Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 10 Chen Qiaoying ran away?

Fresh hot blood flowed along the iron plate. The whole basement was already filled with the smell of iron, and now the smell of blood became even stronger.

"Who did it?" The leader was the captain of the patrol team, and said, "Even the surveillance was chopped to pieces!"

The sound of electric current, nearly ten human corpses that were already cold underfoot, this scene was weird and terrifying.

"Report," someone said, "The door of the third underground floor was opened!"

The team leader walked over and saw that the door of the third underground floor, where some people who were about to be sent to the zombie area were originally detained, was opened!

"Chen Qiaoying?" The team leader was startled and jumped down to see that the door of the place where Chen Qiaoying was detained had been opened.

When they went in to search, the bodies of Brother Feng who had come to call Chen Qiaoying up were also displayed inside!

"Captain, captain, did Chen Qiaoying kill these people?"

The team leader snorted coldly and said, "Is it possible? I can break Chen Qiaoying's waist with just one finger. Unless someone took her away!"

The team member trembled, took her away?

It's over, the boss will be angry!

If the boss is angry, they will also be thrown into the zombie area!

"Quick, go find the surveillance and chase!"


In an inconspicuous warehouse on the second floor of the prison.

Qin Feng stopped Chen Qiaoying behind him and looked out through the crack in the door. People outside were coming and going in a hurry.

He whispered: "We should have been discovered."

Chen Qiaoying was a little panicked and asked: "What should we do then?"

"Don't be nervous," Qin Feng said, "I'm here, what are you afraid of. You continue to show me the way, and we'll escape."

Chen Qiaoying looked at Qin Feng's indifferent attitude, and behind his firmness, her heart inexplicably calmed down.

She looked back and found a carbon block in the warehouse, and then the light from the crack drew on the ground.

Said: "This prison is the largest prison in the North and South Districts. It may be as large as a small town. It holds serious criminals and dangerous criminals from the North and South Districts."

"We will go out later. We can't go east and north. We have to go southwest. There is only a long bridge in the east and north. We will only become targets on it."

"Especially, there is a sharpshooter there. In the past, many people in our police station died in order to catch him. They were all killed by his accurate shooting. And he has the most guns there."

"Although the road from the southwest is a bit longer, there are many places to hide here."

Qin Feng looked at the simple map on the ground and felt that it was indeed the right choice to take Chen Qiaoying out.

With just a few strokes, he already felt that the terrain here was complicated.

And there were guns and several big men at every turn. How long would it take to get out to the zombie area?

Just when the two were discussing the escape route, footsteps came to the door, and some shadows were approaching them.

The two people froze and did not move for a long time.

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying leaned against the door, and the only window here was the small iron grille window above.

The man leaned over from the window, turned on the flashlight and shone it inside.

The flashlight went from top to bottom, from left to right, and circled around the room, but never shone on Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying.

The man said, "No one is here," and left in a hurry.

The two of them exhaled and gradually recovered.

"They have these sophisticated weapons from the prison arsenal," Chen Qiaoying said with a cold sweat, "These guns have great firepower, and we will die if we are discovered."

Qin Feng sneered, his clothes were immune to physical damage, and ordinary shells could not penetrate him.

"Where are you going to go when we go up?" Chen Qiaoying asked.

"I'll put you anywhere, and then I'll go kill the zombies." This was the main purpose of Qin Feng's coming.

"Kill zombies?" Chen Qiaoying shook her head and said, "You are really strange. Other people don't even have time to hide when they see zombies, but you go to meet them."

"Zombies have no consciousness," Qin Feng said, "It's just that those people are cowardly. If they don't resist, they can't kill zombies."

Chen Qiaoying nodded and looked at Qin Feng beside her. She didn't know what kind of emotions were rippling in her heart.

Gritting her teeth, she asked, "What's your name? If you leave, I may never see you again. I should know your name."

Qin Feng turned around and smiled, "My name is Qin Feng."

Qin Feng.

Chen Qiaoying silently recited this name in her heart, and felt itchy.

"Tsk, no more waiting," Qin Feng said, "If we wait until these ants finish searching here, the cucumbers and vegetables will be cold."

Now there are only ten hours left, and there is no time to deal with these ants.

So Qin Feng stood up and said, "Stand aside, so as not to accidentally hurt you later."

Looking at Qin Feng's posture, Chen Qiaoying had to nod and stand behind the wall next to the door.

Qin Feng stretched out his hand and opened the warehouse door. With a bang, it was particularly clear in this small space.

At this time, the people searching here were five burly men with guns, much stronger than the previous ones.

Qin Feng took a look and found that their physical fitness was about 1.5 times that of normal humans. It was indeed a place where serious criminals and dangerous criminals gathered.

The five people looked at Qin Feng. They were dressed differently and had different temperaments. It was obvious that they were not from here!

They must be intruders from outside!

"Who are you?!" Several people pointed their guns at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled, stretched his hands behind him, and pulled out two black gold long knives with a swipe.

The blade of the black gold sword shines brightly under the light.

"Fire!" Several people had noticed Qin Feng's murderous intention and opened fire quickly!

A hail of bullets and bullets are coming towards Qin Feng!

Qin Feng waved two black gold long knives, and the fast and regular black gold long knives shot out all the bullets that were intended to be shot at him.

With a few bang bang bangs, the bullet hit the wall and iron door behind him, leaving a black hole!

Click, click, their guns are out of bullets!

Gunpowder smoke filled the air, and in the gunpowder smoke, Qin Feng stood tall and slender.

"Have you finished the fight?" Qin Feng said, "It's my turn next."

Qin Feng raised his knife and rushed towards several people quickly. With a wave of the long knife, the necks of the two leaders were directly cut off. There was a pop and blood spattered out!

Flying backward, the two long knives circled in the air with their hands, grasped the handles, and thrust them backwards.

The long knife penetrated the bodies of the latter two people.



They were all screaming, and four of the five fell down instantly, leaving only the last one standing there, his legs weak with fear.


"I'm sorry." Qin Feng raised the knife and dropped it, and the last one lost his breath.

He turned around and said to the room: "Chen Qiaoying, come out, they are all dead."

Chen Qiaoying slowly leaned out her body and looked at the blood on the ground, but she still couldn't hide the shock in her heart.

"Let's go quickly." Qin Feng put the two long knives back into the scabbards on his back. "It's too loud here. People will gather here soon."

Chen Qiaoying nodded and quickly followed Qin Feng's footsteps.

But I never thought that everything here was captured by a hidden camera above.

A fat man sitting on the tiger chair, covered in tattoos and wearing a nose ring, looked at this scene and his expression became increasingly grim.

"Boss, why don't we take action?" Someone asked, "This man is going to rescue Chen Qiaoying."

The fat man sneered when he saw it and said, "When they get to the first floor, put those zombies down and eat them to death."

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