Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 65 People are sitting in the car, and energy crystals come from the sky

Chapter 65: People are sitting in the car, and energy crystals come from the sky.

As soon as he turned on his phone, Li Shiyi found a pinned news item.

[Professor Didu developed a genetic enhancement solution to create genetic warriors who can easily kill zombies! 】

Gene enhancement fluid? Gene warrior?

Chewing the steamed bun, Li Shiyi said doubtfully.

Although he also thought that there would definitely be some supplements or potions to enhance human physique in the future.

But I didn’t expect it to come out so quickly!

I just don’t know whether the genetic enhancement liquid developed by the professor is more powerful, or the body enhancement agent given by the system?

Li Shi's eyes flashed with golden light, and he couldn't wait to know who was more powerful!

Of course, it is useless for Li Shiyi to be anxious now. He knows that even if the genetic enhancement liquid is developed, the current quantity will be very small, at least it is unlikely to be popularized. It would be good if it can be used by the imperial capital.

However, Li Shiyi believes that there will always be opportunities in the future!

Turning off his phone, Li Shiyi quickly finished the steamed buns, and then took Xiao Hei to Su City.

He hasn't come to Su City to pull monsters for three days, how can this be done!

If he wants to get rich, he has to rely on zombies!

Not long after, Li Shiyi drove Santana around Sioux City.

At this time, the entire Su City has undergone great changes. There are various corpses everywhere, both human and animal!

Many houses have collapsed. If he hadn't lived in this city for several years, Li Shiyi would have thought he had traveled through time again!


At this time, a familiar voice sounded.

Zombies emerged from the dark corners one after another.

To be honest, Li Shiyi didn't know how these zombies discovered him.

He had just arrived, and these zombies looked like they had dog noses, and they discovered him.

However, Li Shiyi didn't care. Anyway, the purpose of coming here was to kill zombies.

They were able to come to the door on their own, which was exactly what Li Shiyi wanted!

This saves him from having to look for them one by one.

To be fair, there are really a lot of zombies in Sioux City.

It didn't take long for zombies to surge towards Li Shiyi like a tide! You can’t even count them with the naked eye!

If it were before, Li Shiyi would definitely still be afraid.

But now, these fears have disappeared.

There is a laser cannon, but you are afraid of a hammer!

A large number of zombies have been detected around the host, and war mode has been automatically turned on!

At the same time, the system automatically started war mode.

Wait for the zombies to gather!


A laser shot out, and white light instantly illuminated the shadows on the streets of Su City!

All the zombies hit by the laser had a big hole in their body and then lay on the ground.

The nano laser cannon is no longer the previous small machine gun and storm gatling, it also spits out bullets for you gently!

It's just a laser shot right up there, and I won't give you any reason at all!

Haha, it's really cool to upgrade your weapons!

When people sit in the car, energy crystals come from the sky!

Looking at the increasing number of energy crystals, Li Shiyi felt extremely comfortable!

Fortunately, I chose Nano Laser Cannon among Nano Laser Cannon and high-quality body enhancer!

Otherwise, would he dare to show off in Su City like he did today? joke!

This is? The former army?

While killing, Li Shiyi discovered that among these zombies, there were many zombies wearing military uniforms.

There are still bright red blood stains on the military uniform!

Li Shiyi knew that these zombies should be the soldiers who came to Su City to suppress the zombie army!

After being killed by a zombie, he also turned into a zombie!

Looking at them, Li Shiyi was filled with emotions. They were all heroes, but in the end they also turned into zombies!

Let's go all the way!

Li Shiyi murmured, and then ordered the laser cannon to fire!

It's a sigh of relief, but it's the end of the world and they have turned into zombies. Naturally, Li Shiyi will not be the Holy Mother! We won’t kill them because of their former identities.

They were heroes once, but now, they are zombies that can kill people at any time!

Mercy should not be left to them!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Sioux City Middle School, Laboratory

Teacher Qin, how about we give it a try!

Yes, Teacher Qin, the shelter is not far from our school! As long as we get to the shelter, we will be safe.

We are really unlucky. Seeing that the shelter has been repaired and we can go to evacuate, but at this moment, bird zombies appear in the sky, and the helicopter cannot be used!

We have almost eaten all the food in the school. Even if we are not eaten by zombies, we will starve to death by then!

In the school's laboratory, there are about seventy or eighty students hiding, as well as a teacher.

These people are the survivors of the entire school.

Only the laboratory was safe enough, so they looted all the food in the school and hid in the laboratory.

When the zombies first broke out, they thought the crisis would end soon, so they found a safe place nearby to hide.

The laboratory is really safe enough. They have been hiding here for several days, and no one has been eaten by zombies.

But unlike what they thought, this crisis did not end soon. On the contrary, it is now getting more serious.

Not only did all the troops who came to suppress them die, but in just a few days, the number of zombies in Sioux City increased a lot!

There are fewer and fewer people surviving!

But now, they are running out of food. Without food, they will all starve to death.

So they must find a way to get out of school and to a safe haven.

No! It's too dangerous outside now. If you go out, you will die!

After hearing what the students said, the only remaining teacher refused directly.

He knew that although it seemed that the shelter was not far from the school, it was actually at least a thousand meters away!

They want to go from school to the shelter, it is not just a matter of one kilometer!

There are all zombies outside, let alone one thousand meters away. They might have been eaten by zombies just after leaving the laboratory door, before even leaving the school!

You know, even those who are as powerful as the army have died in this army of zombies. It is simply more difficult for unarmed ordinary people like them to cross this kilometer and reach the refuge than to climb to the sky!

So he decisively refused, believing that someone would definitely save them.

So, he continued to speak: Students, it is very dangerous outside now. This is no joke! Our distress signal has been sent out. I believe someone will come to rescue us soon! Just hold on for a few more days!

As a teacher, he is naturally responsible for these students!

It's impossible to watch them die in vain!

Huh? Why do you smell barbecue? Am I too hungry? Well, I must be too hungry!

At this moment, Teacher Qin smelled the smell of barbecue.

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