Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 70 Special Forces in the Bank

After disposing of the professor's body, Li Shiyi wandered around the edge of the school again. Basically, except for the house, everything else that could be recycled was recycled by him, and he received a lot of rewards!

After making money, he naturally had to spend it, so Li Shiyi found a safe place to spend it reasonably.

You know, there is still a large part of his extra-dimensional space that has not been used yet.

Meanwhile, on the other side!

Sioux City Bank!

Gu Gu Gu~

I'm so hungry. Why haven't the rescue teams arrived yet? I'm going to starve to death! Have they forgotten that we are there?

Maybe they can't get away now. If they hold on for a little longer, rescue might be here!

If it weren't for the order from above, I wouldn't stay in this damn place! It's better to fight zombies than stay here.

Calm down, there is nothing we can do. We have accepted the mission. This is our responsibility. We must protect this place!

In the bank, several men as strong as cattle were communicating with each other!

It can be seen from their bodies that they are definitely from the military, and they are equipped with sophisticated equipment. The only thing they lack is food!

They are special forces from Sioux City. After the zombies broke out, they were assigned to the bank to guard a group of precious things. Although they didn't know what they were, the order they received was to protect the bank at all costs until the rescue team Until you get there!

I thought it was just a small task that could be completed in two or three days at most, but who knew, the wait would take six days!

Their food had been eaten up long ago, and they ate all the edible food in the bank, but it still didn't work.

They do have the strength to go out and look for some food, but the task above is to let them stick to the bank. No matter what the circumstances, they cannot leave the bank!

They are soldiers, and they have strict military orders. They will not leave the bank unless support troops arrive.

It's not like they haven't thought about letting one person go out to look for food while the others guard the bank!

But they have no idea when the support force will arrive. Once they miss the rescue force, they will stay here forever!

So they gave up the idea and just hoped that the supporting troops could arrive quickly!

Several people leaned in the corner of the bank, which could greatly save their energy!

At the same time, a series of rustling sounds sounded outside the bank.

Captain, did you hear it? There seems to be some noise outside!

Said a special soldier near the bank gate.

After hearing what the man said, others also put their ears to the wall and listened to the sounds outside.

I heard it too, could it be a zombie? After all, there are a lot of zombies out there!

I can't tell, maybe it's a zombie, maybe it's not!

I don't feel like zombies, more like human footsteps!

Yes, I heard it too, zombies don't walk so heavy!

Is it possible that the rescue team is coming?

When everyone thought of the rescue team, an arc appeared on their faces!

Is it finally here? They can finally leave here and finally have food to eat!

At this time, a special soldier on the side looked serious, stared at the watch in his hand, and said in a deep voice: Be careful, maybe we are not a rescue force. Don't forget, the purpose of sending us here cannot be confirmed without confirming our identity. Take it lightly!”

The captain has been a special forces soldier for more than 20 years and is very experienced.

At the same time, he recalled what his superiors told him before leaving that the things in the bank were very important. In addition to the military knowing about it, there was also a group of mysterious criminals who knew that even if they risked their lives, they must protect the things inside. !

Moreover, there is another most critical news. If the rescue team does not arrive after five days, it means that the rescue team may have been killed!

It was already the sixth day, but in order to stabilize the morale of the army, he did not tell the team members the news!

So he knew very well that there was a high probability that the people coming from outside were not rescue troops!

Seeing the captain's serious expression, everyone became alert. It was obvious that they all trusted their captain very much!

Da da da

At this time, heavy footsteps sounded, like the countdown of a time bomb.

Everyone's attention is highly concentrated, the guns in their hands are pointed at the muzzle, and they can launch an attack at any time!

At this time, the captain spoke in sign language (pay attention to concealment!)

Seeing the captain's sign language, everyone else found cover and hid.


At this moment, the bank's door was smashed directly!

Everyone already had the answer in their minds at this time, this is not a rescue force!

Then, a black shadow appeared at the door of the bank, and everyone opened fire together!

The powerful firepower directly turned the black shadow into a dice!

The captain made another sign (ceasefire!)

All the team members stopped together!

Then, they began to communicate in sign language.

(No, it’s a zombie! And it’s a dead zombie!)

(Someone deliberately threw zombies to consume our bullets!)

(Captain, what should I do?)

(Observe first, then we attack the living zombies, leaving the dead alone!)

Originally, some words were not within the scope of their sign language, such as zombies!

But since the zombie crisis broke out, they learned sign language temporarily. As special forces, and with the foundation of sign language, they learned very quickly and mastered it completely!

After they ceased fire, they discovered that what they had killed was a zombie, and a dead zombie at that.

They reacted immediately. Someone must have wanted to use up all their bullets, so they used this method!

The captain also made a decision quickly!

Then, another zombie was thrown in!

This time, no one fired at the first opportunity, but prepared to confirm whether the zombies were alive or dead.

Sure enough, it was another dead zombie!

I heard no gunfire inside, but another zombie was thrown in from outside, and it was still dead. No one fired at all!

People outside also know that the special forces have guessed their purpose, but they still have a solution!


Another zombie was thrown in!


This time, it’s a living zombie!

At this moment, the zombie climbed up from the ground with difficulty!

However, at this moment, before he could get up completely, bullets were shot in the middle of his eyebrows, piercing his head!

Speaking of which, he was also unlucky. Not only was he taken to a straw boat to borrow arrows, but as soon as he got up from the ground, he immediately burped!

Not long after, another living zombie was thrown in!

All the special forces opened fire at the same time, grabbing the gun and hitting the head accurately. The zombie fell down before it could get up.

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