Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 91 Electronic Pulse

Three days have passed since Li Shiyi started using robots to clean up zombies, and his energy crystals have increased to more than 20,000. However, although this number seems large, it does not satisfy him.

Judging from his estimated efficiency of the robot, it would be able to kill at least 10,000 zombies in a day. On average, each robot would kill ten zombies, which is not too much.

After all, these one thousand robots are scattered throughout Su City.

But in fact, after three days, he had only harvested 20,000 energy crystals. In other words, on average, there were less than a thousand zombies per day. If divided, there would be robots that did not shoot every day.

The reason for this incident was not that there was a problem with the robot, but that the density of zombies in Su City was much lower than Li Shiyi expected.

There are often robot patrols that cannot find a single zombie for a day, and this situation is getting worse day by day. In other words, the number of zombies in this city is inexplicably decreasing.

Obviously, this matter is not normal. Both intuition and reason are telling Li Shiyi that this is not normal.

After discovering this situation, Li Shiyi also contacted the mayor to discuss the matter. However, the other party did not know about it. They even found out about it after Li Shiyi contacted them.

This situation made Li Shiyi a little worried. Obviously, something unknown was happening in this city. His intuition told Li Shiyi that this must be a bad thing.

Erta also used various means to investigate the matter, but found nothing, which made his worries more and more serious.

This morning, Li Shiyi was thinking on the street while recycling some materials.

Suddenly, he felt something strange. Just as he was thinking about why he felt strange, he suddenly heard a voice coming from his pocket.

Li Shiyi quickly took out the mobile phone in his pocket, and then he found that his mobile phone was broken.

Then, Li Shiyi thought of a possibility, Could it be electronic pulse?

Thinking of this possibility, Li Shiyi quickly tried to connect to the robots he released, but then he found that the robots could not be contacted.

Li Shiyi slapped his forehead in frustration. With so many robots wandering outside, he had to recycle them one by one. This was really a troublesome thing.

Moreover, the range of the electronic pulse this time was obviously very large, at least covering the entire Su City, otherwise none of his robots would be spared.

At this moment, Li Shiyi seriously suspected that this electronic pulse was global. It was not just a suspicion. In his heart, this was almost a fact, but he could not confirm it at the moment.

As for the recycling of robots, he can certainly make some more robots for recycling. The locations where the robots lost contact before are also recorded in the system, but Li Shiyi does not intend to do this.

Because he was not sure whether the electronic pulse would come again.

If this is the electronic pulse that brings about the end of the world, then it is not impossible to do it again, if it is man-made.

At this juncture, Li Shiyi did not think that anyone or any organization would spend huge manpower and material resources to create an electronic pulse that covered the entire city.

After hesitating for a while, Li Shiyi built a robot again. He did not intend to use this robot for recycling work, but planned to contact the mayor to check the situation of the shelter.

As for the robot, he still has to drive his car and collect them one by one.

Li Shiyi sat in Santana, and the novice started the chariot.

Apparently, his tank was not affected by the electronic pulse in the slightest.

Produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product!

Just after Li Shiyi recovered more than a hundred robots, the robots sent by Li Shiyi also arrived at the shelter.

The shelter was in a mess at this time. It seemed that the electronic pulse just received had indeed caused a commotion in the shelter, and order had just been restored at this time.

After the people in the shelter saw Li Shiyi's robot, they quickly notified the mayor, and then the robot came to the mayor's office.

As soon as he entered the office, the robot made a sound, which was exactly the same as Li Shiyi's voice when he contacted the mayor: Mayor, it's me, and I'm contacting you through this robot.

Mr. Trader, please sit down, no, the robot doesn't need to sit down. Obviously, the mayor was very anxious at this time and had many thoughts in his mind. He was not fully focused when talking to Li Shiyi at this time. .

I'm sorry, Mr. Trader, something happened just now. There's a bit of chaos here. The mayor breathed a long sigh of relief, temporarily suppressed what was on his mind, and began to communicate with Li Shiyi.

It doesn't matter, Mr. Mayor, I can understand. After all, just now, all the robots I sent lost contact. This one was saved in the organization and survived.

Well, the zombie crisis has just gotten better, and something like this happens again. What on earth has happened to the world. The mayor, who had just regained his energy a few days ago, fell into a depressed mood again.

This series of changes had a huge impact on him.

I wonder what Mr. Trader wants to talk about when he comes to me this time? After the mayor sighed, he hurriedly chatted with Li Shiyi about business.

I want to ask the mayor if you know anything about this electronic pulse. Have you ever received warnings from other places before, such as the Imperial Capital?

No. The mayor shook his head, I have not received any notice before this, and we also have our own astronomy experts in the shelter, and we have not observed any activity on the sun. Of course, with the current situation of the sun, Nothing can be observed.

The sun condition the mayor refers to is today's bloody sun.

So, mayor, do you think it's possible that it's man-made?

Probably not. I don't think anyone would do such a thing. What's the point of spending so much manpower and material resources to destroy all electrical appliances with electronic pulses covering the whole city? Unless

Speaking of this, the mayor suddenly stopped because he thought of a possibility.

It seems that the mayor has also thought of it. Seeing the mayor stop, Li Shiyi took over, As you know, there is an organization with high technological power in this city.

After Li Shiyi finished speaking, the mayor did not say anything, but stared at Li Shiyi's robot with burning eyes.

I know what you are thinking. Li Shiyi continued, I can tell you that we are not the same organization as the werewolves you have seen. As for who they are, I am also checking.

I don't need to lie to you, because I don't need to. After saying this last sentence, Li Shiyi's tone became very cold.

ps: The new book City: The Joy of S-Class Superpowers You Can't Imagine has been released on Tomato. Friends who like it can check it out!

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