Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 140 Corpse Explosion

The girls blushed and discussed with heartbeats. Qin Feng heard a little bit, so many postures?

Okay, first time understanding.

Try it next time.

What is important now is to bury the corpses in tombs and improve quickly.

Due to the lack of zombie corpses, the fourth-level tombs are always half empty, and the utilization rate is extremely low.

Now there are more than two hundred zombie corpses inside and outside, which is enough to bury.

Qin Feng released the body and asked Xiaotong to help throw it in.

After filling up the corpses one by one, Qin Feng spread the zombie blood on three of the tombs.

Inside, there was black gas and thick blood boiling.

[Zombie corpses are being buried, estimated time is two hours and forty minutes]

[Zombie blood bonus 20%]

[Skills and equipment are expected to appear]

Qin Feng sat on the side of the tomb, waiting for time to pass.

He spent one night just like a hard-working farmer plowing the fields. When the bodies outside were ready, he took them in and buried them.

Wait until the burial is complete and continue burying.

One night later, at dawn, Qin Feng finally heard the system prompt he wanted to hear!

[Zombie corpses buried]

[Attribute point bonus: 8 points]

[Acquire the skill Corpse Explosion]

[Get the equipment Blood Curtain]

Corpse explosion? Blood curtain?

These two names sound a bit bloody. What kind of skills and equipment are they?

This night, he added a total of fifteen attribute points, and his skills and equipment had not been revealed until now.

"System, I want to read the instructions for the newly acquired skills and equipment." Qin Feng said.

Skill and equipment descriptions were revealed in front of him.

[Corpse Explosion: The host can create a blood array, and all zombies within the blood array can explode to death instantly. Note: The host can also kill humans if it is willing]

[Blood Curtain: The full name is Blood Curtain Impact, but people within the Blood Curtain are protected to a certain extent, and the zombie blood line will be automatically released to attack people or things close to the Blood Curtain]

Qin Feng looked at the explanation in front of him with some surprise.

In other words, now he doesn't have to carry a knife and rush into the zombie pile to chop. He can directly explode the zombies in the blood array?

And this blood curtain, if you are injured, you need a temporary shelter.

There is no need to look for him in a daze, he can just let out the blood curtain on the spot, so that neither zombies nor humans can hit him.

"Is this considered group damage?" Qin Feng was very interested in the skill of corpse explosion and asked, "If it's within the range of my blood formation, it will all explode, right?"

[Yes, whether it’s a human or a zombie, whether it explodes or not depends on the host’s words]

[But it can only explode people or zombies, and the range of the blood formation is stimulated by the potential of the host]

[The Blood Curtain is not mandatory to retain people. If there are not enough people, they will run out]

[The system doesn’t know how big the blood array is, and the system doesn’t dare to predict it]

Qin Feng: This system works!

Qin Feng coughed twice and said, "The system opens my attribute list."

【Host】Qin Feng






[Skills] Jeet Kune Do proficiency, god-level sword skills, fearlessness (requires triggering conditions), sensory enhancement, corpse explosion

[Items obtained] Black gold double swords (upgrade), corpse hunter pistol, extreme gloves, blood curtain

【Zombie Coin】6980

Now that the average strength has reached eight times that of ordinary people, Qin Feng's figure seems to be stronger.

However, Qin Feng is no longer so novel about the changes in his body. Every time he levels up, his body will be better than the last time.

Therefore, he still focused on the corpse explosion.

This is AOE damage that can cause humans or zombies within the blood array to explode collectively.

In the past, he had to rely on the black gold knife and the corpse hunter pistol to chop, chop, shoot and shoot.

Now, as long as he is within the range of the blood formation, he can directly blast those turtles.

"But, how big is this range?" Qin Feng looked around, and only Xiaotong, the zombie, was left.

Anyway, Xiaotong is a puppet. If he doesn't let him explode, he won't explode. Let's try it with Xiaotong.

Qin Feng pointed his hand in Xiaotong's direction, brewing in his body, and shouted: "Blood formation, come!"

The ground shook slightly, and blood suddenly emerged from the ground under Xiaotong's feet, and it came out continuously.

Gradually, the city is connected, with patterns and roads depicting prosperity.

Emitting red light, covering Xiaotong's whole body.

Qin Feng's first reaction when he saw the blood array was: "Fuck, it's okay, this thing is stupid."

Second reaction: "Isn't this blood array too small?"

Yes, the blood formation only circled around Xiaotong's feet.

Because Xiaotong wanted to throw away the zombies, she took a step and walked out in the next second.

Qin Feng: This range can explode several zombies, let alone humans.

"Wow, I'm heartbroken," Qin Feng said after a while, "Huo Huo didn't sleep all night, and I didn't go and do those two things again, so I'm going to bury this thing?"

Qin Feng sighed and turned back to the bloody villa. He wanted to take a rest and calm down his emotions.

However, just seconds after he left, the blood array began to expand on its own.

Getting bigger and bigger.

Covering most of the cemetery's ground, the cemetery was shrouded in a blood-like red light.

Of course Qin Feng didn't know that the blood array spread over the bloody villa only after he closed the door.

Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou were already asleep, sleeping side by side in the cross coffin.

In the red coffin that looked like it was covered with a layer of blood, they were not wearing anything. This scene made Qin Feng regret why he didn't come back last night.

Alas, fortunately the cross coffin was big enough, Chu Rou, who was so thin, lay on him, and Chen Qiaoying was lying next to him.

The position was just right.

He hugged Chu Rou and turned over to lie down.

Soft and full, comfortable and relaxed.

Qin Feng exhaled comfortably. He should have cleared his mind, but he was still thinking about the blood formation.

"No," Qin Feng said, "It must not be so small."

The system said that the size of this blood formation was stimulated by his potential. Could his potential be only this much?

No, try again!

Qin Feng wanted to get up, but was pressed down by the strange loli Chu Rou.

"Woo, don't move!" Chu Rou was talking in her sleep, "I finally put it in this position."

Qin Feng:.

"Hmm~~" Chu Rou said, "One step to the stomach, Qin Feng, do you want it to be so long?"

Qin Feng: ! ! ! !

Is this girl dreaming the same thing as me?

The problem is that my second brother is free.

"Huh? Gone?" Chu Rou's words were unclear again, "Why is it gone, so fast¥%\u0026%...\u0026¥, Qin Feng, you're too fast¥%... @...%"

Qin Feng sighed and decided to take a break.

This girl, I'll crush her when she wakes up!

However, when Qin Feng just thought of this, Chu Rou on his body suddenly screamed and woke up: "Who is it, it hurts me so much!"

"Um~~" She screamed in pain, and a blood flower burst out on her shoulder.

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