Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 135 Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying fight

Chen Qiaoying's throat still had the unique roar of a zombie.

Her limbs were not as stiff as those of ordinary zombies. She slowly walked towards Qin Feng, exuding a cold aura.

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and kept staring at her.

Three seconds later, Chen Qiaoying suddenly roared and raised her clawed hands to rush towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng pulled out the black gold knife from behind and fought directly.

Chen Qiaoying couldn't change back now, and she was hostile to him!

Qin Feng certainly wouldn't be soft-hearted. It just so happened that he also wanted to try out the power of this zombie queen.

Both rushed towards each other.

One stretched out a hand like a stiff eagle claw, and the other chopped down with a black gold knife.

When the knife and hand met, sparks burst out.

There was a sharp clang!

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying retreated at the same time, and stopped at the same time, looking at each other.

Qin Feng had a rough judgment of the power of Chen Qiaoying's attack. Sure enough, her power exploded to the strongest when she was in the zombie state.

If he didn't have the [Extreme Power Glove], he might not be able to stop this seven times more powerful attribute power than an ordinary person.

Feeling the numbness in his tiger's mouth again, Qin Feng was excited that he had met a worthy opponent.

It had been a long time since he had an opponent who was almost as good as him, and it was Chen Qiaoying.

Qin Feng held two swords in his hands, and his eyes were full of excitement.

Chen Qiaoying certainly didn't feel this way. She was in a zombie state now, and she only wanted to tear the opponent apart.

A hoarse laugh rippled in her throat, but Qin Feng's sensitive hearing heard some sounds outside, as if there were zombies moving.

[Ding, reminding the host that Chen Qiaoying has triggered the initial commander ability]

"Is she going to command the zombies?" Qin Feng asked.

[Not yet successful, she hasn't fully exploded]

"She's already strong enough," Qin Feng asked, "Why does she still need to command the zombies?"

[Chen Qiaoying is in zombie state, judging the strength of the enemy]

[If she feels that she can't deal with it alone, she will stimulate her command ability]

It means that Qin Feng is too strong, and Chen Qiaoying feels that she may not be able to beat Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled, looked at Chen Qiaoying and said only one word: "Come."

Chen Qiaoying roared and continued to rush towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took the knife to fight.

Bang bang bang, sparks flashed in the air.

Chen Qiaoying's current zombie state is not yet fully awakened, but this ability has been initially manifested.

Super strength, super speed, and super ability.

If it's a head-on confrontation, Qin Feng will definitely not be able to beat her.

But fortunately, Chen Qiaoying is still unable to control the zombie state at this time.

So, she is still a zombie king without too many tricks and tricks.

Qin Feng, on the other hand, was proficient in Jeet Kune Do and divine swordsmanship, and now Tai Chi has advanced to a certain level.

He fought in a methodical and powerful way.

Chen Qiaoying's current reckless attack was resolved by Qin Feng, and she was attacked by Qin Feng instead.

But Qin Feng could beat her back, but could not hurt her externally.

Therefore, the two fought extremely anxiously.

They fought back and forth on the rooftop, and it was hearty.

But after all, a reckless man with brains can suppress a man without brains.

Qin Feng was slightly better and suppressed Chen Qiaoying under him.

He raised his hand and gathered strength in his hand.

He clenched his fist and rushed directly to Chen Qiaoying's only weakness, the abdomen, with great strength.

With a bang, Chen Qiaoying flew backwards and hit the wall.

The wall broke into a shallow pit on the spot, and Chen Qiaoying slid to the ground.

At this time, she no longer stood up, but half-knelt, with spasms all over her body.

If this force was used on an ordinary zombie, its intestines would have been ruptured long ago.

But Chen Qiaoying is the zombie king.

This attack only caused her minor injuries.

It was difficult to kill her, but a little ruthless attack on this weakness.

Only then could the aggressive Chen Qiaoying feel pain and calm down.

Sure enough, after this attack, Chen Qiaoying trembled and twitched violently.

The purple blood vessels on her skin seemed to have triggered some mechanism, trembling, moving, and seemed to be shrinking.

"Have you recovered?" Qin Feng asked, "If not, I will continue."

Chen Qiaoying trembled violently, and the purple blood vessels on her skin kept twisting, screaming, and gradually shrinking back.

The roar in her throat also became painful.

However, she continued to struggle on the ground and wanted to fight.

Qin Feng smiled: "Don't struggle, you can't beat me now, your awakening level is not enough."

"I can knock you out with one punch now, it's not good, I am very gentle."

"Wow wow wow, your blood vessels are shrinking, you are going to die."

"Why don't you be a gentle woman? What's the point of fighting and killing, haha."

"Are you cramping like this?"

Chen Qiaoying continued to struggle in the same place while Qin Feng was talking nonsense.

After a while, the purple blood vessels had shrunk to the position of her chest.

There was not much cloth left on her body after being burned by the artillery fire, and the originally blue-gray skin softened instantly.

It became the appearance of a human.

The purple blood vessels continued to scream and shrink back to the position on her shoulders. She trembled violently, driving every inch of skin on her body.

Qin Feng walked over, picked up Chen Qiaoying, and said: "Have you recovered? Or do you still need the nourishment of my life essence?"

Qin Feng looked at the rooftop with blood flowing like a river, broken arms and limbs, and messy organs.

At this time, there seemed to be a human finger under his feet.

He said, "I don't mind waking you up here."

The world was full of blood, a man and a woman, a man and a zombie were confronting each other.

Qin Feng just stared at Chen Qiaoying. Although he spoke very well, he did nothing.

It's impossible for him to do this every time Chen Qiaoying exploded into a zombie state. It's too tiring for this master to fight.

So, Chen Qiaoying still has to learn to control herself.

Finally, Chen Qiaoying in front of him twitched for a long time, slowly lowered her head, and leaned her head on Qin Feng's shoulder.

"Are you done?" Qin Feng stared at the purple "flower" on Chen Qiaoying's shoulder, and the last purple screaming blood vessel shrank back.

Return to calm.

Chen Qiaoying in his arms seemed to be very tired. She slowly raised her head and looked at Qin Feng.

The black eyes came back again.

"Qin Feng," Chen Qiaoying, who was fighting bloody just now, looked at Qin Feng at this time, and suddenly looked like a girl who wanted to act coquettishly and ask for candy, "You hit my stomach~"

Qin Feng chuckled and stretched out his hand to rub it gently: "Does it still hurt?"

His punch was not bad, let alone zombies, an ordinary strong man could be killed.

Although Chen Qiaoying was the zombie king, she also suffered a lot of pain.

But it seems that his punch brought her back from the zombie state.

"Hmm~~" Chen Qiaoying leaned on his shoulder, "Don't worry about whether it hurts or not, did I do well this time? Can I stay by your side?"

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