Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 75 Video exposure

Sioux City, a secret room!

In the room, dozens of long-haired men were sitting at random, staring at a large screen at the same time.

On the screen, there was a video of Li Shiyi jumping from a tall building.


Not long after, the door was opened, and two long-haired men entered the room, carrying a small cloth bag in their hands.

Chief, we encountered some troubles on the road. They have been resolved. We got our things back!

As soon as the two of them entered the door, they knelt on the ground and lowered their heads.

At this time, the man closest to them stood up and came to them, took the bag from their hands, and after seeing the contents inside, he laughed: Okay, very good!

This man has long hair like them, but his skin is snow-white, like dye!

Then, the long-haired man raised his arm and lightly scratched his palm with his fingers, and a wound appeared on the man's palm.

Blood also flowed from the wound.

Drink, this is a reward for you!

The long-haired man said strangely, actually letting them drink his blood!

And the next second, after hearing the man's words, the two of them knelt on the ground and opened their mouths to catch the blood!

That expression showed great enjoyment. For those who didn't know it, they thought they were drinking nectar and jade dew!

When other long-haired men saw this, their eyes also showed envy!

They know that the blood of their leader can make them stronger!

They can become so powerful now only because of the blood of their leader! That's why they are so envious!

About thirty seconds later, the leader retracted his palm, and at the same time, the wound healed instantly, as if there had never been that wound!

At the same time, after drinking the blood, the two people's eyes also burst with golden light, and they were extremely excited!

They know that their strength has become stronger again!

Okay, take a seat!

After they were all excited, the leader's voice appeared.

The two of them hurriedly found a seat and sat down!

After everyone was seated, the leader came to the screen and clicked play.

In the video, first Santana shoots a laser and kills a large number of zombies, and then Li Shiyi jumps off a tall building without any injuries!

This man is very suitable to be our warrior. Who is willing to bring him back?

After watching the video, the leader spoke.

I go!


After hearing what the leader said, everyone responded together.

They knew that whoever could bring back the man in the video would be able to obtain the leader's blood.

No one is willing to give up this opportunity to make themselves stronger!

They all expressed their willingness to go!

You, you, and you! Go and pay attention, I want to live!

The leader randomly ordered three people!

In his opinion, three people are enough!

Yes! Leader!

The three people who were called were very excited. In their opinion, this task was very easy and almost a waste of money!

Those who were not selected showed disappointment.

After the leader gave a brief explanation, the three people left the room.

On the other side, the Imperial City Technology Base!

In the base, Professor Sun is studying version 2.0 of the genetic enhancement solution.

At this time, a man in military uniform walked quickly towards Professor Sun.

Professor Sun, apart from you, has anyone else developed this genetic enhancement solution?

The man came to Professor Sun and asked him.

Professor Sun didn't know why, he shook his head and said: Except for me, I haven't heard of anyone who has developed a genetic enhancement solution!

Professor Sun is very sure.

He is a leading figure in this field, and he knows all the experts in this field, and he has not received any news about who has developed a genetic enhancement solution.

If they all said no, then it would be impossible for others to study it!

Professor Sun, have you ever transferred or given away genetic enhancement fluid to others?

Seeing Professor Sun shaking his head, the man asked again.

This time Professor Sun still shook his head and said: Chief, you know that since the power of zombies broke out, I have never left here. How can I still have time to deliver genetic enhancement fluid to others? You just Tell me, what happened!

Professor Sun knew that the chief could not say this for no reason. There must be a reason!

You should watch the video first!

The chief did not explain, but instead took out a tablet and played the video above, which was still the one about Li Shiyi!

Just watching the video, Professor Sun thought the leader wanted to talk about weapons.

Just when he was about to answer that making weapons was not his specialty, he suddenly saw the following content!

After reading the following content, he finally understood why the chief asked such a question.

“This, this, where does this video come from?”

After reading it, Professor Sun was more or less surprised!

He himself knows that so far, they have only produced a hundred bottles of genetic enhancement fluid, so it is naturally impossible for them to have any extra enhancement fluid for others to use!

In other words, the people in the video did not take their genetic enhancement fluid at all!

Seeing Professor Sun's surprised look, the chief replied: Su City!

Su Shi? Su Shi again?

How do you say it? Are there any other stories in Sioux City?

Chief, I wonder if you still remember the robot that appeared some time ago? It appeared in Sioux City! Now someone who looks like a genetic warrior has appeared again! I doubt it.

Do you suspect that Sioux City may be hiding an expert who is proficient in intelligent robots and biology?

Well! This is the only way it can be explained! Since that person can create a robot, he may not be able to develop a genetically enhanced liquid! It's just that

Just what?

I just don't know why he wants to remain anonymous?

Professor Sun murmured.

He has been in this field for so many years, but he has never heard of any powerful biologists in Sioux City!

Now it seems that since he can create genetically enhanced liquid, his professional level should not be lower than his!

I just don’t know why someone with such a high standard should remain anonymous and not be known to the world!

Perhaps others don't like fame and fortune?

The chief could only think this way.

Professor Sun also nodded. In fact, for him, it doesn't matter whether he is famous or not, as long as he can do research.

Then, Professor Sun said again: If I can let him study with me, I believe that the time for the release of Gene Enhancement Solution 2.0 will be greatly shortened!

In that case, I will contact Su City right now, hoping to find that person!

After saying that, the chief quickly left the laboratory!

He believes that as long as the genetic enhancement solution 2.0 can be developed, the zombie crisis will be solved soon!

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