Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 73 Bricks swiping zombies, so scary


The girl gasped and her eyes widened!

What did you see that made you so surprised?

Seeing his girlfriend's reaction so excited, the man asked quickly.

Then, he came closer and saw a white light coming from Santana, and a large number of zombies died under the white light!


Seeing this scene, the man's expression was exactly the same as his girlfriend's, and he was instantly shocked!

You must know that these zombies are much harder to kill than those in the movies. Even bullets require several bullets to kill them.

But now, he was shot to death by a white light?

And more than one died at a time! All zombies hit by the white light will die!

He knew that this white light was definitely not simple,

Then, the man followed his girlfriend's lead and picked up his mobile phone to take pictures.

If such a scene is posted online, it will definitely attract the attention of many people!

During the filming, the man could see more clearly that the white light was emitted from the car lights, but he didn't think it was a car light!

If that were the case, then zombies wouldn't be scary anymore. Everyone would just drive towards them!

In just a short moment, the man discovered that there were not thousands of zombies who died in Bai Guang's hands, but at least several hundred!

This surprised him very much!

You know, even if the army came in the first place, it would not be so efficient! And in the end, the entire army was annihilated in the hands of zombies.

If they had such weapons at that time, there would probably be no zombies in the whole world!

Thinking of this, the man began to make up his mind.

If only he had such a weapon?

In this way, he can become the savior respected by everyone, and when the time comes, he will have whatever he wants!

There are countless women who like him!

As he thought about it, the man started to giggle.

Indeed, this kind of imagination is indeed very beautiful.

However, the man's sweet dream didn't last long before his girlfriend woke him up!

what are you laughing at?

Seeing the man’s lewd smile, his girlfriend couldn’t help but kick him!

The man put away his smile, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and said angrily: No, it's nothing, I just thought of something happy!

Oh, shit!

As soon as he finished speaking, the man showed a horrified expression!

At first, his girlfriend thought he was trying to change the subject, but when she turned around, she also let out a Fuck!

From their perspective, a person jumped from a tall building. The key was that nothing happened after he jumped. He was still alive and kicking, and he was holding a dog in his arms!

Is this, is this still a human being?

They both spoke at the same time.

If a normal person jumped from such a high place, he would have died long ago!

Could it be a genetic warrior?

The next second, the two of them thought in their hearts at the same time.

Nowadays, the Internet extends in all directions, so they naturally know that the emperor has genetic warriors.

And judging from the astonishing move just now, it is exactly the same as the genetic warrior described in the imperial capital!

They all jumped from tall buildings, nothing happened, but this one was even more awesome, jumping directly from the fifth floor.

At this time, Li Shiyi didn't know that his actions had been spied on.

He just jumped down from the fifth floor with Xiao Hei in his arms. Nothing happened to him. He felt very good. It was indeed a booster produced by the system!


Seeing Li Shiyi, these zombies became even more excited. They all roared and rushed towards Li Shiyi.

Ka ka ka, ka your mom!

Looking at these zombies, Li Shiyi picked up a brick from the ground and threw it directly on the zombies' heads.

The huge force directly shattered the bricks, and at the same time, the zombie's head was also shot!


Wow, you're so warm! Isn't this too perverted? Just turn your head and call the zombies?

Seeing this scene, the young lovers upstairs started to curse.

Obviously, such a picture really affects their world view!

How big is the gap between people?

They can only hide, climb over the wall every day to find food, and live a miserable life!

Not only do others have sophisticated equipment, they can also use bricks to shoot zombies!

Xiaoqian, maybe our opportunity has come!

Seeing this, the man smiled and said.

After hearing this, my girlfriend was a little confused and asked, What opportunity?

She only knew how to clap her hands and call 6666. She didn’t know what her boyfriend meant by opportunity!

Look, he is so powerful. As long as we can be with him, we can survive in this apocalypse!

The man smiled and said that he believed that as long as they followed Li Shiyi and had Li Shiyi's protection, their safety would definitely be guaranteed!

Can he take us with him? After all, we can't bring him any benefits, so why should he take us with him?

Don't worry, haven't you watched the TV series? In the TV series, such awesome characters often bring a few subordinates to highlight their awesomeness, so as long as we can clap our hands and call 666, it should be fine. !”

Is this really okay?

Trust me, it's no problem!

The man said with certainty.

He has read a lot of apocalyptic novels. Almost all awesome people like to bring a few who can shout 666, so that they can bring out the awesomeness of the protagonist!

So he is very confident that Li Shiyi will keep them!

So, the two of them packed up their things and hurried downstairs, fearing that they would miss the opportunity!

Soon, the two of them came downstairs carrying large and small bags. These were all the food they had found over the past few days.

They believed that as long as they handed over the food, Li Shiyi would take them in. After all, they had a lot of food!

Of course, at the beginning, they would definitely not take out the food directly. They were also afraid that what if Li Shiyi came to kill people and steal the goods?

After all, there is no credibility at all now!

The man came to the door on the first floor and gave a signal with a flashlight.

After all, there are all zombies outside, and they are not as powerful as Li Shiyi, who can kill zombies with a brick.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have to take refuge in Li Shiyi.

Li Shiyi, who was killing zombies, noticed the signal from the man and looked towards the man.

Seeing Li Shiyi looking over, the man quickly said: Hero, hero, can you let us follow you? Please protect me.

The man looked pitiful.

As far as he knew, as long as they looked pitiful, these awesome people wouldn't leave it alone.

However, this time, he guessed wrong, and things did not develop as he imagined. In his imagination, when Li Shiyi saw them, he should come over to ask about their situation. However, in reality, Li Shiyi took a look , and no longer care.

How is this going?

The man is confused!

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