Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 110: Establishing a New Human Order

Li Tianfang was actually a bit embarrassed.

When he first discovered this cemetery, he promised to take it down in a month at most.

But now, no one has survived the drainage.

The mercenary team sent was almost wiped out, and only an observation team hiding far away survived.

Whoever gets close will die, and the death is without a trace.

And the point is that the cemetery is really weird, the door can burn people, and the wall can burn people.

The drone can't take clear pictures, and people who took a helicopter to that place will develop strange diseases within three days after returning.

In short, during this period, Li Tianfang's work on the cemetery has not been recognized by investors from various countries.

Now, everyone has put pressure on the Ark Spiral Company, and Li Ruohan can only come forward to deal with this matter.

The huge virtual imaging conference room is now "full" of people.

Li Ruohan looked at the information about the cemetery sent by his assistant and got a general idea.

This cemetery was originally a wasteland.

The first discovery was made by a team that was preparing to study mutant zombies in their Ark Spiral Company's "Mutation Plan".

The news that came that time was relatively comprehensive, including photos of plants and the entire scene.

At that time, I was amazed at how someone could build such a magical building in the doomsday.

But when their company asked for data again a few hours later, the team had completely lost contact.

Their people went to search and only found a burned armored vehicle a few kilometers outside the cemetery, with corpses inside.

All the collected plant specimens, cameras, etc. were destroyed, and no one survived.

The only information brought back was the blurry photos brought back by the helicopter that was about to deliver supplies and equipment.

The gloomy cemetery, the tall fortress, and everything else was unclear.

But this can also confirm that there are indeed people living there.

Next, Li Tianfang publicly promised that he would take over the base in a month.

Now that such a thing has happened, the investors seem to have wavered in their belief in the Ark Spiral Company.

Li Ruohan scanned all the information and nodded to his assistant.

The assistant opened the communication, and the meeting could talk.

As soon as the conversation was opened, the investors immediately started to discuss.

"Chairman Li, the various report indicators submitted by your company recently have not met the standards."

"What's the matter with that cemetery? Isn't it just a cemetery? Why can't it be taken down until now?"

"Every time we go, we die. Every team that goes there dies. The people who escaped didn't even get close to the cemetery."

"I don't know if we can still trust your Ark Spiral Company."

"We are very excited about the mutation plan you proposed, but you don't seem to be able to fully control your area."

There were about sixty "people" in the meeting room, from more than sixty different regions, all of whom were investors in their mutation plan.

These statements questioning the Ark Spiral Company have been very restrained, but they are still like a sharp knife, pointing at the cooperation meridians of their company.

As long as they are not careful, this sharp knife will cut through the meridians, and the Ark Spiral will fall completely.

Li Ruohan glanced at Li Tianfang, who knew that he had done something wrong, and bowed his head and didn't speak.

After more than 60 representatives finished speaking, Li Ruohan smiled and said, "I know the anxiety and helplessness of all investors. After all, the appearance of this cemetery has brought a glimmer of hope to our mutation plan."

"Everyone thought my brother messed up the whole plan, but in fact he was just a little arrogant. This is just a small cemetery. How much power can it have?

I came here this time to show you the results of our company's plan."

Li Ruohan nodded to his assistant, and the assistant sent information to each investor.

"What is this?"

"Underground factory?"

"Underground city?"

What was sent was the spiral underground city building map built by Ark Spiral Company. A spiral, multi-level underground building.

An underground city that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

"The reason why our Ark Spiral Company has established a cooperative relationship with the best in various regions," Li Ruohan said, "Haven't you guessed what we mean?"

The representatives asked questions one after another. Aren't they all for the mutation plan?

"The zombies developed by the mutation plan are not for killing zombies," Li Ruohan said, "but for killing people. The speed of infection of mutant zombies is very fast, and the speed of clearing ordinary zombies and humans is very fast."

"As long as they are released for more than a year, the humans and zombies on the ground will basically be cleared out."

"At this time, if each of us owns an underground city, the world will be directly controlled by us."

"Everyone, let me make it clear," Li Ruohan looked like a strong woman, "Rather than rebuilding human society, wouldn't it be better for everyone to build a new human order together? What's the point of so many people surviving?"

Build a new human order?

This is a big ambition.

Everyone felt like they were hit hard by someone. The zombie virus has only been out for a few months, and this person wants to take over the world?

"The mutant zombies we studied will soon appear in the world," Li Ruohan said, "Everyone should think clearly. Joining the plan is much safer than rejecting it."

"So our focus is not on this cemetery, but on studying mutant zombies and building more than 60 underground cities as soon as possible, right?"

The suburbs of Hongteng City.

Qin Feng went to the morgue and pulled out five mutant zombies, one by one, green water on the ground.

But it seems that after being preserved in the morgue, the stench caused by the rapid decay has dissipated a lot.

Five mutant zombies were lost.

Blood tongues stretched out from the mutant zombie tomb, covering the skin of the five corpses bit by bit.

Like slender hands, or like wriggling worms, they entangled and covered every bit of the zombies.

Finally, like a mummy, they were evenly covered on top.

Layer by layer, until the thin and soft blood tongue covered the entire tomb.

Wriggling there, entangled there.

Making a harsh, subtle scream.

Qin Feng looked at it for a long time and frowned: "It's really disgusting."

[Mutated zombie corpses are being buried]

[Estimated burial time 8 hours]

"It takes so much time to bury, and so many zombie coins are consumed," Qin Feng said, "You have to give me something good, don't use all the sixth-level supplies, otherwise I will lose a lot."

Qin Feng directed Xiaotong to continue throwing zombies into the fourth-level tomb.

A fourth-level tomb can bury 40 zombie corpses, and there are only about 60 zombies in the venue now.

Qin Feng asked Xiaotong to fill only one zombie tomb, cover it with blood, and start burying the zombie tomb.

[Zombie corpses are being buried]

[Estimated time 1 hour and 20 minutes]

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