves of zombie roars could be heard.

Qin Feng's eyes flashed with excitement, and he turned to look at the side of the passage.

The lights flickered, the sounds grew louder, and countless shadows swayed on the walls.

"Hey, I added some ingredients," Qin Feng snorted, "Okay, it just saves me the time to go out and look for it."

The black gold sword was clenched tightly again, and Qin Feng looked towards the entrance of the passage.

After a while, a bunch of zombies came over! It was impossible to count how many zombies there were, but there would never be less than twenty.

Moreover, there is a steady stream of people coming in from behind!

Qin Feng raised his knife and rushed over to face the oncoming zombies.

A large group of zombies rushed over, so many that they were stacked on top of each other. Some even hit the camera, and the live broadcast screen went black.

"Oh my God, so many zombies?"

"This man is dead. I don't believe what he can do with two kitchen knives."

"Tsk, I just feel uncomfortable. I can't see the blood splattering anymore."

The prison boss laughed. This man's appearance was a challenge to his status in the prison. Oh, no matter he is a special soldier or a savior, if he disobeys him, he will only be eaten by zombies!

However, the next second, from other cameras, everyone saw that the zombie was hit with some force and flew out!

The camera that was blocked by the zombies just now also lit up, and Qin Feng was standing there unscathed with two knives in his hands. His body was stained with some of the zombies' black blood, standing there like a messenger of hell!

Swinging the black and gold long knife, Qin Feng rushed towards the zombies, slashing them one by one, and the zombies had no power to resist.

"47, 48, 49, 50," Qin Feng counted while slashing, "51!"

The last zombie fell down, and Qin Feng killed fifty-one zombies at once!

At this point, Qin Feng couldn't help but start panting. The physical strength twice that of a normal human was indeed limited.

It was still difficult to deal with so many zombies rushing over.

Holding on to the wall on one side, Qin Feng took a slight rest. His tiger's mouth had been numb from the shock.

"I am a little tired," Qin Feng chuckled, "but I have gained a lot. I got 510 zombie coins first. I will bury you when I go back. I will be richer."

The sound of electricity came from above his head, and Qin Feng looked up.

The camera that was knocked crooked by the zombies just now was broken, and the wires were exposed. The sound of electricity came from there.

"It's hard to find a kilowatt-hour of electricity now, and there are still people using surveillance? Could it be..."

Thinking of what Chen Qiaoying said to him, Qin Feng realized that someone must be using surveillance to see if he was bitten by zombies.

So just now, did they all see it?

"This camera is hidden enough." Qin Feng sneered, holding a long knife and slowly approaching the camera.

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