Li Wei stared at Li Shiyi for a while and said, I believe it. I hope you can lead me to survive. Please accept my allegiance, Your Excellency Golden Mask.

After saying that, Li Wei awkwardly bowed more than ninety degrees, but the rope on his body affected his balance, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground with a thud.

Allegiance, what are you talking about? Li Shiyi looked at Li Wei who had thrown a dog on the ground and was a little confused about what the other party meant.

Bah, bah, bah! Li Wei jumped up with a carp kick. After spitting out the dirt in his mouth, he said to Li Shiyi, I mean, I will be yours from now on.

I don't like men. Li Shiyi frowned and looked at Li Wei coldly.

Of course, these expressions were all under the mask and were not seen by Li Wei.

That's not what I meant, what I meant was. Li Wei lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head after organizing his words, and said, From today on, I, Li Wei, will entrust your life to you, and I will obey your orders. .


Because I think you can survive in this apocalypse, and I also want to live, that's all. At this time, Li Wei's eyes were very firm, and Li Shiyi felt that this gaze did not seem to be fake.

Hearing this, Li Shiyi turned his head, and a wry smile appeared on his face under the golden mask.

When did a simple requirement like survive become a luxury?

If it weren't for the existence of the system, I would probably be struggling in this doomsday like everyone else.

In fact, he might have already died.

I can take you in, but I can't trust you yet. You should know why. Li Shiyi did not continue to dwell on the issue of age.

I understand. After hearing this, Li Wei took a deep breath but said nothing more.

The greatest trust I can give you is that you can move freely in this space. With that said, Li Shiyi cut the rope around Li Wei with a lightsaber.

But seeing the other party freeing himself, Li Wei quickly pulled off all the ropes and threw them to the ground, and then began to move his somewhat stiff limbs.

So, what should I do? Li Wei asked while moving his wrist.

What to do, let me think about it. After Li Shiyi heard this question, he was a little confused. It seemed that there was really nothing he needed to do. How about you herd cattle, or sheep, and pigs? Chickens, ducks, etc., or you can plant trees, and if that doesn’t work, you can exercise.”

What? Li Wei didn't believe his ears.

Oh, you can do whatever you like. I have something else to do, so you can go and play by yourself. After Li Shiyi finished speaking, he left on his own, leaving Li Wei alone and messy.

Now, Li Shiyi is absolutely impossible to let Li Wei leave the extra-dimensional space. His trust in Li Wei is still at the lowest level, but Li Wei has a bomb in his body, which is easier to control.

And he was able to survive this time thanks to Li Shiyi, so Li Shiyi did not kill him, but decided to save his life. After all, in this apocalyptic world, a person's power is limited after all.

However, he had no reason to kill Li Wei, and besides, he had lived for too long and was indeed a little lonely.

Otherwise, find a girlfriend. At this time, it shouldn't be difficult based on your own conditions, right?

What am I thinking about? Li Shiyi suddenly reacted, shook his head, and after driving these messy thoughts out of his mind, he clicked on the system panel and began to check his resources.

Among them, the energy crystal that concerned him the most was the energy crystal, and this item was also the rarest. Other resources were endless, and they would not be exhausted at least for a while.

Energy crystals alone are simply not enough.

It seems it's time to go out and harvest zombies.

But the efficiency of killing zombies by myself is really slow, so I have to think of some ways.

At this moment, Li Shiyi's eyes accidentally saw the robot working.

Yes, robots can be used. Thinking of this, Li Shiyi couldn't help but get excited.

He can completely use the existing resources to build an army of robots to go out and kill zombies. Although these basic robots have no combat capabilities and will only follow his orders to act, they can use guns.

In the process of recycling resources, Li Shiyi had unknowingly obtained many blueprints for making firearms. However, he had the weapons that came with the system and could not use them at all. Now it seemed that these blueprints were finally put to use.

Without hesitation, Li Shiyi quickly started making them. Ordinary firearms consume resources such as steel and do not require energy crystals, so he did not feel distressed at all when making them.

And after using them, he can recycle these guns again. Except for the loss of gunpowder used to make bullets, the rest is completely free.

It didn't take long for Li Shiyi to make a thousand submachine guns. He previously traded a robot to the mayor, but now there are only 999 robots.

Thinking of this, Li Shiyi made another robot.

The energy crystal decreases by one.

Hiss, it hurts.

After making all the preparations, Li Shiyi did not take action immediately, but contacted the mayor. Before, he and the mayor communicated by typing, but this time he dialed the mayor's phone number directly.

For no other reason than typing is too much trouble.


After a few busy beeps, the phone was picked up over there.

Hello, who are you? The mayor's voice came from the other end of the phone, sounding very sad.

Is he the mayor? I'm a trader. When Li Shiyi said this, he deliberately changed his voice. Even if the other party used voiceprint technology to identify him, it would be impossible to detect him.

It turns out to be Mr. Trader, what's the matter? On the other end of the phone, the mayor's voice became a little more excited, but Li Shiyi could clearly feel that the mayor was just trying to keep his spirits up.

After sighing secretly in his heart, Li Shiyi said: What else can I do? As usual, I want to make a deal with you, the mayor.

What deal?

We can help you eliminate zombies in the city, are you interested?

After saying this, Li Shiyi waited for several seconds before hearing the mayor's voice again: Clear the zombies in the city. I don't quite understand what you mean, Mr. Trader.

It's just the literal meaning. It's not that you don't understand, it's that you don't believe it. Obviously, the deal he proposed exceeded the other party's expectations.

How could I not believe you, Mr. Trader, but what you said is too true.

After the mayor finished speaking, Helmi was interrupted by Li Shiyi: It's incredible, isn't it? It doesn't matter. It's understandable. If you agree to this deal, we can eliminate the zombies first. What do you think? How about it.

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