Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 132 Enraging Chen Qiaoying

"Kill them?" Chen Qiaoying was a little stunned, "I will kill them?"

"Of course," Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "They should want to kill you now."

Chen Qiaoying's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, and she looked over with a trembling look in her eyes.

In front of them, there were about a hundred women with no clothes on, all white.

Some were sitting on armored vehicles, and some were standing. But without exception, they all held a gun and pointed it at the two of them.

In addition, the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, almost forcing Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying into a corner.

They were wearing revealing clothes, and there were many scenes that could not be seen in normal times.

But at this moment, probably no one would have any idea about these people in front of them.

Unless, they wanted to have sex.

Chen Qiaoying retreated little by little, and Qin Feng followed her.

But facing these women who obviously had bad intentions, Qin Feng did not feel afraid at all.

Walking leisurely in the garden, even the skinned dog was roaring bloodily in the gradually brightening light.

Qin Feng's face did not show the slightest hesitation.

Chen Qiaoying spoke, her voice trembling a little: "I, I can't do it, I didn't even hold the gun tightly."

The only time she fired a gun successfully was when she killed a zombie in prison.

"Don't use a gun," Qin Feng said, "Believe in yourself, you are the one who awakened the zombie bloodline."

"Zombie bloodline?"

"Don't you think that your ability is much stronger now?" Qin Feng said, "Jumping ability, vision, almost several times as good as before."

Chen Qiaoying nodded, as if.

"Aim at their necks," Qin Feng said, "Don't be soft."

Chen Qiaoying was still a little timid, she said: "I, I'm not sure."

"Really?" Qin Feng said, "Then it might be you who died."

Chen Qiaoying's pupils trembled, she was still hesitating.

The women saw that they surrounded Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying, and the two of them just ran to the highest position of their defense network.

Now, the two of them couldn't fly even if they had wings.

The leading woman was about forty years old, with a plump face. She held a gun and looked at Qin Feng unceremoniously.

She said, "Young handsome man, if you want to join us, just tell us and I'll open my arms to you. But, don't you understand the situation here?"

Qin Feng didn't answer.

The woman pointed the gun in her hand at Chen Qiaoying and said, "Who is she? Bringing a woman here, she will die if she comes. Aren't we women enough for you to enjoy?"

She looked at Qin Feng with shining eyes: "Sister likes young people like you the most, you will enjoy every day here."

Qin Feng didn't react after hearing this, but Chen Qiaoying was shaking with anger.

She seemed not so angry even when her life was threatened.

Qin Feng glanced at Chen Qiaoying beside him and said in a joking tone, "Did you hear that? She flirted with me again."

"I heard it." Chen Qiaoying frowned deeply and her tone became a little colder.

The woman stepped forward again and said, "Let's do this. Women, get out, and men, stay."

"Otherwise," the woman said, "I'll use my guns."

"You better think about it, handsome boy," the woman looked arrogant, "There are hundreds of us here, and there are only two of you. How can we fight? Just do what I say. I'll do it because you're handsome."

As soon as the woman finished speaking, the hundred or so women loaded their guns.

The muzzles of the black guns were all pointed at Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying.

In the dim morning light, other women who were watching the excitement in the distance also went to do things.

The tradition here is to grab what you like, and then go after it.

If it's broken, throw it away and let it fend for itself.

So, with so many people gathered here, they are no longer surprised by this scene.

Everyone looked at them like monkeys.

"I'll give you ten seconds to think about it," the woman said, holding a gun, "otherwise, I'll kill you myself."

"Ten! Nine! Eight"

Qin Feng looked at the people in front of him, stretched out his hand to Chen Qiaoying's shoulders, and said, "What are you still hesitating about?"

"Qin Feng?" Chen Qiaoying suddenly called his name.

"What?" Qin Feng asked with a chuckle.

"You deliberately led them to besiege us, didn't you?" Chen Qiaoying said, "With our abilities, we could have run away long ago, right?"

Qin Feng didn't have much surprise or cover-up, he was doing it on purpose.

Chen Qiaoying's ability is so high, he can't just give up like that.

But for Chen Qiaoying's idea of ​​being a saint, even because of him, Chen Qiaoying wants to try to change it.

She is not suitable for life in the cemetery, and she is not suitable to stay by his side.

This is the place of survivors mentioned by Chen Qiaoying.

There are Chen Qiaoying's acquaintances, and they are all women.

Qin Feng deliberately let Chen Qiaoying come in to see how absurd the world has become after the end of the world.

In this absurd world, if you are not cold-blooded, you will die first sooner or later.

However, Qin Feng was also a little relieved. Chen Qiaoying saw that she was not completely naive.

"Yes," Qin Feng admitted readily, "With our ability, we can run away at will."

"But now, do you want to kill him?"

Before Chen Qiaoying could answer, the woman shot Qin Feng and hit his knee.

With a bang, gunpowder smoke bloomed on Qin Feng's knee.

However, is this protective suit just for show? In addition, Qin Feng's body is getting stronger and stronger, so he can't be hurt at all.

"You, how come you are okay?" The woman was a little surprised, hesitated for a moment, and fired another shot.

This time, it was Qin Feng's arm, but there was still nothing wrong.

These women were stunned. What is this man?

Qin Feng looked at the gunpowder smoke with a mocking face.

"You attacked him?" Chen Qiaoying was a little angry, she asked loudly.

The woman ignored her surprise, laughed, and said: "Disobedient men should be beaten and killed!"

"You bully women on weekdays and don't hold us women in your hands."

"Thinking that you have some ability to enslave women at home, in fact, each one is useless! Not as good as a cucumber!"

"This is my territory now. This kind of disobedient man, I shot him to give him face."

"What is the use of men besides that thing?"

Chen Qiaoying sneered and said nothing.

"But why can't you shoot through it?" The woman said, "Sisters, aim at the man's limbs, don't hurt the baby, let's have some fun tonight!"

Click, click, the guns were raised and pointed at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled without any pressure and said, "Chen Qiaoying, they seem to be going to attack me."

"Didn't you ask me whether to kill or not?" Chen Qiaoying said, "Now, I will kill!"

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